Posted by Brian Lintner ( on July 03, 1999 at 10:33:24:
In Reply to: Cluster Headaches and Job Perfomance. posted by Richard E. DeFord on July 01, 1999 at 23:14:45:
Job Performance. Heh heh. I a military policeman.
You know, I've held the crushed head of the severly
injured, been splattered by hepatitus blood at
a suicide, been attacked by prisoners, had guns
pointed at me, I have three supervisors with individual
timelines, yadda yadda yadda. My most recent
episodic CH attack did not sit well with my already
upset sleep pattern (shift work) but come rain or
shine, or CH, gosh darnit, I was obligated to be
present for duty.
My most recent yearly assessment came about one
month after the CH attack.
I received a lower than average score on 'handling
stress.' The supervisor who wrote the assessment
said I was bothered by my work load and wasn't handling
the stress well.
Ho hum. Two years until retirement. Bastard.
Thanks for letting me vent.