Posted by DJ ( on July 01, 1999 at 02:57:41:
Here's a copy of the message that I just sent to Oprah nominating Dr. Peter J. Goadsby as my "Extraordinary Angel".
If you would like to do the same, go to
Don't forget to click "We're Looking for Extraordinary Angels!"
Copy of my message......
I would like to let you know about my Extraordinary Angel. His name is Dr. Peter J. Goadsby of the headache research unit at London's Institute of Neurology.
His recent research findings could possibly affect the approximate 26 million people in the United States alone who suffer from chronic headaches.
You see, I suffer from a condition known as cluster headaches. My condition is also referred to as "suicide headaches", "alarm clock headaches", and most commonly "the Demon". No one has ever been able to figure out WHY I have the pain in my head, just like no one has been able to figure out WHY people suffer from migraine headaches.
Dr Goadsby's reasearch no only gives me hope to understand why I've been cursed by "the Demon", but why the 25 million other people in this country suffer from chronic headaches. Dr. Goadsby's reasearch shows that chronic headache sufferers have an abnormalaty in the brain's STRUCTURE rather than the FUNCTION of the brain.
Quite contrary to migranieurs (who are mostly female), only an estimated 25% of females suffer from cluster headaches. As Dr. Goadsby explains during his interview with the BBC, women with "the Demon" express the pain as "worse than child birth". During my 15 year history with cluster headaches, my "cycle" usually lasts for 120 days and I average 3-5 cluster headaches per day. Oprah, can you imagine going through the pain of childbirth 3-5 times per day for 120 days straight!!!!!!!!???????? That's what it's like to live with "the Demon" That's why cluster headaches are referred to as "suicide headaches".
CBS, the BBC, and the USA Today had stories on Dr. Goadsby's findings yesterday. Please follow these links to see the magnitude of his groups study...
BBC (Real Video Available):
CBS (Real Video Available):
USA Today:
Oprah, PLEASE consider looking into the information that Dr. Goadsby has provided for the millions of chronic headache suffers from around the world, and specifically sufferers of "the Demon". He and his team of researchers may help me and my fellow cluster headache sufferers live a normal life!!!
Daren (DJ) Johnson