Posted by Sonya Banna on July 17, 1998 at 17:15:54:
In Reply to: Dealing with pain posted by Jude H on July 15, 1998 at 13:57:17:
I have had clusters since age 15 and I am
now 35. I use heat athritis gel immediately
on the spot on my head and on the side of my
nose and on the back of my head. It keeps the
pain from climbing to maximum stregnth. Don't
use anything cold. It causes the veins to close
up more. The heat gel causes the blood to be
able to flow easily through the swollen veins.
(see, that's what is causing our pain - swollen
veins). I carry flexall 454 in my purse all day
long and when I even THINK one is coming on... i
just rub some on my forhead, neck, and nose. Also
I swallow 2 Exedrin Migrane pills. They are over
the counter. Also, since O2 works for you.. as
it does for me..... go outside in the fresh air
and stand under a shaded tree and just breath along
with doing these other methods. I have been a
HARD sufferer for years. And this works for me.
Also, start drinking lots and lots of water too.
Some people get headaches like ours after excersice
and men after sex (bummer), and the suggestion for
them is to drink lots and lots and lots of fluids
like water. I did this in 1994 and it got rid
of my headaches in 2 days. Every day I drink 6
glasses of water and I haven't had anymore except
for yesterday when my car broke down in 117 degrees
and I was out there for 4 hours waiting for help.
(I live in Phoenix Arizona - HOT!).... All this
helps me. Write me and let me know if you tried
this. The biggest trick is to do this all before
or immediately upon a cluster coming on. I read
several articles and I picked up one clue after
the other. Herbs were worthless to me too. A
heating pad on my head overheated my brain and
caused nausea. So, buy some flexall heat gel or
some other heat athritis pain gel, Exedrin Migrane
and find a favorite shaded tree ... and breath
normally. I get rid of my clusters within 15
minutes. AND DRINK WATER.... 3 glasses before bed
time prevents me from getting a cluster in the night.
The doctor said a good sign is to pee every 30
minutes to make sure you are sacherating your body.
An ER doctor told me this trick in 1994. I swear
by it! Good luck and WRITE ME.