Posted by Nikki ( on June 26, 1999 at 16:54:35:
I am so frustrated!!!! Thank you to DawnMarie for the drug checker. Found only mild interactions for all my drugs. I must say I REALLY don't like doctors. Not only have they looked at me like I'm crazy in regards to CH but now with my tonsils feeling like cotton balls in the back of my throat! Doc told me that it wasn't strep but that he doesn't have a clue what it is. Instead of testing my blood he gave me e-mycin which has made me WORSE. I spent all last night hanging out w/ the dry heaves and praying for death to just take me. I called him today and while his response was quick he was NO help! He just told me to take a day off of the e-mycin! Fine! I'll wait til Monday and go try another doctor that my hubby has had better success with. I can't even go out or do anything and this is a BIG weekend for his company and a TON of fun! Plus I had to tell a friend that he can't stay with us this weekend. The reason I can't go out at all is that it could possibly be MONO, though how I would have gotten that is beyond me! Thanks for the venting time.