Posted by Steve W. on June 06, 1999 at 22:44:29:
In Reply to: Does anybody know... posted by Bill C on June 05, 1999 at 21:48:19:
I have had CH for 31 years. Last December I had a Central Retinal Vein Occlusion (blocked vein) in my left eye (my CH side). It caused bleeding on the retina. I woke up in the middle of the night and noticed I couldn't see the face of the clock on the wall, just peripheral vision remained. I was in no pain. I went back to bed and was going to see the doc, but when I woke up at 0730, the vision was o.k. again. The next time it happened, I went to the doc, but by the time I got there, it was o.k. again. A few days later it happened again, and when I got to the doc he could see the bleeding on the retina. I went to a couple of other ophthalmologists at Hershey Medical Center to monitor the condition (they can't unplug the clog, like a plumber can a sink) and now the blood has been on the retina so long, it has permanently damaged it. I will only have peripheral vision from now on. But, I'm only giving this info for those that might run into this problem. I don't think it has anything to do with your problem. With me, it is just like trying to look through a dark thick gray cloud . . . no colors. I do have a few white spots in the cloud that look like I am looking at microbes under a microscope. I wasn't having any CH at the time. I didn't get CH again until I came off the Prednisone they were giving me to try to reduce the swelling in the vein, so it would open up and drain the blood. So not only didn't my eye recover, now I have CH. But the water therapy looks like I may find a way out of the CH part. Good luck.
Steve W.