Posted by Linda B on June 01, 1999 at 18:24:44:
Tommarrow I take him to the hospital. We all know the drill. CS, blood work. If this all come`s back normal MRI.
His doctor is think the same as I CH. God I hope not. He said since it run`s in the family there is a very big posabilite that he has CH. I`m still optomistic that it wont be. Maybe it`s just mother`s wishfull thinking.
I`ll let you know more tommarrow what they say.
The doctor was rather impressed at how much I know about CH and any other form of HA`s. I told him after 25 year`s I`am a expert. In fact it was me that asked about the MRI. That`s when he ordered all the blood work to be done. As in my first report about my son I know what has to be done. I will not let any doctor slide one over on me. I have my shield in arm`s. This time I`m useing it on the doctor`s.
I do have a question. The doctor said something about putting him on Elavil. Isnt he to young? His 14.
If it is CH I dont think this would be enough to fight the evil demon. I`ll worry about that when the time come`s.
My CH is at a 8. So far it`s holding there. Alot better than it was this morning. This morning CH was`nt even on Kip`s chart it went way off the scale. Still I`m not going to let it keep me down.
I would also like to thank all of you for being there not just for me, but for my son to.It mean`s more than I will ever be able to express. If I didnt have this board an the care an love of you all I would be totally bonker`s.
Hug`s to you all Linda