Posted by Gayle Robertson on May 30, 1999 at 10:33:29:
In Reply to: Head banging and Discovery channel. posted by Bobby G on May 30, 1999 at 02:33:52:
I have been using d.h.e. for 6yrs. and it has been my lifeline. Four yrs. ago they becam almost daily,so you can imagine the shape of my rear-end. I have developed a rebound to the d.h.e.,and thought I was gonna die now. They have a fairly new test,using a computer that can more precisely locate the lobe of the brain that is being affect by a ch. They no what meds work best in the different lobes,so that you don't have to go through the trail and error of med. game. The part of my brain(luckly they found one)that was being affected respones best to seizure meds. I am on my forth day and am doing quite well. I believe this is going my answer until they can find a cure. I am having no side effects,and believe I live in nv. and believe I will be able to fly home weds. My neuroligist is in Columbus, Oh. I am staying with my Sant Ally. I hope this info can help you. Gayle