Posted by Rob Heckemann on May 25, 1999 at 11:30:13:
Stumbled across Mrs. Winfrey's website tonight. There's an E-mail adres, among other things. Could this be a way to get some attention on USA TV? Looking at the amount of people who did the survey thing in a very short time it should be possible to bombarde TV shows with E-mails, beggin for attention, telling them about OUCH. Would make a great story and who can tell it better then us? Add some video footage from me, crawling down the stairs at three in the morning, looking for my needles which my kids misplaced like some weeks ago. (They learned a lot of new words that night!)Or a video showing one of us figthing with his O2 mask and causing mr. Winky some trouble? Or the rottweiler show in the park? :)
Seriously now: there was a TV show here in Holland some time ago about CH, and I had a lot of people telling me, hey, I knew that you had that, but did not know it was sooooooo bad. (Not correct, it's much worse.)Think it is important to let as many people possible know that we are here and suffering.
So, let me know if you think this could work out. Think it is important that, IF we do something like this, as many from us as possible participate but that we all state the same person who can be our spokesman! (Hi there, DJ?)
If some of you wonder why a Dutchy wants his affliction on US TV: Oprah show is broadcasted here as well, we just see it some days later then you in the Land of the Free and the Brave!
Beside Oprah, we have Geraldo, Jerry Springer, David Letterman and.... uh, the guy with the enormous chin, forgot his name. Can E-mail them as well?
Just a thought. Painfree days to all! Rob.