Posted by Jan on May 23, 1999 at 11:29:12:
I have read the material on this site and the treatments for relief of the excruciating pain that comes with these headaches. I was once non responding to medications. My headaches occured almost constantly during each 24 hour period...only minutes between each intensifying headache, was I not in pain. My headache periods last for up to 9 months, even longer. I saw a neuroligist for another ailment and he remembered I have Cluster Headaches. He gave me a prescription for "Amitriptyline". I started with a low dosage and arrived at 50 mg. for the maintenance dosage. That was more than 10 years ago (I have had cluster headaches for the last 16 years). I have been taking 50 mg Amitriptyline almost every night since I started this medication....and have not had a "full blown" headache since. Mine are so severe without the medication, pain wise and endurance.....that I thought I would absolutely go mad. If and when I am able to discontinue the medication for any length of time...I can feel them coming on before they get to the horrible pain stage. I take a 50 mg amitriptyline, and repeat the dosage every night at bedtime. Since I've been on this medication....I have not been "disabiled" which is what had happened previous to this miracle working pill. I saw no mention of Amitriptyline as treatment, at no time, anywhere. I believe that if it works for would undoubtably work for other sufferers.