Posted by Cheryl G on May 13, 1999 at 17:36:13:
I received new meds from my Neuro (He is the best) He wanted to stop the clusters - well I'm taking sansert, lithium, wellbutrin and Imitrex as needed. Anyway i could handle most of the side effects - nausea, diarrhea, insomnia - but the vertigo and then the uncontrolled flaping of my arms and legs, well that was it. Called his office and the stopped the lithium, and sent me for lab work. Like I could my arm still, so I jump in the shower but didn't shave my legs (haha)anyway I hope they can level things off so I could stop looking like a zombie. However, at least I'm not getting the headsches. My husband says he's taking me out for and ice cream cone tonight, wonder if I'll wear most of it !!!