Zomig tip

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Posted by Glenn ( on July 13, 2001 at 09:53:11:

This is week 6 of the worst attack I have had in 18 years with the beast.I will leave out the long list of things I have tried that did not work.On the up side,I have been getting relief from Zomig in 2.5 mg tablets.At first it was taking to long to work but I found relief in 10 to 15 minutes when it was disolved in water prior to the attack.Lately I have kept 5 mg disolved in a 12 ounce plastic bottle,drinking half at a time.Only on a few occations did I need to take a second dose.This dossage is consistant with the manufacture's recomendations.The cost is high at $11 per tablet but is alot cheaper than Imitrex and the relief is longer lasting.I was able to get the insurance to approve 10 mg a day with some prodding.This has been a great help to me for the last 4 weeks now and hope it may be of some help to others.

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