Posted by Tiger Hatton ( on September 30, 2001 at 10:34:07:
My last CH started in April and ran to June I would check this site everyday and it would help me, not only for the advice, but I knew you all were the only ones who really knew the pain. Sorry I have not checked the site for a while as maybe I could have helped someone else. The fact the site has brought us together gives us more strength, to deal with this curse.
I know we should stick to the CH stuff on the site but I like to get this off my chest.This will be the last time I promise.
The United States has always been strong. Going all the way back to "Don't tread on me" but these fiends have brought us all together and have given us added strength. I wrote this which is the only Poem I have ever written.But you'll get the idea.
Hearts Will Never Mend
By Tiger Hatton
I wish I were more eloquent in expression
Maybe I could help relieve our need for aggression
I lost no family or loved one, nor a close friend
“Yet my heart will never mend”.
Through the media I have seen people so remarkable, I don’t know where to begin
The police, fireman, press, citizens, victims, friends and family, all reasons that we will win
There is a time to mourn and a time to weep
But as a Nation we are going to cut our enemy deep.
These cowards, women and children killers will all feel our Pain
As our resolve grows stronger each day, their chances go down the drain.
I see in President Bush eyes he is determined, I know he will not bend
Yet, like me his heart will never mend.
Forces have joined together to avenge this horrible act
Terrorist you will be hunted down beaten, burned and killed, that’s a fact
You can take our word we will have satisfaction
One day you will not even be a distraction
Our Military is on the move to some place we know not where
Most of us wish that we could be there.
Be careful you’re our country’s most prized possessions
You’re our only hope to rid the world of these killers and their obsessions.
Let us never brag or boast of terrorist that we kill
One day soon we will get our fill
That day will come when they are all dead, that will be the end
If they are not all dead it is not the end
“Our hearts will never mend”