Posted by Nevyn Campanella ( on December 21, 1999 at 11:23:47:
I have finished the first beta version of the cluster tracking system. The title of the software is "I Am Not Alone". This software will aid in rating pain, recording each event and provide some methods for behavioral control of the pain. The software is free. Please go to the following site for more specific information (Look for the entry of December 21.
What I need at this point are some cluster heads, in cycle, that are willing to help with this project. If you have complained because no one cares about those who suffer from the cluster, now is your chance to get involved.
The actual software involves 1 application file and one data base file. It is in Visual Basic. For those who have the run times already on your pc, these are the only two files you will need. For others, you will have to download from another web (explained at or I can email the setup program (ugh. I hate that because it is so slow). The email part is slow, but I have sent this out this way and everything seems to work (with a little frustration).
Nevyn Campanella
P.O. Box 100
Glenwood, N.M. 88039