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Go back up to loading dose of D3? (Read 3486 times)
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Go back up to loading dose of D3?
Aug 17th, 2016 at 10:50am
Hello Batch,

This is Amanda here, my best friend suffers from CH - Iīve been on the forums some years ago and got so much help for her from the D3 regime.

She is 3 weeks into a cycle right now.  We did the two week loading dose and there was very minimal pain - better than ever I think.  Now she is down on 10,000 IU per day and the pain seems to be getting stronger.  She had a couple of nights with 3 pains.

I know the only way to know anything for sure is through a blood test - she lives in remote Mexico and doing a test right now isnīt possible.

Based on your experience, could it be that she needs to increase her IUīs of D again?  What would be best to go back up to?

Thanks so much for your help - for this forum and all the work.  Itīs been a lifesaver.

Many thanks,
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Re: Go back up to loading dose of D3?
Reply #1 - Aug 19th, 2016 at 12:22pm
Iīve had no response to this...

Really hoping for someone insight...

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Re: Go back up to loading dose of D3?
Reply #2 - Aug 19th, 2016 at 1:20pm

It's hard to say without the blood test. Has she been experiencing any allergies (pollen for example) or has she had any other illnesses, even a common cold, in the last week or two??


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« Last Edit: Aug 19th, 2016 at 1:21pm by Peter510 »  

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Re: Go back up to loading dose of D3?
Reply #3 - Aug 19th, 2016 at 8:20pm
Hi Peter,

Thanks for getting back to me - nope, no colds, allergies or anything like that...

She had to strong nights of pain and last night was less again.

Have you ever heard of anyone needing more d3 than the loading dose provides to get in the right range?

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CH.com Alumnus

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Re: Go back up to loading dose of D3?
Reply #4 - Aug 20th, 2016 at 1:50am
Hey Amanda,

Sorry to be so slow in responding.  My time hasn't been my own these days...  I returned from a 5 day fishing trip to Alaska on the 15th and the "Honey Do" list my wife maintains has been onerous...

It's quite possible your friend in Mexico needs a higher maintenance dose of vitamin D3.  I would take another 50,000 IU loading dose of vitamin D3 then bump the maintenance dose up to 15,000 IU/day and keep it there for at least a month before dropping back to 10,000 IU/day.

It's also possible your friend has an allergic reaction cooking away.  The solution here is to pick up some Benadryl (Diphenhydramine HCL).  A 25 mg tablet of Diphenhydramine in the morning and another 25 mg tablet in the evening should work wonders.  A week to 10 days of the Benadryl (Diphenhydramine HCL) should be sufficient.  If there's no change in CH patterns after a week of Diphenhydramine... discontinue...

Diphenhydramine is a first-generation antihistamine that crosses the blood brain barrier to block H1 histamine receptors on neurons throughout the brain including the trigeminal ganglia.

Make sure your friend is taking all the cofactors including the 3 month course of vitamin B 50, and if possible, sees a doctor for lab tests of her serum 25(OH)D and calcium.  If that is not possible she can order a home DIY blood spot lab test for 25(OH)D from GrassrootsHealth for $65 at the following link.

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Take care and please keep us posted on your friend's progress.

V/R, Batch
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Re: Go back up to loading dose of D3?
Reply #5 - Aug 20th, 2016 at 5:36am

Batch is the Maestro when it comes to the D3 Regimen, so follow his advice diligently.

We forgot to mention how much we love CH supporters here. Many of us might not be around today if it wasn't for the support of family and friends, so a huge thank you to you for supporting your friend.

Support like yours gives real meaning to the term "best friend".

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Re: Go back up to loading dose of D3?
Reply #6 - Aug 21st, 2016 at 8:33pm
Thank you so much for getting back to us Batch - also Peter for your help here.

Iīve passed all this info onto my friend (I am in Canada at the moment and she in Mexico).

Yes, Peter, I totally agree about "best friend" when someone really helps!  I have my 2 closest friends in the village I live in with serious headaches.  One has Clusterheadaches - and the other closest friend with trigeminal neuralgia which is almost constant.   

When the beast comes I am usually the only one with the ability to look online, research, etc.

My friend with the cluster headaches is doing so much better and this regime seems to really be the hero of the story.  So my gratitude is huge!

She asked me about taking year round - I know she needs a blood test - but is wondering in general are people who are on maintenance doses year round always taking all the cofactors?  She is a little concerned about taking that many vitamins throughout the whole year as she feels it could be hard on the system in other ways.  In her case she only gets cluster headaches every 2 years and they last for 6 weeks.  They come only in the night and peak at 3 weeks in.

When I wrote the question about going up on the loading dose she had a couple of harder nights (also around the full moon) but it seems now this was the peak of the cycle and it has gone back down now.

Without question this D3 Regime has been extraordinarily helpful - so we are very very thankful.  She will take another 50,000 tomorrow and go to a maintenance dose of 20,000 (her pills are in 10,000 and are the kind you canīt cut)... hope itīs ok!

Thank you again!
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« Last Edit: Aug 21st, 2016 at 8:34pm by amandabe »  
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CH.com Alumnus

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Re: Go back up to loading dose of D3?
Reply #7 - Aug 21st, 2016 at 11:11pm
Hey Amanda,

Thanks for the update.  The anti-inflammatory regimen is so healthy for us, there's every reason to take it year round... even if CH cycles come once every two years. 

The cofactors: magnesium, zinc, boron, vitamin A (retinol) Vitamin B12, and Vitamin K2 are essential in metabolizing vitamin D3 and in its role in genetic expression.  It's the genetic expression made possible by the genetically active vitamin D3 metabolite 1,25(OH)2D3 that's responsible for not only preventing CH, but in turbocharging our immune system to keep us free from viral, bacterial and fungal infections.

Take a look at the following VitaminDWiki link:  It lists 70 conditions either prevented or treated with vitamin D3.  Most of these entries have links to the RCTs that provide proof of efficacy.

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There should be no worry about the extra vitamin and mineral cofactors.  Their doses are all at the recommended Required Daily Allowance (RDA).  If she skips the Super K and takes one of each of the remaining supplements shown below as a minimum when out of cycle, that comes to for tablets/capsules a day... for a grand total of less than 30 cents a day USD. 

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I look at this regimen as a way of life for CHers not to mention the least expensive, safest, and most effective health insurance money can buy. 

I have my entire family taking it year round.  My brother, wife, three kids, their spouses and seven grand kids.  I also have most of my close friends taking this regimen as well and none of them have CH.  Are you taking it year round?

If your friend has problems obtaining the 25(OH)D lab test, you can order it for her from GrassrootsHealth *D Action and have it mailed to her in Mexico.  I order this lab test for my wife's childhood  friend in Canada. 

She opted for the anti-inflammatory regimen in lieu of radiation and chemo therapy after surgery for stage 2 breast cancer.  She's remains cancer free two years later and just completed her fourth 6 month checkup with flying colors.

Take care and please keep us posted.

V/R, Batch
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« Last Edit: Aug 22nd, 2016 at 9:48am by Batch »  

You love lots of things if you live around them. But there isn't any woman and there isn't any horse, that’s as lovely as a great airplane. If it's a beautiful fighter, your heart will be ever there
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CH.com Alumnus

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Re: Go back up to loading dose of D3?
Reply #8 - Aug 22nd, 2016 at 6:12am

I too suffered my CH episodically for many years until I turned chronic about 3 years ago. This means that I suffer attacks daily, all year round.

Consequently I take the D3 and all cofactors with my main meal as part of my daily routine.

My wife suffers severe anaemia since she had serious intestinal surgery back in 2013/2014 and also takes the full regime daily for general health. Having taken a fall in 2015 and breaking her leg, her orthopaedic surgeon was amazed at her speed of recovery. The regime is excellent for post surgery recovery.

My brother, recently deceased, was taking it full time following removal of half his liver due to cancer and we believe, as does his oncologist, that he survived a full year after the surgery due to D3. Other, comparative cases, did not have the same outcome.

Like Batch, I too have small grandchildren taking it (in reduced doses, of course) and they are fine, healthy children.

SO......we have experienced nothing but good health from taking D3 and all the cofactors all year round.

Best regards,

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Re: Go back up to loading dose of D3?
Reply #9 - Aug 22nd, 2016 at 6:12pm
Thanks again Batch and Peter.

Iīm glad to hear that so many are taking these with such a positive effect all year round.

So here is just one other question:

Itīs super hard to get citrates in Mexico (calcium and magnesium) although places like iherb do "ship" to Mexico we have had so many issues of being caught by customs itīs ridiculous and they simply wonīt let the package through.

Vitamin K is also hard, but we do get the cheese.

I will try to drive a good amount across the border when I drive down soon to stock up...

But wondering then: of all the co-factors are there any that are most essential for taking year round?  For example if just one thing canīt be obtained will it mess with the whole cocktail?

Finally - I have heard that this works well for Trigeminal Neuralgia as well... is that true?  I would also like to get my other close friend on this regime. 

As I said - I have a strange karma with these head pains... I am totally free of them myself, the only headaches I ever get are from occasional hangovers.... but 2 of the people I love most in the world who are both in a little village in Mexico have these pains...  I have to find solutions!  Smiley
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