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We need your prayers (Read 3024 times)
CH.com Hall of Famer

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We need your prayers
Jun 13th, 2012 at 2:20am
I am writing this at a hospital bed, I  am in bed rest. During a routine check up on Monday was discovered that my body would be ready to give birth,my pregnancy week is only 31+4 today. We need to get to Saturday, 32+0 at least, but 34 would be much better.

So those who can, please send some prayers or vibes our way. This is not a disaster, because baby seems to be fine, her weight was estimated to be 1700grams, but she needs weeks of growing up,hopefully inside of me where she still belongs.

I am painful contrastions and getmedical  treatment for them,luckily for me the first ones appeared only yesterday while I was already here.

I am worried about the little one,and about Esa. We have not had the time to talk about this at all and the move to our new home is approaching,too.I am not sure how he is holding up...

Best wishes to you all,hopefully you are pf,
Sanna and LittleRascal 31+4
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Re: We need your prayers
Reply #1 - Jun 13th, 2012 at 7:53am
Here's prayers and good thoughts for all of you.  Little bean needs to stay in the oven just a bit longer.

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Re: We need your prayers
Reply #2 - Jun 13th, 2012 at 8:07am
Prayers and positive thoughts headed out, Sweetie....
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Re: We need your prayers
Reply #3 - Jun 13th, 2012 at 8:10am
Praying for your bean to stick, Sanna!  Love you and take it easy.

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Re: We need your prayers
Reply #4 - Jun 13th, 2012 at 8:56am
Smiley Smiley Tell the little bean to stop being do danged impatient, he'll never have it as comfy as he has it now. All our love and Vibes to you Sanna.

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Re: We need your prayers
Reply #5 - Jun 13th, 2012 at 9:06am
Prayers for you and your little one, Sanna.  I'll be thinking of you. 


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Re: We need your prayers
Reply #6 - Jun 13th, 2012 at 9:30am
From me too!

As Joe says: He doesn't know just how good he's got it......

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Re: We need your prayers
Reply #7 - Jun 13th, 2012 at 7:01pm
Ours thoughts and prayers are with you.
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Re: We need your prayers
Reply #8 - Jun 13th, 2012 at 7:30pm
Our thoughts and good wishes to you, Esa, and the little one, Sanna. 

All the best,

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Re: We need your prayers
Reply #9 - Jun 14th, 2012 at 5:54pm
I will be praying for you and your baby.
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Re: We need your prayers
Reply #10 - Jun 14th, 2012 at 10:57pm
Me too.
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Re: We need your prayers
Reply #11 - Jun 15th, 2012 at 1:32am
Been praying for you.
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Re: We need your prayers
Reply #12 - Jun 15th, 2012 at 6:55am
Hang in there kid.

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« Last Edit: Jun 15th, 2012 at 6:58am by Kevin_M »  
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Re: We need your prayers
Reply #13 - Jun 15th, 2012 at 8:18pm
Being in the hospital must be very frustrating for you but I know your baby will be just fine.  Spoken from one who has had 7 of the little ones.  Prayers for a easy labor, a healthy child and a fast re-cuperation.

Linda Smiley

edit to add:  You posted this at your hospital bed I am assuming...while you wait you apparently DO have access to your computer.   Let me tell you a story of when I was in labor with my 2nd. son.  (all guys may stop reading this now)

   When I went into what I though was labor pains with my 2nd. son...it turned out to be false labor.  I was sent home.  A week goes by and now I am really in pain.   I turn myself in to the hospital certain it is labor this time.  Many hours later.  NOPE.  Not in labor.  The Doctor is sick of seeing me by this time. Looking at me with that "LOOK" that a doctor gets when taken away from paying customers... Another 9 days goes by.  This time when I started having pains, I waited til the last min.  timing my contractions,  I call the Dr.  I'm in Labor I scream at him.  Do you remember Aesops fable of the person who cried wolf?   My Dr. said..get here and we'll see.  I'll be over...maybe.   Angry

I WAS in labor this time.  Someone gave me a shot of what is called "Twilight sleep"  Oh lordy...that stuff is weird.  Finally my Obstetrician who is disgusted, comes in at the last second,  I look at him with hate filled eyes and I kicked in him the gut. In between contractions I felt so good though.  Wink 

O.k. assuming you are laying in that hospital bed with nothing to do, how about all you other women sharing their funny labor stories with Sanna while she waits???

FUNNY stories are the key word here.  Wink
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« Last Edit: Jun 15th, 2012 at 10:02pm by Linda_Howell »  

Hurt people.....hurt people.   Think about it.
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Re: We need your prayers
Reply #14 - Jun 16th, 2012 at 2:13am
Praying for you Sanna.  My daughter went through that with her little girl just a few months ago, so we know how you are feeling right now.  Hang in there.  It will happen when it happens.  Worry will only make it worse.

All the best to you, Esa, and the little one.

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CH.com Hall of Famer

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Re: We need your prayers
Reply #15 - Jun 16th, 2012 at 2:53am
Thank you all for your prayers and kind words. So far, things are ok, the doctor will check the situation on Monday. If things are okay, they might let me go home at the end of next week. Until then, I will remain in bed rest and take it very easy.
Esa borrowed me a Tablet, so I have internet access and can write a bit, which is great.
Linda, thanks for your story, I had fun reading it.Smiley You know, my cousin went through something similar last year,she was sure that they will send her home but that time her son was nearly out.Smiley

Best wishes and PFdays to all,
Sanna and LittleRascal 32+0 Smiley
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Re: We need your prayers
Reply #16 - Jun 16th, 2012 at 10:28am
You and L R will have be in an extra special prayer from my wife and I today. I know God will be hearing alot from all of us about ya'll (southern term for you, Esa and Little Rascal) Keep us informed.
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Re: We need your prayers
Reply #17 - Jun 19th, 2012 at 8:22pm
I went into labor at 14 weeks - yea, only 14 weeks.  Several procedures and surgeries and I managed to carry him to 38 weeks.  Glad I didn't give birth on the due date which was a Friday the 13th!!  I imagined a boy named Damien with red eyes . . . . .

He'll be 21 years old this year.  Time freakin flies!!!!!
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CH.com Hall of Famer

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Re: We need your prayers
Reply #18 - Jun 21st, 2012 at 11:42am
I'm happily back home.Smiley

The doctor checked me this morning and because things had remained the same during my whole stay at the hospital and no more contractions had appeared, the doc sent me home,yay! Smiley

For now, I remain in bed rest at home. When I will reach pregnancy week 34, I can begin to do more, but I'm not alowed to sit for long time, clean, lift anything heavy... And I must avoid anything and everything that might induse labor.

This week is good, but every day,every new week is much better, so I am planning to take it easy and follow the doctor's orders. After all, I'm on sick-leave until July 6, then my maternity leave begins. Me and LittleRascal are planning to prove one midwife wrong; she said that we will not make it to August. Well, we'll see about that.Wink

Thank you all for your support. It means a lot to us.Smiley

PF days to all,
Sanna&LittleRascal 32+5
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Tara Ann
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Re: We need your prayers
Reply #19 - Jun 21st, 2012 at 4:42pm
Little bean is just so impatient to meet you!  My little Toni Lou tried to make an early appearance, but was unsuccesful.  After much worry, and early labor events, the dr said if I went into labor he wouldn't stop it cause it she was strong enough to finally make an entrance.  Do ya think she was ready then?!  Nope Smiley lol I'm so glad you are home now.  I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers that your impatient one remains patient a bit longers!
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Mike NZ
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Re: We need your prayers
Reply #20 - Jun 21st, 2012 at 6:45pm
Great update Sanna.

I bet Esa will be over the moon to have you home and all to eager to do all the housework he can possibly do!
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Re: We need your prayers
Reply #21 - Jun 22nd, 2012 at 7:45am
Awww, happy you're home.
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