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Is there a pattern to it all?? (Read 2010 times)
CH.com Newbie

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North Wales, GB
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Is there a pattern to it all??
Jun 8th, 2012 at 5:27pm
Hi all,
I've just joined this site and WOW! I was starting to think there was something wrong with me, but hey I'm not alone.
A big hello to everyone around the globe from here in little old North Wales.
I was wondering if anyone had rustled up some kind of chart or similar to see what the cause of these bloody things is or are there any patterns to these, I've read that some folks get 'em towards the end of the year ( Like me ) they wake you not long after nodding off ( like me ) they REALLY REALLY hurt and reduce men to tears ( like me ). you get the picture. I'll try to start it off. I'm male 38 yrs old non smoker, non drinker ( T total ) never tried drugs (Illegal kind ) married ( happily, in case the wife sees) not under or over weight, drink a fair bit of pepsi and decaff tea love cake and biscuits or anything with sugar I've got a childish sense of humour and a good creative mind, umm, err, ok I'm running out of ideas but you know what I mean by this can some computer whizz maybe sort something out on here that we can all fill it in with specific questions and we may end up with a pattern. Oh yeh, I read somewhere on here that someone asked if they could fly, I've tried flapping my arms like hell in the back garden to the amusement of my neighbours but I'll be damned if I lifted off, can others take off??
Thanks for listening to my rantings.
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San Diego to Florida 05-16-2011

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Re: Is there a pattern to it all??
Reply #1 - Jun 8th, 2012 at 5:32pm
No one knows for sure yet. The most prevalent theory is we have a defective hypo-thalamus gland which helps to explain the patterns many of us experience, same time each year, same time for the attacks each day.

All that means stop looking for a theory as to the WHY! It'll drive you nits...where most of us happy folks already reside! Grin

That being said lets start with an overview, are you working with a headache specialist neuro yet? We have seen the best results from doing so. There are hundreds of headache types, some which mimic CH, and it’s important to eliminate those before arriving at a firm diagnosis. I’ve had CH for 33 years, they haven’t killed me yet! You need an organized approach to managing them so they don’t manage your life. I use a 3 pronged approach, many use a similar approach:

1: A good prevent med. A med I take daily, while on cycle, to reduce the number and intensity of my attacks. I use lithium, it blocks 60-70% of my attack. Verapamil is the most common first line prevent, topomax also has a loyal following. Some have to combine lithium and verapamil together to get relief.

2: A transitional med. Most prevents will take up to 2 weeks to become effective. I go on a prednisone taper, from 80 mg to zero over a two week period to give me a break while my prevent builds up. Prednisone will provide up to 100% relief for many CH’ers but is harsh on the system and should only be used for short periods of time.

3: An abortive therapy, the attack starts, now what? Oxygen should be your first line abortive. Breathing pure 02 will abort an attack for me in less then 10 minutes, that’s completely pain free. Read this link as it must be used correctly or it will not work

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Imitrex nasal spray and injectables are very effective abortives. I use the injectables, they’re expensive, and I rarely use them, mostly just when I get caught away from the oxygen. The pill form generally works too slow to be effective for CH’ers.

Go to the medications section of this board and read the post "123 pain free days and i think I know why." It’s a vitamin/mineral/fish oil supplement, all over the counter stuff, that’s providing a lot of relief for people who have tried it, it’s a long read, worth the time.

For now, get some energy drinks. Rock Star, Monster, any containing the combo of caffeine and taurine, chug it down as fast as you can when you feel an attack starting. Many can abort or at least really reduce an attack using these.

Finally, visit our sister board for “alternative” treatment methods outside of mainstream medicine. As you’ll see from all the success stories on this board, there is something to it.


Read everything you can on this board, if you are a CH’er, knowledge is your best ally. We’ll help you all we can.

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"Somebody had to say it" is usually a piss poor excuse to be mean.
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CH.com Newbie

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North Wales, GB
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Re: Is there a pattern to it all??
Reply #2 - Jun 8th, 2012 at 5:50pm
Hi there,

To be brutaly honest I don't even know for sure if I do suffer from CH's but after spending a load of time on the net looking a differing types of headaches these ch's have way too many similarities to not warrant further investigation, I'll be seeing my local doc next week and asking more precise questions, I saw him earlier today and looking back he did seem to aim a few ch related queries my way such as severity, timing, duration, etc etc. he pescribed sumatriptan 50 mg and Ibuprofen and paracetamol, earlier on today I took one of these sumatripy thingys and bugger all happened I was still crippled with pain for the standard 90 mins and just as it was ending I found this site.
Please tell me when you get these ch's is it more a case of a 24/7 light headache with the odd horrendous one lasting around 1.5 hours the whole event lasting from a few weeks to several months. Because thats what Ive got.
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San Diego to Florida 05-16-2011

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Re: Is there a pattern to it all??
Reply #3 - Jun 8th, 2012 at 10:39pm
My CH developed a pretty specific pattern in my 20's,  2 cycles a year, spring and fall, 8-12 week cycles, usually 2 attacks a day. I was unusual in that I never had the wake up attacks. In my 40's they went all over the place. 8 month cycles, up to 18 month remissions.

If you're  not already keeping a headache diary, start one. When they start, how fast they build, how high the pain level builds, how long it stays at peak, describe the pain itself; stabbing, throbbing, boring, etc. , how fast it goes away, anysecondary syptoms, tearing eyes, runny nose, auras, any triggers you have identified, foods, drinks, environmemntal, how any meds affected the attack, the more details the better.

I'd really look at the Batch Regimen, the vitamin D-3 regimen, as it seems to help both CH'ers and migrains. And do try to get a referral to a headache specialist neurologist. Headaches are a unique disorder. GP's get about 4 hours TOTAL education on all headache types at doctor school. Garden variety neuros not much more. It really helps to get referred to a specialist.

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Click on this link and take the quiz. The answers will help whoever you go to in getting an accurate diagnosis.

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"Somebody had to say it" is usually a piss poor excuse to be mean.
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Bob Johnson
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Re: Is there a pattern to it all??
Reply #4 - Jun 9th, 2012 at 7:37am
You have a most excellent support group which would be well to explore:   Multimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or Register

The meds you have been given for Cluster suggests a doc lacking current training in this area--a not uncommon pattern from folks in GB.

I understand that you have a legal right to seek treatment from a headache clinic, by-passing local medical sources. The OUCH group can advise....

Re. your question on patterns: individual variation is such that there isn't much to be gained by outlining the broad patterns which can be described. Of more value would be for you to start a headache diary recording your pattrerns: time, duration, treatments & results, etc.. Docs find this information useful.

Explore the buttons, left, starting with the OUCH site. Regular reading of messages posted here will help.
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Bob Johnson
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CH.com Newbie

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North Wales, GB
Gender: male
Re: Is there a pattern to it all??
Reply #5 - Jun 10th, 2012 at 3:55pm
Thanks for the feedback, I'm going to start a diary ASAP.
With me being a driving instructor I've got a diary on the go anyhoo so I should be able to adapt to it quite easily. I had 3 attacks yesterday which was quite worrying normally it's 1 a day at it's worst, I slept like a log last night and I've had nothing today, I hope I get nothing tomorrow as I'm going with friends to Alton towers ( the UK's version of Disney ) I really need a nice break. I think I'll make an appointment to see my doc next week and request a noodle specialist in the hope of getting somewhere..... Thanks again for all your support as this is some scary sh*t.
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Time is the fire in which we burn.
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CH.com Alumnus

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Re: Is there a pattern to it all??
Reply #6 - Jun 12th, 2012 at 7:45am
The only thing I would add to what has already been said is if you are diagnosed with CHs, push for three things: a good preventative, a steroid taper, and an effective abortive. The most effective abortives are O2 and imitrex injections. The pills are way too slow. There are also nasal sprays available which are better than pills. But, a diagnosis comes first. The diary will go a long way in helping you chart whatever "personal patterns" emerge. Include the quiz at left as well. Good luck and God bless. lance
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lydia nichole
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Re: Is there a pattern to it all??
Reply #7 - Jun 12th, 2012 at 11:48am
I think it has to be a problem in are DNA or something because there are chronic and episodic sufferers. I get so mad because it something that is sooo painful and so depressing to have and yet so little research is being done.
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CH.com Old Timer

2012, Year of the Honey

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Richmond, Virgina, USA
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Re: Is there a pattern to it all??
Reply #8 - Jun 12th, 2012 at 12:31pm
Just a note on the headache diary, don't be surprised if your doctor barely glances at it. I've had a GP and two neurologists completely ignore the notes I'd taken, and I almost quit keeping one since the docs didn't seem to care. I decided to keep the diary for myself, as I was able to pick through my own data easily and look for patterns. Docs have limited time, so I would highly suggest looking for these patterns yourself and summarizing them ahead of time.
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