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Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey (Read 248154 times)
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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #425 - Nov 1st, 2015 at 6:07am
My goodness, thanks for the support everyone.  And, BATCH,  you're a  genius.  I am fully allergic to something at the moment - the past few days (could even be weeks) i've been getting sporadic itchy throat, which drives me nuts.  I reckon the biggest culprit will be a dirty air conditioner unit in my bedroom. We've just started turning it on overnight because it's heating up here in Aus and, truth be told, it's got a bit of a funk to it.  No doubt inoculating myself with billions of fungal spores and God knows what every night. Your theory fits my pattern.

You know what?  I'm driving to the late night chemist right away to get me some Benadryl and Vitamin C.  Tomorrow you'll find me cleaning the air conditioner filters!  Serve me right for stewing in filth every night.

Thanks again. I shall report back (and i'm not just saying that)
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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #426 - Nov 1st, 2015 at 3:56pm
Hey Engels,

Good move picking up the vitamin C and Benadryl (Diphenhydramine)...  You may need an Rx for the Diphenhydramine hydrochloride down under as several brands of "Benadryl" sold outside the US use second- and third-generation antihistamines so don't contain Diphenhydramine.  As always, check the label for the "Active Ingredient."

Before you clean your air conditioner, pick up some Lysol Power & Free® and read the following link on how to clean your air conditioner:

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The Lysol Power & Free® contains hydrogen peroxide as the active ingredient so should do a good job killing off mold and bacteria as well as preventing their buildup in the finned evaporator cooler coils, air filter and condensation drip pan.

The compressor on our heat pump in our home in Virginia went out one summer many years ago and left us without AC for a couple very hot days...  The unit was 30 years old so we had a new heat pump and air handler with heating and cooling coils installed. 

When I asked if the heat and cooling ducts needed cleaning, the technician said he would use a disinfectant spray... and he did...  Unfortunately the industrial strength disinfectant he used had the house smelling like sheep dip for weeks...  The hydrogen peroxide should work just as well and be a lot safer in the process.

Take care and please keep us posted.

V/R, batch

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« Last Edit: Nov 3rd, 2015 at 1:39am by Batch »  

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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #427 - Nov 1st, 2015 at 7:27pm
Hi Batch

I couldn't get benadryl (diphenhydramine) from the late night pharmacy (will try again today).  However, I sourced Phenargan (promethazine hydrochloride) that also crosses the blood-brain barrier and is a first generation anti-histamine (it made me noticeably drowsy).

Brings up another question or two: 

(A) Is the antihistamine something that can be taken throughout a cycle - i.e protracted dosing for 6 weeks?  I see two potential issues with this (1) drowsiness during the day obstructing the need to work (2) potential liver toxicity.  Last night i took two of the antihistamines and i was really groggy in the early hours.  However, I have taken one this morning and will see whether the ensuing fog is something i could work through

(B) If many of these allergies are sub-clinical/asymptomatic and the allergen is invisible (e.g. fungal spores, unlike the pollen on your car), then it's going to be hard to know when to start and stop the antihistamine.  Do you see the antihistamine dosing becoming a natural part of the d3 regimen for people who identify as allergic or who do not respond to D3 in the normal way? 

(C) phenargan / promethazine hydrochloride is also first generation antihistamine.  The literature indicates its primary use is as an anti-emetic but that it is also indicated for allergy.  What made you specifically select Benadryl out of the list of 17 or so alternative first gen drugs?

Thanks for all your thoughts

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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #428 - Nov 2nd, 2015 at 2:10am
Hi Engles,
               Yes, I elevate the D3 when shadows appear, and that usually elevates me to around 240 nmol, I then drop back to 10,000iu after a weeks load up.  I'm due to get tested again, so it will be interesting to see where I have ended up, but past history when I did the same thing, I never ended up more than 240 nmol.
As far as the Benadryl goes, try chemist warehouse, they actually keep the "original type" behind the counter, so you have to ask. There starting to get real particular about selling it. So after I got that bottle, I went on line ( ebay)and ordered the 5o mg pills, from a U.S supplier, cost me about $18 all up, I wondered whether it would get stopped at customs, but it arrived in about a week.  I found by taking the Benadryl at night, 2 hours before bed, it really cleared my nose up and sent me off quickly to sleep. I found that I didn't have to take it thru the day. I used it for about 2-3 weeks, I haven't used it for about a week as it seemed to settle down, at the same time my cycle slowed down and basically finished.  as mentioned, my cycle, was basically 4-5 weeks of mainly shadows, and 1 or 2 kip 2 hits a day, which a red bull killed fairly quickly. So while I'm not totally pain free, my last few cycles have been nothing but a mild nuisance.  I've tried quite a few different extra things, as recommended by batch over the
journey, and slowly but surely, its improved each cycle.
I dropped the calcium last year, as I have a good dairy diet, and when I did, things got better for me. Other than that, the only annoyance with the regime is the " loosness effect "  LOL   I split the doses now, taking the fish oil and magnesium citrate in the morning and that seems to be make thing a bit better.
Its funny, but I can always feel something there, just a tingle or a twinge, waiting for that trigger to set it off, this last one was the abnormal hot weather we had in October, plus the high pollen count we have had, plus, my other trigger, staying up quite late at nights into the wee hours, watching the world cup rugby !!   So I was on a hiding to nothing for October !!!! 
I agree that if you try to many things at once, you wont know what has actually made things better,  Its a hard call when your going thru a bad cycle, but something I think is the best thing to do, try one thing at a time, a process of elimination, especially when you can play with the regime, in regards to titrating up on D3 and waiting for a reaction.
I've been off all other preventatives now since Febuary, when I was on verapamil, which did the opposite thing for me, in regards to everyone saying it was like a lead balloon, for me, both times I was on verapamil, for at least 6 months at a time, I couldn't keep weight on, losing probably 6-7 kilo's while I was on it.   So while I've been soley on the D3 regime, my only other abortive/ preventatives, has been red bull and imigran 50 mg tablets, which are hopeless for killing an attack, but when shadows appear in the wee hours, I take one before I go to bed and it gives me an un interrupted nights sleep every time, I only had to take them 2 or 3 times this cycle, so I don't need to do it on a regular basis. I haven't needed to use 02, for at least 18 months now.
If you need the contact address for that ebay seller for the benadryl, sing out and I'll email you the contact.
hope it continues to improve for you.

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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #429 - Nov 2nd, 2015 at 2:28pm

Good questions...  Please let me start by saying the obvious...  I'm not a doctor, so please talk with your PCP or neurologist, whoever is most familiar with your overall medical history and currently prescribed medications before taking anything new... including a first-generation antihistamine and the anti-inflammatory regimen.

I selected Benadryl (Diphenhydramine hydrochloride) for a couple reasons.  The first is I'd taken it in the past and was familiar with it's efficacy and side effects during an allergic reaction.  It will make you drowsy even taking a single 25 mg tablet a day.  It was also readily available at a very reasonable price.

As to the duration of dose with a first-generation anti-histamine, the general rule is the shorter the duration of dosing the better.  Accordingly, a week to 10 days taking a 25 mg tablet twice a day would appear to be sufficient.

If you need to drive to work and back, one or two 25 mg tablets with the evening meal should provide a pain free sleep and limit the drowsiness in the morning for the drive to work.  Available literature on H1 histamine blockers indicates a single bedtime dose achieves almost as good results as divided doses.

Available literature also indicates liver toxicity does not appear to be a problem with diphenhydramine hydrochloride or promethazine hydrochloride due to their rapid clearance rate, (half-life 8 to 9 hours).  That said, there are warnings about taking first-generation antihistamines with known liver problems, during pregnancy or while breast feeding.

In practical terms, if the source of the allergic reaction is still present, you might need to continue taking the first-generation antihistamine until the pollen count has dropped or obvious allergen source has ceased to be a problem.  Just remember allergic reactions can also be caused by dust mites (they're in your bedding and pillows), animal dander and a host of chemicals including some pharmaceuticals.

Regarding how long to take a first-generation antihistamine... the best course of action would be to "test the water" so to speak, by stopping the first-generation antihistamine after a week to see what happens. 

Here is my logic on all this for what its worth: 

We take vitamin D3 to down-regulate or suppress the production of CGRP and Substance P from neurons in the hypothalamus and trigeminal ganglia to prevent CH.  We know this works for 82% of the CH'ers who take the anti-inflammatory regimen.

Histamine released by an allergic reaction works the other way to trigger the release of CGRP and Substance P from neurons in the hypothalamus and trigeminal ganglia.  This appears to be one of the major reasons why 18% of CH'ers who start this regimen don't respond or only partially respond.

Accordingly, we have two competing biochemical processes and it appears histamine is the stronger of the two so we continue to get hit with CH even while taking vitamin D3.

By taking a first-generation antihistamine that blocks H1 histamine receptors on neurons within the hypothalamus and trigeminal ganglia and in the process, down-regulate or suppress the release of CGRP and Substance P.  This allows vitamin D3 to do its thing through genetic expression to further down-regulate the production of CGRP and Substance P so we can prevent CH.

This begs the question...  What happens if we stop taking the first-generation antihistamine and the source of the allergic reaction is still present?

The short answer...  I haven't a clue...  All I know is I'm a chronic CH'er.  When the pollen fall stopped, I stopped taking the Benadryl (Diphenhydramine) and the anti-inflammatory regimen continued to prevent my CH...

Hope this helps.

Take care and please keep us posted.

V/R, Batch
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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #430 - Nov 2nd, 2015 at 7:59pm
Very interesting.  Thanks Batch and Blacklab.  And, Batch, I totally understand you're not a doctor.  I will be working with my GP on this, but appreciate your perspective nonetheless. 
I took 3 x 25mg Phenargan tablets over the course of 7 or so hours yesterday and slept through with no clusters or shadows.  Similarly, no clusters this morning, though the head was clogged.  So, that is very positive (TOUCH WOOD, is the beast listening?).  I did have a few palpitations yesterday evening and my heart rate was noticeably elevated.  This, together, with an uncharacteristic feeling of depression yesterday daytime suggests that i'd taken too much of the Phenargan ("negativism" is another side effect along with aforementioned heart issues).  I will just try taking one tablet before bed and see where that gets me.  I note that the half life of different H1 drugs is markedly different. Diphenhydramine is 2-9hrs whereas promethazine is 16-19hrs.  I'll speak with my doctor, but won't be dosing up like that in future.

Thanks again everyone for thoughts.  This feels like a really positive development [**TOUCH WOOD, TOUCH WOOD**].  I'll post another update shortly
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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #431 - Nov 3rd, 2015 at 8:13am

Thanks for the feedback and another datum on the effectiveness of first-gen antihistamines wrt CH prevention with the anti-inflammatory regimen.

My PDR lists the dose of promethazine hydrochloride for allergies at 25 mg qhs (bedtime) so you were over jetting a bit...

The good news is it worked!  Now to find the lowest effective dose...

Take care and please keep us posted...

V/R, Batch
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« Last Edit: Nov 3rd, 2015 at 8:15am by Batch »  

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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #432 - Nov 8th, 2015 at 8:18pm
Redskins player misses game due to Cluster Headaches.  Wish there was some way to let him know about this regimen.

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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #433 - Nov 10th, 2015 at 9:55pm
If any of you have a twitter account, tweet Terrance Knighton and invite him to CH.com.  His address is @MisterRoast98 

He needs to know he isn't alone and he may want to know about vitamin D3...

I left a message with the Washington Redskins Team Physician when I saw Slacker's post... No reply so far...
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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #434 - Nov 10th, 2015 at 10:21pm
I tweeted a link to this thread to both Knighton and his wife.

Here's another article about what he's going through:

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« Last Edit: Nov 10th, 2015 at 10:22pm by slacker032 »  
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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #435 - Nov 10th, 2015 at 11:43pm

Good on you for reaching out to Terrance!!!

V/R, Batch
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Mike NZ
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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #436 - Nov 11th, 2015 at 12:25am
I hope he and others with CH see the tweets and come here where they will find a welcome that only people with CH can give with advice that works.
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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #437 - Nov 11th, 2015 at 8:33pm
His wife or GF replied back and said she would check out the thread. Hopefully, she gives it a real chance.
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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #438 - Nov 17th, 2015 at 6:19am
Hi all

Just thought i'd post an update.  The phenergan (promethazine hydrochloride) appears to have worked as an adjunct to the D3 regimen.  I'm taking 1 x 25mg tablet just before bed.  Prior to supplementing with phenergan, the D3 regimen alone was insufficient to block my episodic cycle this year.  In fact, it was my worst cycle to date with 4-6 attacks per day.  However, a few days after getting on the phenergan, my attacks dropped to zero.  I'm still hugely allergic to something in the environment, but haven't had clusters for two weeks now.  Interestingly, my allergy is pretty severe this year and this may be linked to the severity of the underlying clusters.

I had a mini-binge of 8 little squares of white chocolate the other evening around 9pm (lulled into false sense of security) and developed low kip2 cluster at just past midnight, indicating i'm still in-cycle.  Given chocolate is vasoactive, this was probably a stupid idea.  Hey ho.

I need to find the source of my allergy though as i'm not keen to keep taking phenergan long term - back of pack it says not to take consecutively for more than 7-10 days and i'm on day 16 now! This raises the same question - what do cluster sufferers do when there's concomitant, long term allergy at play.  I will speak with my GP, but wonder if alternating between different first generation antihistamines would be less harmful. I'm also going to schedule a broad-spectrum allergy test to determine what i'm allergic to.  Beyond the first night when i clearly took too many phenergan (3 x 25mg doses over the course of a 12 or so hours = cue heart palpitations and strong, negativity), I've had no side effects though.

Thanks again, all, for magic support. I'll drop the phenergan in a day or two (after some industrial hoovering) to see if i can make it to the end of this cycle on d3 alone. 

Cheers all
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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #439 - Nov 17th, 2015 at 6:42am
Correction: Phenergan back of pack says not to use for SEDATIVE purposes for more than 7-10 consecutive days.  There is no such contraindication listed under relief of allergies.  So, jury's out about longer term usage.
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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #440 - Nov 17th, 2015 at 12:28pm
Hey Engels,

Thanks for the wonderful feedback.  I've been tracking several CH'ers who started taking a first-generation antihistamine as an adjunct therapy to address an allergic reaction in order to kick start the anti-inflammatory regimen's capacity to prevent their CH. 

Although the number of CH'ers who have started a first-generation antihistamine on top of the anti-inflammatory regimen is still too low to provide statistical power, the results have been surprisingly high... like a 100% favorable response so far...

That's good enough for me to add a new section to the first page of this thread discussing the use of a first-generation antihistamine as an adjunct therapy.

Take care and please keep us posted.

V/R, Batch
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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #441 - Nov 17th, 2015 at 5:41pm
I'm afraid I might be the one to break that 100%. Well, I don't know if an alergic reaction is what is nulifying the power of the D3. All I know is that the regimen worked wonders for months but aprox a month ago it stopped working. I've already tried the Benadryl and it doesn't seem to do the trick. The details are on this thread: Multimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or Register
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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #442 - Nov 17th, 2015 at 7:21pm
Visperas It might have something to do with the time change just my 2 cents worth,

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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #443 - Nov 21st, 2015 at 12:46am
Do you guys think it's OK to take 25 mg of Benadryl during the day and 50 mg before bedtime or is that overdoing it?  These Santa Ana winds are killing me.

I normally take 50 mg before bed but I was getting hit in the afternoon so I decided to split the dose by taking 25 mg at noon and 25 mg at night.  But then I was getting hit during the night again.
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« Last Edit: Nov 21st, 2015 at 12:50am by slacker032 »  
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CH.com Alumnus

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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #444 - Nov 21st, 2015 at 8:03am
Hey Slacker,

Good question.  I've checked several sources and 50 mg Benadryl (Diphenhydramine) every 12 hours appears safe... Check with your PCP to make sure and be careful if you need to drive.  This much Benadryl will make you drowsy.

In addition, you might want to pick up some Curcumin (Turmeric) tablets...  400 mg/day taken with the largest meal of the day should help.  Curcumin has both anti-inflammatory and antioxident properties.

I've a long time friend, fellow fighter pilot and squadron mate who takes 400 mg curcumin a day along with a tablespoon of coconut oil to increase curcumin absorption.

Take care and please keep us posted.

V/R, Batch
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« Last Edit: Nov 21st, 2015 at 8:05am by Batch »  

You love lots of things if you live around them. But there isn't any woman and there isn't any horse, that’s as lovely as a great airplane. If it's a beautiful fighter, your heart will be ever there
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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #445 - Nov 21st, 2015 at 9:08am
Thanks Batch.  Will do.
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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #446 - Nov 22nd, 2015 at 3:40pm
Hi all,

Here's my (slightly more than) 1 month update. It is somewhat detailed, because I really want anyone who might benefit from my situation to have as many answers as possible to help them decide if it could help them, too.

Quick recap:

Been on the Batch D3 regimen since Sept. 26th, (the day I had a level 10 CH and had to go to Emergency at the hospital). I had taken my usual Zomig 5mg nasal spray, and a couple of extra strength Advils, but to no avail: even after 15-20mins, I was still suffering, albeit at about a level 8. At the hospital, they gave me a cocktail of pills which I probably took too late to be sure they aborted my CH. However, the Emerge doctor did also give me a prescription for the two main medications in the cocktail: Tramadol and Naproxin. Tramadol is a narcotic-like pain killer, but it's the Naproxin that will be coming back into this story shortly.

In addition, there were two other health issues I had been noticing. The first seemed pretty minor. For many years, probably around 20 years, I had slowly noticed that the frequency in my urge to urinate had been increasing to a point where I thought it was not normal. This urge had been waking me up in the middle of the night, often two or three times, but my doctor never really bothered to follow up with this, and since it didn't actually seem to be a real problem, I ignored it. I mention it because it will come again during the D3 regimen. The second and more worrisome health problem I had noticed was that back around the time I went from being an episodic CH sufferer to a chronic CH sufferer last August, I had also noticed that I would wake up with stiff and sore finger joints in my right hand. As I was primarily focused on dealing with my CHs, and I am loathe to jump to conclusions, I didn't see a doctor about the hand joint pain until this past August, when I was diagnosed with simple arthritis. I did note that the hand pain coincided with the transition to chronic CHs, and once again, this hand pain will come back into the story lower down!

Since starting Batch D3 regimen:

After starting the Batch regimen, and taking the D3 religiously, I went for about 3 days with no CHs. Then, by day 4, I was getting CHs, but much weaker ones. I was also supplementing with additional D3, but it didn't stop the CHs altogether. So, after reading again about COX-2 and how its production can be inhibited by NSAIDs like Advil, and also after reading Batch's recommendation for Benadryl to a CH sufferer who also was dealing with allergies, on Sept. 29th, I started to supplement my D3 regimen with 50mg Benadryl and 2x400mg Advil, just to see if it would work. The results were very encouraging. The Bendryl and Advil alone were able to halt CHs from manifesting as full headaches every time I took them together! I have no doub that the D3 was greatly weakening the CHs to begin with, but somehow, it just wasn't enough on its own. But with the D3, Bendryl and Advil together, I had finally found a combination that could actually stop the CHs, both from developing into a headache at onset, and as a preventative!

However, the effectiveness of the D3/Bendryl/Advil combination seemed to largely rest on taking the Advils every 4 hours, which is essentially the maximum dosage. So long as I took the Advils every 4-6 hours, I didn't even start to get a CH, but this seemed like an unsustainable regimen. Then I read up on alternatives to Advil, and one that jumped out was Vimovo. It jumped out at me because it is essentially Naproxen (the anti-inflammatory from the Emergency room doctor) plus esomeprazole magnesium, which counteracts the potential of the Naproxen to cause bleeding in the stomach. The nice thing about Vimovo over Advil is that it is a slow-release formulation. You can take only one or two pills a day, rather than every 4-6 hours. So I asked my doctor for a prescription for the Vimovo, and he gave it to me to try for a month.

Since starting the D3/Vimovo regimen:

While continuing the D3 regimen, I started taking Vimovo on Oct. 15th, at first at the prescribed 2 Vimovo (500/20mg) per day dosage, and then I dropped down to 1 per day, as I feel I should take the minimum dosage that works. The results are exceptional. For the first time since I became chronic in August of 2014, I have gone for over a month with no CHs, save for the following exceptions:

1) I got a level 5-6 CH on Oct. 23rd, probably because I had forgotten to take a Vimovo that day and the day before, and likely because I had my first cigarette in months. (If you suffer from CH, you MUST quit smoking. It is almost certainly one of the major sources of inflammation in your body!) I also got woken up from sleep by a level 4-5 CH that same night, and I took a loading dose of Vitamin D3 and 2 Vimovo. No CH again until Nov. 1st.

2) Nov. 1st, got woken up by a lvl 7 CH, this time it was probably the strenuous yoga I did earlier that day which really pulled on a muscle between my right shoulder blade and spine. Since the earliest days of my CHs, I had often wondered if there was a correlation between the CHs and a specific nerve or muscle in my right shoulder. Who knows, maybe when you pull a muscle, it causes your body to produce COX-2? Got woken up by a lvl 7 CH the very next night, too (Nov. 2nd), almost certainly due to the same pulled muscle.

After Nov. 2nd, no CHs. None. Natta!!!! By Nov. 15th, after having gone 13 full days without so much as a real twinge in the head, I decided to try to stop the Vimovo, and see if the D3 by itself could keep the CHs away. On Nov. 17th, two days after stopping the Vimovo, I had just a slight nervy feeling in that part of my head, but absolutely no pain. It was as if I WOULD have gotten a CH, but the inflammation in my body was low enough that it couldn't manifest itself as one. Same thing on Nov. 18th. Just a nervy feeling, but no CH.

On Nov. 19th, I had a follow-up with my Neurologist, and he said that, if the Vimovo and D3 work, keep taking them. I told him about my reservations over the Vimovo as a long-term medication (ie. potential for stomach bleeding/increased risk of cardiac events), but he said that, since I don't have any heart or stomach issues, I should weigh the relative benefits against the relative risks. My quality of life when getting CHs is in the toilet, and if the D3/Vimovo combination seems to completely eliminate CHs, I should stay on this regimen. He was so impressed with my experience on the Batch D3 regimen + Vimovo that he is putting another one of his patients on it, as they had to stop taking Verapamil.

Other benefits of D3/Vimovo:
There is another important benefit to taking the D3/Vimovo regimen. Since starting the D3 regimen back in September, I also noticed that frequent urge to urinate has dramatically subsided. It seems the D3 deficiency had other side effects for me besides CH! In addition, and this is especially noteworthy for me, the pain/stiffness in my right hand has disappeared because of the Vimovo! This is partly to be expected, as Naproxen is also used to treat arthritis, but it is fascinating to me that the very same thing that reduces the inflammation in my joints also reduces the inflammation which causes my CHs. In fact, while reducing my Vimovo intake experimentally, I'd bet that I will be able to use any joint pain in my right hand as a bellwether for whether my inflammation levels are high enough to be at risk for CHs again. Smiley

At this point, I am still on the D3 regimen, and taking one 500/20mg Vimovo per day, and I am sometimes skipping the Vimovo the occasional day.

So, mainly due to Batch's characterization of his D3 regimen as an 'anti-inflammatory' regimen, it is best to think of CHs not as headaches per se, but as a manifestation of too much inflammation in the bodies of CH sufferers. For some people, this inflammation might manifest as arthritis, for some it might manifest as CH.

Role of sleep in stopping CH:
One final thing I should also point out is the role of sleep in reducing my inflammation. I have known for years that staying up late greatly increased my chances of getting a CH, but for years, I have also suffered from insomnia because I was in a bad marriage which preoccupied me at night, and also, I simply had bad sleeping habits. Luckily, my new girlfriend gave me a Trazadone to try to help me sleep, and those things knock you out so incredibly effectively that I asked my GP for my own prescription. So in addition to the Batch D3 regimen and the Vimovo, I sometimes take a Trazadone to make me sleep early enough to get the full 8-9 hours. I have also been taking a 10mg melatonin supplement before bed in order to ensure a solid night's sleep since Oct. 10th, though generally, I don't take the Trazadone with the melatonin. I recommend the Nature's Bounty 10mg melatonin, rather than the piddly 1.5mg Webber Natural's Super Sleep, as a CH sufferer REALLY needs their sleep, and badly. 10mg will knock you out much more effectively than 1.5mg. In addition, the Webber Naturals melatonin also contains xylitol, an alcohol that actually triggers CHs! So sleep is an overarching, critical component to reducing inflammation, as your body repairs itself when you're asleep. By not getting a good night's sleep, you are increasing the amount of inflammation in your body.

I hope some or all of this information helps somebody. Please feel free to ask any questions or make any comments.

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« Last Edit: Nov 22nd, 2015 at 3:43pm by anubis44 »  
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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #447 - Nov 22nd, 2015 at 5:07pm
Hey Greg,

Great post. I'm delighted that things are working out so well for you.

There's a lot to read there and as its Sunday night here in Ireland, I think I'll go through it again in the morning. I might come back with a few questions then.

Thanks again for sharing your experiences.

Keep well,

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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #448 - Nov 23rd, 2015 at 11:23am
Thanks Peter for the kind words.

I realize I wrote a novel last post, so, just to summarize. I was an episodic CH sufferer since 2007. I went 'chronic' in August of 2014. I started the Batch D3 regimen on Sept. 26, but added Vimovo (slow-release Naproxin with esomeprazole magnesium) on Oct. 15th. I further augmented my routine with 10mg melatonin, and even the occasional trazadone (very effective sleeping pill) before bed (Oct. 10th) in order to regulate my sleep cycles (the 1.5mg melatonin  are not adequate). I have been entirely, utterly CH free since Nov. 2nd!

What I'm taking that seems to be keeping me CH-free:

1) A single Vitamin D3 10,000IU tablet each day around mid-day after eating lunch. I'm also occasionally (though not religiously) taking a 'For Men' multivitamin in the evening. Once every week or two, I double the dose to 20,000iu D3 for one day.

2) A single dose of Vimovo (500/20mg), always with the Vitamin D3. (I started with the prescribed two Vimovo's per day, but cut it down to one.)

3) A 10mg dose of melatonin before bed virtually every night, to ensure a deep, repairative sleep. I have also gotten a prescription for trazadone, a very effective sleeping pill, but I restrict the use of this to times when I feel I won't be able to go to sleep without something knocking me out. (I think this is a key part of what's working--getting consistent, deep sleep helps your body repair itself and reduce inflammation.)

Note: I keep the Benadryl handy, just in case I have to deal with a histamine response. So far since I’ve started the D3/Vimovo together, I have not needed any Benadryl.

Evidence this is working

1) For the first time since August of 2014, I have gone for more than 5 days without a single, solitary CH. In fact, now been 21 days! Utterly CH-free! My last CH was on Nov. 2nd.

2) I can even drink ALCOHOL! I tried my first sips of booze (some strawberry beer) in late October without getting a CH! I also had a couple of sips of beer last night at my in-laws, as my sister-in-law works for a craft brewery, and once again, not the slightest whiff of a CH! Smiley

A quick note about a new CH trigger:

As I mentioned in an Oct. 5th post (after starting the D3 regimen, but before starting the melatonin/Vimovo on Oct. 15th), assembling some new Ikea furniture seemed to give me a CH the last two times I did it. My theory is that the IKEA particleboard contains significant amounts of Acetaldehyde (which is the same substance your body produces in your liver that triggers CHs, too! The excess acetaldehyde off gasses and dissipates once you’ve pulled the boards out of the packaging, so you can have it in your living space, but it might very well trigger a CH in some people when it’s first being put together.) I looked into this further, and there are indeed significant amounts of acetaldehyde in new particle board, so, you visit IKEA/assemble new IKEA furniture at your CH peril!

Keep well and ask me any questions!
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« Last Edit: Feb 6th, 2016 at 12:18am by anubis44 »  
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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #449 - Nov 24th, 2015 at 6:45am
Hi Anubis

Interesting you mention the pain in your right hand.  I've developed joint (left shoulder, left index finger) stiffness, pain and reduced mobility over the last year - and this is despite taking the full D3 regimen (last 8 months) and antihistamine (phenergan, last couple of weeks).  My mum also suffers from arthritis and had really bad headaches, though she was never diagnosed as a cluster head.  I'm still pain free - though may now be coming to the end of my cycle.  At some point i will stop taking both the D3 and antihistamine to see what happens.  Gulp.
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