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Lidocaine jelly (Read 726 times)
CH.com Junior

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Portland Oregon
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Lidocaine jelly
Jun 23rd, 2011 at 12:42pm
I know I've heard of the lidocaine nasal spray around here (I never tried it) but my doc yesterday suggested the lidocaine jelly.  You apply it directly to the whats-its-name nerve behind your nose with a qtip.  She said it's obviously a little weird to apply, but it's better than the spray that numbs your whole nose and having to do acrobatics to get the spray to drip in the right place.

Anyway, I have to say, it's been giving me some definite comfort getting rid of twinges and shadows.  Could be worth a try for y'all.  Definitely not as bad as the stories I hear of trying to use the spray.

So now when I get a twinge, I sit in my chair in my bathrobe with a swab up my nose while sucking down the oxygen.  Must be a lovely sight; luckily there are no mirrors around! Wink
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San Diego to Florida 05-16-2011

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Re: Lidocaine jelly
Reply #1 - Jun 23rd, 2011 at 2:16pm
Yeah I did the lidocain nasal drops in the 80's, most ended up in my tummy which genrally resulted in an upchuck! Grin Fortunately I discovered oxygen, my magic beast slayer. Glad you're getting relief, it's nice to feel like you can whup the beast up. Wink

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