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New to 02: observations and dosing questions (Read 2864 times)
CH.com Junior

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New to 02: observations and dosing questions
Jun 20th, 2011 at 3:32pm
So I finally was able to get oxygen for this cycle and have been using it the past week.  Luckily, I was given a humongous S-sized tank and work from home, so I have had time and extra O2 to experiment with.

Observation: is it just me or are all medical supply reps pretty clueless?  I called two places around here and it's like they had never heard of oxygen before.  They seem confused that I'm calling them about oxygen.  It's like I know more than they do about taking oxygen just after reading the O2 information on this site...

Anyway, dosing: I'm having trouble finding what best works for me.  It has definitely helped me either abort or at least mitigate the pain, but I feel it could be better...

I know about the hyperventilating, and about the tingle you're supposed to get in the fingers and back of neck.  I've only been able to get to that point a few times tho, even though I've been trying to be as objective as possible in my inhale/exhale rate.

I'm currently trying 2-second inhale and 2-second exhale (I use a metronome set to 60 beats/minute which also works psychologically to give me something to concentrate on to distract me from the pain), and get as much air out of my lungs as i can on the exhale, but get only spotty results.  This will abort some headaches, but I find I still need to resort to an Imitrex shot once or twice a day (I have been averaging three to four hits a day).

So, short story longer, how do you dose, in an objective measure like seconds inhale/exhale?  Am I doing something wrong, or could I be doing it better?  Should you always feel the tingle to know it's "working" or is it working even without those side effects?
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Re: New to 02: observations and dosing questions
Reply #1 - Jun 20th, 2011 at 4:21pm
I'd bet my next paycheck that those imitrex shots are extending your cycle and prolonging your suffering. You should approach any triptan as a last resort, in case you can't get to the oxygen.

As to flow rate, start it at 25 lpm and keep up with the flow. If you're like me, your attack will be ended in 4-6 minutes.

Do you have a non-rebreather mask (preferably the O2ptimask)? You should be breathing nothing but PURE, 100% O2 when you abort.
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CH.com Junior

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Re: New to 02: observations and dosing questions
Reply #2 - Jun 20th, 2011 at 4:54pm
Yeah, I got an Optimask last week; the cheap one they provided was rubbish.

I've been doing the O2 for up to 15 minutes.  If tolerable pain, I'll wait a few minutes, then hit the O2 some more.  Only if after that the pain is worse or still at a high kip do I hit the Imitrex.  I really hate taking so much of it, thus why I'm trying so hard with the O2.

By "keep up" you mean to keep the bag pretty empty?  Is the depth of inhale or exhale important?  Should I always feel tingling?
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Re: New to 02: observations and dosing questions
Reply #3 - Jun 20th, 2011 at 5:14pm
What is the flow rate set on your regulator?
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Re: New to 02: observations and dosing questions
Reply #4 - Jun 20th, 2011 at 5:26pm
I'm having trouble finding an affordable 25lpm regulator; been using it at 15lpm in the meantime.
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Re: New to 02: observations and dosing questions
Reply #5 - Jun 20th, 2011 at 5:30pm
There's your first problem. Get one that goes to 25 lpm minimum. Like this one that has a starting bid of $35, has no bids, and will be up for another day:

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"I have been asked if I have changed in these past 25 years. No, I am the same. Only more so."  --Ayn Rand
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CH.com Junior

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Re: New to 02: observations and dosing questions
Reply #6 - Jun 20th, 2011 at 5:36pm
Sorry!  Forgetting to add details!  I have a larger tank; I need the "M-style" CGA 540 type of connection.  I can only find 25 lpm ones that are at least $99.

Also, I've tried various different bags on my mask, the 3 liter one it has, and also larger bin liners.
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« Last Edit: Jun 20th, 2011 at 5:37pm by aj »  
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Re: New to 02: observations and dosing questions
Reply #7 - Jun 20th, 2011 at 5:46pm
is it just me or are all medical supply reps pretty clueless?

When one considers how rare this condition is, then yes...they're clueless.   Many here were told we should only need a regulator that goes to 8lpm.  Of course that is because they're thinking it's only used for COPD patients & the like.   You're in Portland so you shouldn't have any difficulty finding an oxygen supply store like Apria or Lincare where you are.  They specialize in 02 unlike other medical suppliers who deal with a lot of other products and services.
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Skull Buster
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Re: New to 02: observations and dosing questions
Reply #8 - Jun 20th, 2011 at 6:58pm
well, heres what i do, for what its worth. I have 25 lpm regs for my medical tanks, but my large tank that stays beside the bed, only has a 15 lpm reg. I use the o2 mask that i purchased from the link on this site, the one yall spoke of in the earlier post.  I let the bag fill, and inhale a steady breath untill my lungs are full, and i hold my breath untill the bag is full again, (usually 5 seconds or so) exhale, and repeat. That works for me. But i also know everyone is different.  I love the optimask. works great the way i use it. good luck.
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San Diego to Florida 05-16-2011

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Re: New to 02: observations and dosing questions
Reply #9 - Jun 20th, 2011 at 10:04pm
Yeah Skull, Lance and I use a similar method using a demand valve. Fill your lungs, hold it, for me sometimes up to 30 seconds, then release. Some find faster results doing the panting breath. Trial and error!

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Re: New to 02: observations and dosing questions
Reply #10 - Jun 21st, 2011 at 8:24am
aj wrote on Jun 20th, 2011 at 5:36pm:
Sorry!  Forgetting to add details!  I have a larger tank; I need the "M-style" CGA 540 type of connection.  I can only find 25 lpm ones that are at least $99.

Also, I've tried various different bags on my mask, the 3 liter one it has, and also larger bin liners.

Speaking strictly for me and NOT others: Breathing O2 at lower rates works for mild attacks. Whether I breathe it slowly, take quicker shallow breaths or draw in deeply and "hold" doesn't matter much - it will work about the same for me on the mild attacks at 25 lpm.

When the real monsters come to work me over, the only way oxygen works for me is to breathe very, very deeply and quickly at the same time. That requires waaaaay more than 25 lpm for me. (Picture yourself at the end of a long hard sprint and recreate that breathing action)

CGA-540 is the standard fitting for large medical oxygen tanks. It is also the standard fitting on all welding oxygen tanks.

I had one of these that worked very well. I gave to another person in need of it and he is still using it.

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There are others too, but this one is very low cost.

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« Last Edit: Jun 21st, 2011 at 8:26am by Marc »  
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Re: New to 02: observations and dosing questions
Reply #11 - Jun 21st, 2011 at 8:54am
AJ, I hope what you've been told above helps, it should. As to an objective measure, absolutely your ability to abort will depend upon flow rate. 25lpm is a starting point, not a goal. As to an objective measure, if the flow rate is at least 25lpm, I think you'll find you can breathe rapidly and deeply emptying the bag completely and exhaling when it's full and then inhaling rapidly and deeply again. The bag is a 3 liter bag; flow rate is 25lpm...so maybe 6-8 seconds to go from completely empty to compeletly full. When I pant using the bag, I don't breathe as deeply or try to empty the bag, I just pant rapidly and bag keeps up with each breath. Hope it helps. And yeah, your goal is to get that hyperventilation tingle as quickly as possible. Blessings. lance
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Re: New to 02: observations and dosing questions
Reply #12 - Jun 21st, 2011 at 12:51pm
Just some updates on my progress on the Oxygen Trail...

Until Linda mentioned it, I sort of forgot how rare CHers are!  It's funny that when in cycle, being only surrounded by y'all, my neurologist, and friends who know about my condition, it's easy for me to lose sight of the fact that every one doesn't have or knows someone who has this horrid condition.

I did find at 1 am today that doing the holding-breath method does work pretty well when you're stuck at a 15 lpm flow.  I was able to abort the one that woke me up.  The one that woke me up 6 hours later tho would not die with that technique, but even then, it still stopped that one from getting any worse.

I have been going down the welding regulator road (I now know more about welding that I ever thought I would).  I picked one up yesterday, but in my haste didn't realize I picked up one for argon, not oxygen, so it didn't fit my tank. Sad  I'll be headed back to the hardware store soon.

If a high flow works as well as I think it will, I'll definitely be getting the snazzy Flotec regulator Batch describes as soon as my budget allows: Multimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or Register
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Re: New to 02: observations and dosing questions
Reply #13 - Jun 21st, 2011 at 10:29pm
OK, so I got the correct welding regulator and can now have oxygen at pretty much any rate I please.  Yay!  The only downside is that I don't know in LPM what I'm running, but who cares as long as it works to kill the pain.

From my experimentation, it's looking like I'm finding what many of you have said: the slower rates are fine for the lesser ones, holding the breath can work as well as faster breathing, but for the more painful hits you need to pant.  If it's around K5 or less the slow breaths seem to work fine to at least keep the pain at bay, but for much more I find the deep quick breaths (like I just ran a long sprint but also being mindful to empty my lungs on the exhale) work better.

Also, mostly due to my mild asthma, I can't really pant for longer than 5 minutes until my lungs start to complain a bit.  But I find taking the O2 in five minute sprints is still working fine to keep the pain at bay until I can do enough sprints to kill it.  Five minutes on, a few off, evaluate my pain, repeat as needed.

The real test will be throughout tomorrow morning; that's always when I get the worst ones... <fingers crossed!>
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Re: New to 02: observations and dosing questions
Reply #14 - Jun 21st, 2011 at 10:37pm
We'll have our fingers crossed for you too. Wink
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"I have been asked if I have changed in these past 25 years. No, I am the same. Only more so."  --Ayn Rand
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San Diego to Florida 05-16-2011

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Re: New to 02: observations and dosing questions
Reply #15 - Jun 22nd, 2011 at 9:16am
That's great news, crossing my fingers for you too. Smiley

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