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Bikram Yoga (Read 2560 times)
CH.com Newbie

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Bikram Yoga
Jun 16th, 2011 at 4:32pm
First time poster, long time visitor...

I've been suffering from cluster headaches for about 5 years now with about 3 "seasons" each year lasting about a month and a half.  It became pretty consistent with the months and even times of the day (and mostly nights) that my quality of life has been suffering.

During that time, I ran about 20 miles a week, stopped drinking caffine, eating refined sugars, and lived a pretty healthy life overall.

Nothing helped, oxygen was rarely able to stop the headaches, medication worked for the first couple of weeks but that eventually stopped working. 

That's until I started doing bikram yoga in January, going at least 3 times a week, I completely forgot about my headaches until this week when I realized that I haven't had one since December. 

I'm not saying it will work for you, but so far, it's been great for me.  The classes are pretty intense but the payoff is worth so much more.   

Good luck!!
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CH.com Alumnus

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Re: Bikram Yoga
Reply #1 - Jun 17th, 2011 at 9:00am
Glad you found something that works for you. lance
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CH.com Sponsor

I AM a Phoenix!

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San Diego, CA
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Re: Bikram Yoga
Reply #2 - Jun 17th, 2011 at 9:03am
Glad you're CH-free right now. Would suggest that if they find their way back, you spend some time perusing more about O2 here. Many people have said "it doesn't work for me" only to learn it wasn't being used in the most effective way or at the right flow rate.

PF wishes. Christy
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Hoi An, Vietnam
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Re: Bikram Yoga
Reply #3 - Jun 21st, 2011 at 5:35pm
Glad it worked.  I do hatha yoga as part of my overall mindfulness practices.  Cant say it helps reduce the number and intensity of hits, but as with the sitting practices it overall reduces my stress during my cycles and allows me to be more calm, less "caught up" in the stories of the pain and not trying to push it away so much (which for me, makes it worst, at least psychologically).  It also helps me during the PF periods to enjoy those moments for what they are and not obsessed with thinking about and dreading what's around the corner, like I use to before. 

So who knows, by being calmer and having more mental equanimity and less stress overall, this may partly behind my extended remission periods (though I realize they normally get longer for most as we get older) or reduction in the number of hits (....but then again, I also started using verapamil 5 years ago, around time I started mindfulness).  So who knows, but regardless I certainly have found it all very worthwhile and helpful, especially on stress reduction and overall health and well-being.   

Bikram yoga is much more intense as I understand it and I imagine this has something to do with your direct results?  We're all different and I'm glad you have found something that works for you (and no meds required to boot)...I hope it keeps working !   Metta, Stymie
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