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Omega 3 (Read 2674 times)
CH.com Junior

Posts: 91
Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk
Gender: female
Omega 3
May 5th, 2011 at 3:30am
This is some information to supplement Batch's thread on 123 PF days on Omega3 and Vitamin D3. A good friend of mine has returned from the States who is involved with a company that develops and sells a brand of Omega 3 unique to other brands, and I've picked his brains this morning.

The brand in question is called Vegepa (Multimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or Register). And what makes it unique is that it is DHA free. Most Omega3s on the market come with both EPA and DHA fatty acids. It is claimed the presence of DHA inhibits the effectiveness of EPA, hence Vegepa only contains EPA so the full benefits can be realised. It is known the body will convert EPA to DHA as it needs it.

When I started on Batch's Regimen, I started with an over the counter Omega3. Batch says 4000mg a day, but I suspect it is really the EPA ingredient that is key, and the bottle I bought had these ingredients:

Omega Fish Oil  1000mg
Total Omega     300mg
EPA/DHA           260mg

I'm now switching to Vegepa, which has
EPA           280mg
Primrose     100mg

There is a lot more science behind the Omega3, and how the body converts it to what it needs. But that's probably enough for now.

I'm not trying to say Vegepa is better, just presenting the information and I'm going to try it to see if it is the EPA that works for me, to see if it is that ingredient that is the key. Just presenting the information that I have in hopes that it might help someone.

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CH.com Newbie

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Re: Omega 3
Reply #1 - May 9th, 2011 at 12:57pm
I'd like to encourage other people to read the full specification of active ingredients of Vegepa (and compare them to average omega 3 supplements) - although one box containing 60 capsules may seem expensive, it's worth spending each penny for such high quality content. The manufacturer of Vegepa takes care of vegetarians as well and prepared comparable supplement, also high quality called Echiomega. All the info can be found on their website.
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CH.com Junior

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Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk
Gender: female
Re: Omega 3
Reply #2 - May 10th, 2011 at 6:39am
I have noticed, since taking Vegapa, that when I burp I can taste the fish oil. I didn't get that with the other brand I was taking before, even though I was taking essentially the same amount.  Although this might indicate the Vegapa is a stronger concentrate or something, to someone like me who really does not like fish, it's a bit disgusting! Probably going to spread out my dose through the day so I don't get such a high concentration of it all at once.

Also, the Vegapa tablets are smaller than the other ones I was taking, which is nice. I know, have gone into salesman mode.
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CH.com Newbie

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Re: Omega 3
Reply #3 - May 18th, 2011 at 10:08am
ReneeM, try taking Vegepa capsules 3-4 times a day to avoid fishy aftertaste (if it still doesn't work, I suggest testing vegetarian version of omega-3, also from Igennus, Echiomega - you will not get any fishy taste after eating them as they contain no fish!Wink)
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CH.com Junior

Posts: 91
Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk
Gender: female
Re: Omega 3
Reply #4 - May 18th, 2011 at 1:00pm
anetad wrote on May 18th, 2011 at 10:08am:
ReneeM, try taking Vegepa capsules 3-4 times a day to avoid fishy aftertaste (if it still doesn't work, I suggest testing vegetarian version of omega-3, also from Igennus, Echiomega - you will not get any fishy taste after eating them as they contain no fish!Wink)

Even after just taking one capsule of the Vegapa I get the after taste, but I take it that it's a sign it's good stuff! Good tip on the vege version, didn't know that - but it makes sense. I've got 2 bottles of the Vegapa to go through!! That said, I should be, and have been promising myself (and my best friend) that I'd build up my tolerance for fish for years. So although I hate the after taste, it probably isn't a bad thing. But I hate it.

Gives me something to moan about I suppose.

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