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Cranial Base Release (Read 2235 times)
CH.com Junior

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Cranial Base Release
Apr 18th, 2011 at 8:15pm
I have searched the board to some extent but not exhaustively to find if there was any discussion about a "cranial base release" and did not find the same, but I know there must be some discussion and I did not find.  My cousin was over visiting this weekend from Atlanta, GA and I am in the midst of a very very high cycle (getting hit 10-15 a day). She sent me an e-mail today saying the wife of a co-worker had CH for years and had the cranial base release performed and her cycle ended and she has been pain free since.  She did say that at the time the lady had the procedure there was on one practitioner in Atlanta the did the same.
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Bob Johnson
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Re: Cranial Base Release
Reply #1 - Apr 18th, 2011 at 8:41pm
A search of our national library of medicine produced zip for this surgical approach and headache.

There are a small group of surgical approaches being tried for cluster. You might call the medical center in Atlanta and seek a neurosurgeon who might be of help.
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Bob Johnson
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Re: Cranial Base Release
Reply #2 - Apr 18th, 2011 at 10:44pm
Thanks Bob, but as I understand this procedure is like a massage to the base of the skull where it connects to the spine.
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Just as I try daily to grow my Faith in God I try daily to learn how to cope with Cluster Headaches
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Re: Cranial Base Release
Reply #3 - Apr 18th, 2011 at 10:59pm
One would think that if it worked that well - whatever it is - there'd have been a lot more talk of it around here.
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Black-Billed Magpie

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Re: Cranial Base Release
Reply #4 - Apr 18th, 2011 at 11:04pm
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Seems unlikely to me.


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Re: Cranial Base Release
Reply #5 - Apr 18th, 2011 at 11:22pm
Hi Wishbone!
I've been a massage therapist for 15 years now and I'm also a Cluster sufferer (since 17) and I'm certified in Cranial Sacral Therapy.  During the last two cycles I've had a complete cranial balancing which includes a cranial base release and I'm sad to say that there was no effect on the Clusters.  It sounds great in theory but for me, at least, there was no alleviation of pain of the next headache nor reduction in the number of headaches over the course of the cycle.
Wish I could give a thumbs up to that but can't.  Deep tissue massage on the tight muscles of my neck didn't do anything to decrease the Clusters either tho it did give temporary relief from the pain of those muscles.

Massage and chiropractic have helped many with tension type headaches that may lead to migraines but from what I've read on this board they don't help for Clusters.  Sad

This past cycle I was helped most by Oxygen, Imitrex (when I couldn't get to the O2 in time), a Prednisone taper, and the vitamin D3/anti-inflamatory supplements listed under "123 days pain free and I think I know why."

Hope this helps.
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Maine Coon Cat Crazy
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Re: Cranial Base Release
Reply #6 - Apr 19th, 2011 at 7:33am
Thanks all and I agree with Brew if it were successful it would have been discussed everywhere.

Thanks especially Gary for the insight of your knowledge and experience.  Before posting I had told my cousin that it sounded great but honestly I felt more like that person's remission was really a coincidence with the timing of them receiving the cranial base release rather than the cranial base release eliminating the clusters.  Your comments seem to bear out my thoughts.
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Just as I try daily to grow my Faith in God I try daily to learn how to cope with Cluster Headaches
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Re: Cranial Base Release
Reply #7 - Apr 19th, 2011 at 8:46am
Agreed! Gary, I'm very glad you are here. Over the years I've run afoul of one chiropractic "cure" or another as I think many of us have. I believe we all wished we could end this thing with adjustments or massages, but while they help in other areas, they just don't work against CHs. That has been my experience, anyway.

I have also run into a few highly moral therapists like yourself who are not ashamed to put the limitations of their practice up front. Having said that, I encourage to continue searching your field for techniques that might help. In the meantime, God bless. lance
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Re: Cranial Base Release
Reply #8 - Apr 19th, 2011 at 11:57pm
Thanks Wishbone and Lance for the nice comments.  Smiley
I've always thought the mark of a true professional is the one who knows their limits and isn't afraid to admit it's time to refer to someone else.
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Maine Coon Cat Crazy
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Re: Cranial Base Release
Reply #9 - May 1st, 2011 at 12:56pm
cranial sacral therapy is very light and almost impreceptible...

I found that occiptial work from a structural integrationsit which either is or is similar to rolfing and is far stronger worked alot better
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