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Has anyone tried edible marijuana as an abortive (Read 9212 times)
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Re: Has anyone tried edible marijuana as an abortive
Reply #25 - Apr 28th, 2011 at 11:24pm
Joshl924 wrote on Apr 28th, 2011 at 11:19am:
look... Ive seen alot of talk on here about the legalizing of drugs, and hell Im all for it, but we do need to take a few things in consideration... in the states that do it its like 95% B.S people who just want to get high, which hurts the argument of those that really need it. If they were made totally legal...

I just.. dont know how I would feel about that. I think you would start to see more car accidents with people driving under the influence... People who wouldnt have had the wherewithall or ability to accessthe drugs before would   and who knows what effect that could have.

And lastly... Marijauna is a gateway drug, It just is. So, its easy for us to sit here complain but this is the social contract we entered into living in the US, you can go to other countries where it is legal or quasi legal, or attempt to get it illegally here and do it in your home at your own risk which is slight.

Also... I think Cali has shown that the tax dollars are minimal

    You really should do some research before ya post bullshit.

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Re: Has anyone tried edible marijuana as an abortive
Reply #26 - Apr 29th, 2011 at 1:34pm
Oh and your meme is still incredibly annoying

I know I'm not all that smart but, what is a meme?
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Re: Has anyone tried edible marijuana as an abortive
Reply #27 - Apr 30th, 2011 at 8:16am
We've had conversations like this in the past, and they inevitably raise the room temp and our responses correspond to that elevation. Some of us are very opposed to any narcotic and some have come out in favor of narcotic use for almost any suffering (I'm thinking of a rather new poster not too long ago) and while we have a forum for conversation, I don't think we change anyone's mind. Bbz makes a good point about alcohol as the number one gateway drug, along with tobacco, but I have to add that recreational use of marijuana almost always accompanies those who use other, more powerful, drugs. Using mj doesn't necessarily lead to crack, but those on crack rarely started with it. That path frequently leads back to both alcohol and THC. Are there medical uses for such drugs? Perhaps, and so it would seem. I also agree the FDA shouldn't restrict tests based on a drug's current narcotic listing. I fully support the non-hallucinogenic testing being done; and I too wish for a better, more permanent release from CHs. Blessings. lance
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Re: Has anyone tried edible marijuana as an abortive
Reply #28 - May 1st, 2011 at 1:00pm
Marijuana IS definitely a gateway drug to other black market drugs.  But ONLY because it is illegal.  I found my experience to be pretty typical of many people I've talked to.  How do you end up in a dealers house having some dude offering you coke or dope?  When you go to the ghetto to buy some weed.  People that would not normally come into any contact with these drugs, people that never intended to try these drugs, end up getting them offered to them by their dealer.  No one really seems to have this happen to them at the liquor store.   
    I am in favor of legalizing cannabis, and one of the main reasons is because it will actually get harder for minors to get.  Hell, in high school I could score weed no problem, alcohol I could steal a little bit from my folks when they weren't looking...but other than that I had to find somebody who was 21 and willing to buy me booze-not that easy. 
Other reasons for legalization (at the very least for medicinal use)....No question that booze and cigarettes are more harmful and they are legal.   You can  get amphetamines, fentanyl, dilaudid, and a host of other amazingly toxic addictive substances prescribed....Water can kill you from overdose.  Marijuana you can not...

Wait a minute...This is supposed to be about clusters!  How about this publication from "Headache journal of head and face pain" that Dallas Denny posted on our clusterbusters site.  It's titled "Cluster Attacks Responsive to Recreational Cannabis and Dronabinol"   

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As a side note, last night I had maybe a kip 4, which went away completely with one big bong hit of a very sativa Amazing Haze strain. 


"Even if one takes every reefer madness allegation of the prohibitionists at face value, marijuana prohibition has done far more harm to far more people than marijuana ever could."
William F. Buckley, Jr.

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Re: Has anyone tried edible marijuana as an abortive
Reply #29 - May 2nd, 2011 at 12:40pm
Joshl924 wrote on May 1st, 2011 at 4:03pm:
it still doesnt make alot of sense due to the vaso dialation thing as discussed earlier

So is ginger, capsaicin, feverfew, magnesium--all are things that have been reported to help some cluster sufferers
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Re: Has anyone tried edible marijuana as an abortive
Reply #30 - May 4th, 2011 at 6:49pm
"Even if one takes every reefer madness allegation of the prohibitionists at face value, marijuana prohibition has done far more harm to far more people than marijuana ever could."
William F. Buckley, Jr.

I think I like that Buckley guy.
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