I use topamax for a prevenative.It works for me if I start taking it as soon as I start to feel the slightest little ANYTHING back there in the back of my head(thats were mine always start).I know when the skull bustin clusters are cumming because my head never hurts any other time. I NEVER have a regular headache. But long story short. I let the refills expire from last year, and when I went into this cycle, I had nothin. So, when they started, I got some no-doz,(caffine) and had some fast disolve maxalt from last lears cycles. I've been unemployed sence july 09 so have no insurence. I'm healthy other than clusters. Anyway, went to a doc-in-the box couple weeks ago, and he gave me generic imatrex, and topamax. It was too late. All the topamax did was knock the headaches out of timing. It made them random so I couldn't predict them anymore, which was a bummer really. Still got one everyday, just never knew when it would be now
I found that in the past my attacks were usually spot on with the time of day. And they always have been. Me taking 400mg caffine and 1000 mg naproxin 1 hr before always made it bareable. Usually. Sometimes, abort it. SO. I call the doc-in-the-box today and ask for the Dr. I saw, and the recp. Informed me that he only worked weekends. *sigh*So much for trying to build a relationship.
SO. I go up there today and see the main Dr. I ask him If he's framiler w/ clusters, I told him what the topamax did. I asked for oxygen cause I never tried it. He said it" didn't work"
wouldn't write me a script. I asked for verapamil, .......he said he didn want to expirment on me. I thought thats what Dr.'s did? Try you on a drug, and if it wasn,t working, try something else.
SO.....I told him that a nuro. in the past had given me prednisone and it worked, and he agreed to that. He gave me (twelve) 20 mg pills, and said if that didn' work that he couldn see me anymore and I'd have to see a nuro. After I told him I didn have insurance. And o-yeah 12 pills??? My nuro gave me something like sixty 20 mg pills before. He laughed and said that would kill a horse. So I dunno . I've spent like 350.00 bucks in the last week and still got 3 hour headaches everyday. I do live in northern Alabama, and those mushroom fields are starting to sound appealing after what I been reading. And there free. Hell, I would eat dog shit and smile doing it if you told me it would stop my head from hurting.
Maybe these steriods will help I'm taking so much caffine, And now those roids, I cant sleep. But I don't care. I'll trade no sleep anyday. Can I get an amen? LOL.
You know, The hell of it is. I was seeing the best headache specialst in the state. I had One visit, he gave me drugs, told me everything was gona be ok, and I left felling ;like someone really cared and understood finally. They had me set up for an MRI and some blood work ect, a few weeks later, and everything was rosey then...............BAM. I got laid off. BAM.....no insurence. no job. that was in 08 I think. And all the drugs that doc had givin me and what my dad had givin me had lasted till now. I can't remember why now, But we didn't have the money out of pocket to pay for the MRI and stuff at the time. And if I end up having to see this other nuro in a few days if the head dont let up, he'll want an MRI, and I'll be screwed again. And with all that, I still dont want there GOV. health care program. They can keep it as far as I'm concerned.Now I'm just ramblin..........
Oh and I changed my name. Guess I was kinda depressed when I made my account.
I bet that happens alot here.