Rich the Pharmacist
Ex Member
Well, this is quite a group. I left my last message weeks ago and had decided to leave this site alone. However, today, as I am planning a 3-4 week trip to Italy again, I was arranging my favorites box and ran across this site and decided to look in. Thousands of visits and 83 insulting messages later, I was in stitches. Let me make a few points and then leave for another 12 months or so. #1. I am a pharmacist. I have been a pharmacist for 35 years. However, 28 of those years I was a specialty salesman for Eli Lilly, selling everything from Insulin to growth hormone for the little people. I finished in the cath labs and ICUs selling ReoPro and Xigris, a blood thinner and a drug used to save lives in severe sepsis. Loved it all and retired 3 years ago. Now I am back working part time as a pharmacist. Pharmacy has changed in 30 years. Before we had only one or two people who were hooked on narcs, sleepers or anti anxiety drugs. Today it is around 1 in 5 customers are drug heads. They become stupid the longer they stay on this junk. Many say, "this is strange, a pharmacist who doesn't like drugs". Well, there are two types of pharmacists. Those who don't like drugs and those who loose their license because they do. Enough said. #2. I watched the videos of the cluster headaches on youtube. Yes, that seems to be the general feeling that I have when I get one. I have to hang on to something and have a panic of what to do. An urgency that I have to do SOMETHING to make the pain (it feels like I have a knife in the right side of my head) go away. My diagnosis is, sadly, correct. The doctor who dealt with me in the ER was very familiar with the condition as she had done some internal residency at the Mayo Clinic that included studying the Cluster Headache syndrome. She seemed quite confident that I have CH and that is enough for me. I have not been a headache sufferer throughout my life. Most headaches that I have had were mildly irritating and usually caused by not eating. CHs should not even be called headaches. There should be another word invented. For those so convinced that I don't have CHs, I wish you were right. #3. My headstands still work for me so I really don't give a hang what anyone thinks. I am ecstatic that I have the ability to stop these monsters in their tracks. My only hope in posting my post was that I could help someone else. I never suspected that I had the "cure" to CHs. Rather, I had found something that worked for me and maybe, just maybe, it would help another. I had no idea that I had landed a A-bomb on a society of haters. Happily, though, my CHs have diminished to once or twice a week, always late in the evening (which is great as I am not sure about it would look to do a headstand behind the counter) #4. To all of those who so smugly KNOW that I am a fake, non-pharmacist, don't have CHs, am a "troll" (what ever the hell that is), etc..............all I can say is that you are so wrong that it makes me chuckle. Also, with regards to your spiritual guru, Mr DJ, I find a disconnect between the goals of this website as he wrote lofty ideals and rules for "sharing, no attacks on one another, no foul language, treat one another with respect, a forum for civil interaction, etc." with the way he attacked me with vengence and four letter mud. He is obviously the best person to lead this motley pack of pariah.