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Return of the Beast Update (Read 778 times)
CH.com Newbie

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Middle of Mississippi River MN
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Return of the Beast Update
Oct 28th, 2008 at 10:12am
Thanks to the 114 people who read my first post and the 8 who responded.  I've been a clusterhead for 28 years and have yet to meet another person who is a clusterhead, so it's great to communicate with people who understand.

I'm still going with no meds, just air, water, coffee and RedBull...yuck.  I can't wait to get back to Dos Equis Amber.

Since my first post 6 days ago, I've had 12 CH's.  Most were 15 or 20 min. K3 or 4 aborts.  I was awakened once with a 35 min. K7.  Then last evening I had a nasty 3 hr. K8-7.  I'm still going with no meds for 3 reasons:

     1)  When I started using meds it seemed like they aborted early
            Ch's, pushed the peak of the cycle back further, and
            extended the length of the cycle.  Theory: meds = longer

     2)  My last cycle in May, 2006, happened while I was away from
            home with no meds, so I went with only coffee.  It turned out
            to be my shortest cycle ever...only 3 weeks.  Theory:  no
            meds = shorter cycle.

     3)  It's cheaper.

I hope this isn't heresy, but if it is, it wouldn't be my first heresy.  Any other heretics out there?

You know how you can get a tune implanted in your head, and it keeps repeating over and over.  My theme song for this cycle is
"Always look on the bright side of life" from The Life of Brian.  I found
myself whistling it this morning.

The only suggestion I have that seemed to have worked for me is, if you're a nicotine addict, stop smoking.  Since I broke my nicotine addiction 10.5 years ago, the Beast has been with me for a total of only 3.1 months.

PF days and short cycles to all.

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Re: Return of the Beast Update
Reply #1 - Oct 28th, 2008 at 1:47pm
I can totally understand going without meds. Often it seems that a lot of people who come here take incredible amounts of various, powerful meds. Then they report symptoms like constant fatigue, confusion, bloatedness, manic-depressive tendencies and so on. Often they say that the meds only cut a couple of KIP levels away from the hits and don't cancel them out.

I don't think using meds like that is wise. However, it's a very personal thing. Some can't handle excruciating pain well at all, some have other underlying medical conditions there to make things more complex.

The one med I would suggest using constantly, though, is 100% medical oxygen. No side effects and it has changed the lives of many CH sufferers. And if you don't mind the possible social consequences, trying the different indole ring compounds (like RC seeds) could be good as well. They have made it possible for some people to live entirely normal lives.

- Best regards and PFDAN,
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Ex Member

Re: Return of the Beast Update
Reply #2 - Oct 28th, 2008 at 2:28pm
No meds.........cool!!!! Try 02, you'll be amazed.
Keep up the good work.

clusterbusters.com    Get the right information on mushrooms and RC seeds here.
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« Last Edit: Oct 28th, 2008 at 2:43pm by N/A »  
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CH.com Hall of Famer

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Re: Return of the Beast Update
Reply #3 - Oct 30th, 2008 at 12:39pm
From one  heretic to another, well wishes and well done!

I too am a reformed med-taker and have made similar observations regarding the use of meds to combat Mr. Cluster.

Coffee has always been my best friend as a medicine against my clusters.  That and frozen peas and COPING SKILLS.

For many years i tramped from neurologist to neurologist in desperation feebly hoping that one of them - or one of the bottles of pills they gave me - would help.  Nothing and no one ever did and it cost a ton of money to boot.

I'm not knocking anyone else, only sharing my personal experience.

The shortest cycles i ever had were the ones that involved no pills. 
o2 is a great help as well.

the short of it?  We are all still eluded by the Great Pumpkin Smiley

Best wishes and PFDAN
Charlie Brown Cheesy
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Re: Return of the Beast Update
Reply #4 - Oct 30th, 2008 at 6:11pm
I have suffered from these @#$^%% for 35 years. Never took any meds until 2000 (Imitrex). They took the pain away fast.
But, I do feel that they make the cycle longer. Also causing rebound headaches.
Unfortunately, this cycle, I tried to go with no Imitrex. But getting 4-5 per day, at K7  - K9, I had to give in.
I have no med insurance and the cost of the pills... well let's just say that the National Debt has nothing on me   Grin
Anyway, I give you lots of credit for the no meds and hope your cycle ends soon.
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