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Bad Cycle (Read 4065 times)
CH.com Alumnus

Go Cubbies  / even though
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Posts: 1158
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Bad Cycle
Sep 17th, 2008 at 8:18pm
I am up to 7 to 8 CH a day all kip 8 or higher. I don't think I have ever had it this bad. I am drinking so much Monster I feel like I'm going 240 miles per hour. Try drinking a monster at 4:00 am then try to go back to sleep. I don't even fight it I just stay up. Well rant over .

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CH.com Alumnus

One wave at a time!

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Haverhill, Massachusetts, USA
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Re: Bad Cycle
Reply #1 - Sep 17th, 2008 at 8:40pm
You're taking verapamil too right?  If so, go easy on the energy drinks.  Taurine and Verapamil are both calcium channel blockers!!!  I went overboard on Taurine one night and I'm not anxious to repeat the experience  Shocked

How is Oxygen working for you?

Hang tough brother...  You are tougher than that MF is  Angry

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Where there is life, there is hope.
Where there is Oxygen, you must use proper caution.
So be safe, don't smoke while using O2. Kill the pain and not yourself.
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Re: Bad Cycle
Reply #2 - Sep 17th, 2008 at 8:42pm
Damn Dave sorry to hear that 7 or 8 k8+ that sucks been there gets hard too deal with.  I dont know what other abortives you have but when I'm in that area of 7-8 a day energy drinks seem to make things worse, I'm not saying to stop drinking them just cut back a little.  Try slamming a couple Mt. Dews it will keep your caffine level up so you dont get the CH from withdraws.  Hang in there your not alone and it has to get beter.  That next PFD will feel that much beter alteast thats what I keep telling myself.    Phil
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Re: Bad Cycle
Reply #3 - Sep 17th, 2008 at 9:13pm
Sorry to hear it, bud. I can't give you any medical advice you haven't heard before.

Maybe this: Start cheering for the Brewers. It's got to affect some kind of chemical change in your body. Maybe it'll help. Wink
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Black-Billed Magpie

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Re: Bad Cycle
Reply #4 - Sep 18th, 2008 at 1:40am
Sorry you're getting kicked around, Dave.

I don't think I have ever had it this bad.

Yeah, I've tried to think which was the worst, and I believe I've concluded that they all were.

Hang in there.

Best wishes,


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Re: Bad Cycle
Reply #5 - Sep 18th, 2008 at 9:56am
im getting sucker punched right now to Dave. i won't give in if you don't. i am pulling for you bro.  please vent away!!!!!

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CH.com Alumnus

Go Cubbies  / even though
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Re: Bad Cycle
Reply #6 - Sep 18th, 2008 at 10:36am
im getting sucker punched right now to Dave. i won't give in if you don't. i am pulling for you bro.  please vent away!!!!!


I think I mite hit a record today I have had 3 hits before 9:00 am this is a f@$#%@g joke I am not sleeping very well, but hey I will sleep when I'm dead. I don't care about me , it's my kids for 1) I don't like them seeing me in that state and for 2) It takes away from my time with them and that pisses me off. My little guy is saying to me " daddy is your headache gone yet " in a very concerned voice. The kid is only 3 freekin years old I don't want him to have to worry about his father at that age. Ok rant over.
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Re: Bad Cycle
Reply #7 - Sep 18th, 2008 at 11:01am

I know how frustrating it can be.   The worst for me came last week when my wife actually saw me have an attack.  I have somehow managed to hide away during attacks for the last three years.  When I came out of it, she was on the deck crying and that seemed to make it even worse.  Hang in there and don't let it get the best of you.  I've learned that the why me syndrome does not get me anywhere, but I still can't help but be pissed and angry that it is me, so rant away.  We will listen and understand.  Wishing you some pain free time.


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Re: Bad Cycle
Reply #8 - Sep 18th, 2008 at 11:08am
I'm so sorry you are having such a bad time, Dave. Cry  I wish there was something that I could say or do to help. Smiley  Just try to remember that it won't go on forever....it will pass.  

I know that when I have had particularly bad cycles, the worst part is how it effects my family.  Adding guilt to the pain and exhaustion certainly doesn't make thing better!

Please know that we are here for you and that all of us are sending good thoughts and prayers that remission is around the corner.  Maybe the increase in hits is an indication that your cycle will wind down soon.  I hope!

Take care,

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"It's all a grand illusion when you think you're in control." ~ Kenny Chesney
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Ernie Moss aka Wishbone
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Birmingham, AL
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Re: Bad Cycle
Reply #9 - Sep 18th, 2008 at 11:29am
Dave as all have said before my heart goes out to you man.  My Prayers are in for you.   I am an ole fart so my sons are grown but I remember the first time my oldest saw me have a 8kip and he was in his mid 20's he almost went crazy.  The impact on our families is something we don't fully understand for them to have to see us suffer and to sit helplessly beside us and in most instances (I am a lucky one I can be) not even be able to touch or hold us.  I know everyone has to deal with their headaches as they seem most appropriate, but I did not see you reply as to how the O2 was working, so I assume it isn't. Are you staying on an extra 10-15 minutes after you have aborted?  I know I have aborted at work and got off too quickly only to get hit again within the hour.  Just a thought and not trying to suggest you don't know what you are doing.  Good luck and like someone said maybe this is a sign your cycle is at is peak is about to end, lets hope and Pray that is the case.  Wishbone.
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Re: Bad Cycle
Reply #10 - Sep 18th, 2008 at 12:05pm

I am so sorry that you are going through Hell at this time.  I don't know any words I can say that will help you comfort your three year old other than something like Daddy will be OK.  He shouldn't have to witness his Daddy going through something like this, but just needs re-assurance that Daddy's going to be fine.

On the other hand, to Malcom and anyone else - if your family members are old enough to understand, as hard as it may be for them and for you, they really need to witness a full blown CH attack in order to understand what you are going through.  Don't hide in a closet.  It's hard to put ourselves out there as weakened, in pain individuals to those we love.  But, this is what makes supporters.

Supporters are our most valuable tool against the pain we deal with.  Yes, it is extremely hard on our loved ones to witness us in this state.  But, if our supporters are kept in the dark, they will never understand. 

Again, if your friends and loved ones are old enough to understand - please include them in your battle.  They are your best weapon against CH.

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CH.com Alumnus

Mountain Biking Keeps
Me Sane

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Bracebridge, Canada
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Re: Bad Cycle
Reply #11 - Sep 18th, 2008 at 12:39pm
Sorry Dave Cry Hang in there.

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Re: Bad Cycle
Reply #12 - Sep 18th, 2008 at 1:30pm
I hate it for ya Dave. Careful with the caffiene taurine intake. It's a double edged sword and can cause rebounds.
PF times are ahead.
all the best
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CH.com Alumnus

Go Cubbies  / even though
they suck

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Re: Bad Cycle
Reply #13 - Sep 18th, 2008 at 5:53pm
This is the best family a person could have. What excellent advice. Sandy you truly have a way with words. And I do tell my little guy that it's just that I could see the worry in his eyes, for a boy he is very affectionate even more then my daughters.
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San Diego to Florida 05-16-2011

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Re: Bad Cycle
Reply #14 - Sep 18th, 2008 at 11:28pm
Cry Damnit dave...catch a break why doncha. Hang in there, you know we're pulling for you.

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"Somebody had to say it" is usually a piss poor excuse to be mean.
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CH.com Alumnus

Hugs to ya

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Douglasville, TX
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Re: Bad Cycle
Reply #15 - Sep 19th, 2008 at 7:40am
Ok Dave, here goes Granny's theory on kids (oh you KNEW I had one!).

My little Caleb has been watching Granny have headaches since he was born. When he got big enough to know what was going on we sat him down and explained that Granny had headaches and had to suck O2 and don't touch her when she was on it. He'd sit and watch me and when I'd pull off the mask, he come over and ask if I needed a hug "now".

As he got older, when I'd start rubbing my ear, he'd run and pull out the O2 bottle and start yelling, "Breathe Granny Breathe". He's been my best little supporter.

He's six now and likes to "breathe" the O2 occasionally. I'll be puffing away and he'll stand there and tell me, "Granny I've got a headache, I think I need some oxygen." I told him he was a hypochriandric, so now he stands there and tells me, "Granny I'm a hypochriandric, I need some oxygen!" He takes a couple of puffs and his hypochrindia goes away.

I've never believed in sheltering kids - explain what's going on - they really understand more than you think.

At my age, I don't get embarrased much any more and I don't apologize for having CH. If I'm out in public, my O2 tank isn't far away. I just go to the truck, suck on the O2 until the CH passes, then come back to what I was doing - no excuses. I'm an accountant and during an audit I had to leave a couple of times to go hit the O2. I explained to the auditor that I had CH and was in a high cycle and had to have some O2. He dealt with it.

But ya just have to come to terms with having CH. There's nothing you can do to stop it - ya just have to learn to deal with it (easier said than done, but ya can).

Now go whip some CH rear.... and give that baby a hug from GrannyB

Hugs BD
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Damn this cross is heavy

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Gillespie , Illinois
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Re: Bad Cycle
Reply #16 - Sep 19th, 2008 at 9:13am
Damn my friend, I TRUELY feel your pain!!!!! I am 42 and have been fighting this no good bastard since i was 18. I have two sons, I hid it from them the best I could, and my wife would explain , (TRY to explain) what i was dealing with. I'll never forget the day, they were 5 and 7 at the time, and I was on midnights, got hit around 10 A.M. which was more like midnight for me, (I was sleeping), I had no idea there was no school that day, and I thought I was home alone. I crawled out to the living room, crying and beating my head on the floor, and then realised both boys were sitting ,(in shock) watching me. To make a long story short my friend, my boys are 12 and 14 now, and two of the best damn supporters,(next to my wife) that a man could ask for. I have been racked with guilt for years over lost time with them, and they arnt to pleased about it either, BUT,,,, THEY UNDERSTAND!!!!!!This damn beast has done one thing positive,,,, it has made the time I spend with my wife and sons, SO APPRECIATED by ALL OF US its hard to explain. We ALL cherish the PF time we get together and MAKE THE MOST OF IT. Dont let it get you down my freind, raise the kids with love and understanding, and they will return it tenfold. Make the most of PF time, and the rest will work itself out. STAY POSITIVE and GOOD LUCK!  We are here for ya!!!    Tuck
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cancer shmancer,, i get cluster headaches!
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CH.com Junior

Opportunity knocked, my
doorman kicked him out.

Posts: 30
Re: Bad Cycle
Reply #17 - Sep 19th, 2008 at 9:33am
Sorry to hear about the bad cycle  Sad

Hopefully things will start looking up again soon.  I'm glad that you are able to come here and rant though, maybe it helps just a bit to know you're not alone yah?

Jeannie wrote on Sep 18th, 2008 at 11:08am:
I know that when I have had particularly bad cycles, the worst part is how it effects my family.  Adding guilt to the pain and exhaustion certainly doesn't make thing better!

I'm glad that other people have said this too.  I love my wife, and she's an amazing supporter, but when the hit is over she can't stand to be near me.  She just wants to go off and mope for a while...  Sometimes it makes me feel like I've done something wrong, and she's mad at me.  I really hate that feeling.
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CH.com Alumnus

Go Cubbies  / even though
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Re: Bad Cycle
Reply #18 - Sep 19th, 2008 at 10:43am
I am so lucky to have a family. Tuck, you and I are very much alike, I am 44 and I started getting hit with these damn things at the ripe old age of 14.

   Barb great story, I love hearing about other peoples experiences,you can learn so much from others.

    Thanks to all of you for the advice and just for being here. I love you all.

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Re: Bad Cycle
Reply #19 - Sep 19th, 2008 at 12:09pm
Any better today?
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CH.com Alumnus

Go Cubbies  / even though
they suck

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Re: Bad Cycle
Reply #20 - Sep 19th, 2008 at 5:01pm
Any better today?

NO. Hey Bill how far are you from Waukegan ? I am driving there in about 5 min. I have a job going there and I have to bring some supply's to my installers. I figured if you weren't that far we could meet for a cup of joe. It's probably to far so don't feel obligated or anything like that I just thought if it wasn't that far give me a call I have to leave now so call my cell if you are in 630-803-1642. I have to run to my shop first to pick up supplies first then I'm heading north.

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CH.com Alumnus

Mountain Biking Keeps
Me Sane

Posts: 3947
Bracebridge, Canada
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Re: Bad Cycle
Reply #21 - Sep 19th, 2008 at 8:17pm
My cycle this round started out mild but is starting to get more intense as I get further along with it. History makes no sense to me as what it was like last round compared to this one, but I am expecting quite a fight.

Dave, we are here for you Bro, and will help in any way! PROMISE!!! Fight this f*#@!&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Excuse my language, but that is how I feel when a family member is hurting badly and I am sitting here helpless. It sucks!!! Cry
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CH.com Alumnus

"Ya gotta believe!"

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Re: Bad Cycle
Reply #22 - Sep 19th, 2008 at 8:30pm

All I can say is I feel your pain..it sucks and you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Hang in, hang on, you'll get there and get to just hang out...and that's what we are all rooting for.


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The LARGE print giveth....and the small print taketh away.    Tom Waits
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Re: Bad Cycle
Reply #23 - Sep 19th, 2008 at 11:05pm
MR_FLOOR wrote on Sep 19th, 2008 at 5:01pm:
Any better today?

NO. Hey Bill how far are you from Waukegan ? I am driving there in about 5 min. I have a job going there and I have to bring some supply's to my installers. I figured if you weren't that far we could meet for a cup of joe. It's probably to far so don't feel obligated or anything like that I just thought if it wasn't that far give me a call I have to leave now so call my cell if you are in 630-803-1642. I have to run to my shop first to pick up supplies first then I'm heading north.


Sorry I didn't see this earlier, Dave. If I had, I could have given you a definitive no. Had to play taxi driver for the boy who started his volunteer work for WUWM, the radio station affiliated with UW-Milwaukee.

Hopefully we'll see you at David's fund-raiser on the 4th.
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Re: Bad Cycle
Reply #24 - Sep 19th, 2008 at 11:18pm


   You said you've been getting hit harder lately.  I'm chronic...but the episodics I have known around these parts tell me that most times the beast does this as a last "hurrah" if you will.   Ramps up the hits to a crecendo and then you're out of cycle. 

I hope that this is the case for you and I've got my prayers on over-drive that I am correct.

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