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My Brain Hurts!! (Read 2960 times)
CH.com Newbie

Leap and the net will

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Hampstead, NH USA
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My Brain Hurts!!
Aug 22nd, 2008 at 2:41pm
I am new to this so I will hope you all will forgive my ignorance.

I was diagnosed in April. I had what you might call my first bad attacks since I was started on meds last weekend. I was in the ER on Sunday.

I have had my regulars today.  No screamers. May be what you would rate a KIP 2 or 3.  I have had ringing in my ears on and off all day and my 'background' headache has been fairly constant all day like last weekend.

I have been getting stabbed. It is my 2:00 PM right now and it is getting worse. I have pain behind my eye(s) and right temple and sudden shifts to the back on both sides. I get whooshing sound in my ears that comes in pulses of one to three and corresponds with what feels like a myclonic shock, otherwise known as a 'Brain Zap'. Both eyes ache, the right more so (I am a righty)

This is not normal for me. If there is a normal.................

Should I take it the ER now or ride it out?




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Re: My Brain Hurts!!
Reply #1 - Aug 22nd, 2008 at 2:51pm
Vomact wrote on Aug 22nd, 2008 at 2:41pm:
Should I take it the ER now or ride it out?

Are you by yourself?  What does the ER give you once you're there?  I don't know because I have never gone to the ER before for CH.  My CH pain more or less feels the same every time.  The pain only varies with intensity, but it doesn't morph into any new weird symptoms.  Not sure what to tell you, but I don't want you to sit here with no responses from anyone.  I'm here and watching.
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CH.com Hall of Famer

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Re: My Brain Hurts!!
Reply #2 - Aug 22nd, 2008 at 2:51pm
Dude, if you're on and able to try something, go under the "medication" section and look up The Spaniards thread about how to abort w/o meds or O2.  It's a pumping exercise that works for me.
It diverts the blood going to your brain to your arms.  Pound an energy drink if you have one handy.  Make sure it has at least 1000mg of Taurine it.  There are my lines of defense when I haven't taken an Imitrex.  I hope that beast leaves you man.

PF wishes!
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When the PAIN starts, I FIGHT back!

Rivea Corymbosa seeds were my KO punch, now D3 is the front runner!
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Re: My Brain Hurts!!
Reply #3 - Aug 22nd, 2008 at 2:52pm
You need something for an abort or you will be in the ER. Whatcha got?
One can only take so much eh!
Got coffee?
I hate it for ya. Cry
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CH.com Hall of Famer

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Emmaus, PA
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Re: My Brain Hurts!!
Reply #4 - Aug 22nd, 2008 at 2:54pm
Try what I copied below immediately.  It's worth a shot.
The exercise alone should reduce the intensity.
Good luck!

1) Stand up straight immediately and look straight ahead.
2) Stretch out your arms to the max right over your head and make fists (one of your hands holds your handkerchief)
3) Bend your arms so your fists come together right over the top of your head
4) Gently touch the top of your head with the thumbs of your fists and immediately...
5) Pump (don´t throw) out your arms straight over your head, keeping your fists clenched

The outward motion is quick, inward is slow. Visualize a pump - you are pumping blood from your head to your arms - and continue for one or two minutes. Now stop and blow your nose thoroughly, long and hard.

Relief? If no, start at 1) again. You will know the end of the attack is near once your nose on the side of the attack starts to open, and there is actually something exiting from your nostril as opposed to just air.

What am I saying: you will know it in an instant.
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« Last Edit: Aug 22nd, 2008 at 2:55pm by Chad »  

When the PAIN starts, I FIGHT back!

Rivea Corymbosa seeds were my KO punch, now D3 is the front runner!
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Ex Member

Re: My Brain Hurts!!
Reply #5 - Aug 22nd, 2008 at 2:59pm
This is not normal for me. If there is a normal.................

Should I take it the ER now or ride it out?

Best advice: Get to the ER. Big changes from the norm can indicate something else is going on. Undecided
all the best

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CH.com Newbie

Leap and the net will

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Hampstead, NH USA
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Re: My Brain Hurts!!
Reply #6 - Aug 22nd, 2008 at 3:15pm

Thanks ReeseC.

I am going to reach for a Red Bull and see what happens. I read the Spaniards thread last night.... I'll try anything.

No 02 or Imitrex yet, just Dilantin and Verap. If that doesn't work
by 6:00 PM (my next one) I'm getting in the car to the ER.  I think they administer IV Demerol or Dilaudid, or Valium and Compazine.

Bless you all

Vomact Embarrassed
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Re: My Brain Hurts!!
Reply #7 - Aug 22nd, 2008 at 3:21pm
Vomact wrote on Aug 22nd, 2008 at 3:15pm:
If that doesn't work by 6:00 PM (my next one) I'm getting in the car to the ER.

An attack began while I was driving once, and in my state of impaired judgment, I continued to drive with the pain, on the freeway, for another 20 miles until I reached my destination.  I thought I was OK because I was able to control the car, even though it took every ounce of concentration I had.

It was seriously dangerous, in hindsight.  Sure I was able to navigate the roads and the highway, but I didn't take into account OTHER drivers.  If some loser decided to cut me off, I don't know whether I would have reacted properly. 

Do you have a friend, or a coworker, or a significant other who can come around to act as chauffeur for you?
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CH.com Newbie

Leap and the net will

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Hampstead, NH USA
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Re: My Brain Hurts!!
Reply #8 - Aug 22nd, 2008 at 3:35pm
I am cool on the ride.  I would never drive myself during one of these.

I had one of my first on RT. 93 driving to Boston and almost hit a bridge (I was young and foolish back then) so I know what that nightmare is like.



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CH.com Hall of Famer

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Emmaus, PA
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Re: My Brain Hurts!!
Reply #9 - Aug 22nd, 2008 at 3:40pm
Keep us posted my friend.  We're here to help!

For what's it worth, you live in a beautiful state.
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When the PAIN starts, I FIGHT back!

Rivea Corymbosa seeds were my KO punch, now D3 is the front runner!
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CH.com Hall of Famer

when the love of power
becomes the power of
love !

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Re: My Brain Hurts!!
Reply #10 - Aug 22nd, 2008 at 5:18pm
Chad wrote on Aug 22nd, 2008 at 2:54pm:
Try what I copied below immediately.  It's worth a shot.
The exercise alone should reduce the intensity.
Good luck!

1) Stand up straight immediately and look straight ahead.
2) Stretch out your arms to the max right over your head and make fists (one of your hands holds your handkerchief)
3) Bend your arms so your fists come together right over the top of your head
4) Gently touch the top of your head with the thumbs of your fists and immediately...
5) Pump (don´t throw) out your arms straight over your head, keeping your fists clenched

The outward motion is quick, inward is slow. Visualize a pump - you are pumping blood from your head to your arms - and continue for one or two minutes. Now stop and blow your nose thoroughly, long and hard.

Relief? If no, start at 1) again. You will know the end of the attack is near once your nose on the side of the attack starts to open, and there is actually something exiting from your nostril as opposed to just air.

What am I saying: you will know it in an instant.

                                                                                      i hope you don't mind chad, just wanted to add, remember to exhale deeply, and breath deep. andrew.
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Take It Easy

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Re: My Brain Hurts!!
Reply #11 - Aug 22nd, 2008 at 6:35pm
Sorry your in pain matey in my experiance the only thing that changes is the level of pain and 1 time the side of the pain wich was my last hit on this cycle so if it really does eel so different then go get checked out better to be safe than sorry

when ya get to the ER my advice is to ask them for o2 befor any drugs no point in drugs if the o2 works ask them for atleast 15 lpm minimum if not fixed in 15 mins then ask for the drugs

regarding the driving ya dont drive not advisable i dont have the option not to drive some times i drive for a living and if i get hit on the motorway i just have to continue till i can stop and its never a nice experiance ,i have to consentrate that much im destroyed afterwards

anyhow hope you get this kicked man i hate to see anyone have to live with this shit but sadly we do my thoughts are with you

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PF Wishes to all.&&We all live with this crap But it is not who we are dont let it control you!!!.
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Re: My Brain Hurts!!
Reply #12 - Aug 23rd, 2008 at 12:58am
Vomact wrote on Aug 22nd, 2008 at 2:41pm:
I am new to this so I will hope you all will forgive my ignorance.

I was diagnosed in April. I had what you might call my first bad attacks since I was started on meds last weekend. I was in the ER on Sunday.

I have had my regulars today.  No screamers. May be what you would rate a KIP 2 or 3.  I have had ringing in my ears on and off all day and my 'background' headache has been fairly constant all day like last weekend.

I have been getting stabbed. It is my 2:00 PM right now and it is getting worse. I have pain behind my eye(s) and right temple and sudden shifts to the back on both sides. I get whooshing sound in my ears that comes in pulses of one to three and corresponds with what feels like a myclonic shock, otherwise known as a 'Brain Zap'. Both eyes ache, the right more so (I am a righty)

This is not normal for me. If there is a normal.................
Should I take it the ER now or ride it out?



We are not doctors here.

Some of what you describe does not fit the norm for most clusterheads.

A wise man would have it checked out if you havent allready as thebbz and Brian says.

Sounds like a medication issue but you dont say what med you started.
There is also potential for other issues as well. Better safe than sorry at least with a medical consult if this is not the norm.
Energy drinks or other seemingly innocent treatments can cause harm at times.

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« Last Edit: Aug 23rd, 2008 at 1:03am by MJ »  

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I've tried the rest, and
busting is the best!

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Re: My Brain Hurts!!
Reply #13 - Aug 23rd, 2008 at 1:49am
If this isn't normal for you, I'd get to the ER.

There are a LOT of things this could be, and you need to get checked with a CT/MRI and a lot of other things.

From my own experience, the longer you wait, the worse things are. (i.e. you could end up trying to 'fix' this and end up making things worse for yourself.) So please, get to the ER asap.
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As far as I'm concerned, cluster busting has been the best treatment I've tried. No migraines since I started it, and my hits have gotten so much better. Wanna know more?
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CH.com Newbie

Leap and the net will

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Hampstead, NH USA
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Re: My Brain Hurts!!
Reply #14 - Aug 23rd, 2008 at 10:41am
I rode it out and I'm doing fine.

MJ Said:

"Vomact.  We are not doctors here.Some of what you describe does not fit the norm for most clusterheads.

A wise man would have it checked out if you haven't already as thebbz and Brian says.Sounds like a medication issue but you don't say what med you started. There is also potential for other issues as well. Better safe than sorry at least with a medical consult if this is not the norm.Energy drinks or other seemingly innocent treatments can cause harm at times."


I Thank You for your comments.  

I fully intend to have it checked out.  I go to see my Neuro on Monday and will probably have another MRI as well as blood work done.

Whenever ANYTHING changes I call the Doctor.  I am a Noobe at this!

I realize that there (appears) to be none in the community that are doctors, however you folks are the ones to ask about experience.  In many cases (some might say most) the community knows more than the Doctors do. Doctors don't walk in our shoes.

My sister and brother in law are both M.D.s' and they admit that while that there is consensus about what Cluster is and it's general symptomology, they indicated that the medical community still doesn't understand much about the disease. They indicated that it could be a medication issue.   It could be the Verap itself.

There is much about my symptoms that are not the 'norm'.  For example, when I start having 'shadows' at the onset of an attack I experience severe tinnitus. Like LOUD. I haven't' heard nor read here that that is the 'norm' for Cluster, although it is reported as a symptom by some suffers.

I also experience symptoms of Trigeminal Neuralgia e.g. specific teeth HURT when I am having an attack. This is also not the norm.

I read here many posts about clusterheads who have a change in symptomology. i.e. side shifting and other changes.

We seek advice, not diagnoses, from the experts.............YOU!

To paraphrase Martin Rees and Bill Bryson:

" our present satisfaction with our state of understanding about the
disease (sic) reflects a paucity of [the] data rather than the excellence of the theory"

God Bless You All!

Vomact Smiley
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