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Kilowatt3! (Read 36756 times)
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #25 - Aug 29th, 2008 at 9:41pm

Thank you very much for the very well explained answer to my curiosity!  I was just curious mainly because the 150 Mg I take twice a day pretty much makes me 99% PF after 2 days on it.  I know our weight is a little different though.  I also know that Kudzu does not work for everyone.

Your explanation to why you have the recipe you have makes very good sense.  I am right on with you about "WTF - I beat the !#@#% HA's, why should I change anything??? "  I was just looking at it from my own personal response to Kudzu.

It would still be nice to know that if someone such as yourself just used Kudzu would have the same benefit and then we could look harder at one thing instead of 4 or 5.

Could you please post the contents of ingredients from your bottle of Kudzu?  Mine reads as:
Amount per Capsule
Kudzu(Pueraria lobata) (root)  165 mg
Kudzu (Pueraria lobata) (root extract)  150 mg
   (Guranteed 2% [3 mg] daidzin)

Thank you and PF days!
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #26 - Aug 29th, 2008 at 10:17pm
I find Daidzin a very interesting ingredient as alcohol is a universal trigger to ClusterHeads.

"Chinese researchers have been able to show that daidzin can lessen the intoxicating effects of alcohol. When laboratory rats recently imbibed a fixed quantity of 80-proof alcohol while lounging around in their cages, rats given daidzin along with their booze had 33-per cent lower blood-alcohol levels and took three times as long to reach peak blood-alcohol amounts, compared to daidzin-free drinkers. Amazingly enough, daidzin controlled drunkenness, even if it was ingested during the week leading up to - but not the day of - alcohol ingestion. Daidzin also decreased the amount of time rats required to 'sleep off' an over-consumption of booze ('Daidzin, an Antioxidant Isoflavonoid, Decreases Blood Alcohol Levels and Shortens Sleep Time Induced by Ethanol Intoxication,' Alcohol Clin Exp Res, vol. 18(6), pp. 1443-1447, 1994). "

There is something in us that alcohol brings to the forefront and Diadzin tends to kill it.  I am very optimistic that it will be discovered where one chemical is our pain and one chemical will fix it!

Modified at 9:27 p.m. In regards to Melotonin effect

Maybe this effect "Daidzin also decreased the amount of time rats required to 'sleep off' an over-consumption of booze "  has something to do with the melotonin aspect of CH's.
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« Last Edit: Aug 29th, 2008 at 10:30pm by N/A »  
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1952 Jag

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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #27 - Aug 29th, 2008 at 10:32pm
Hello Geewilly,

I'd be glad to post the info from my Kudzu bottle, but it's likely to be a few days or so before I can do it.  I'm away from home on business at the moment, and don't have it with me.  I do recall that the contents were 1000 mg of Kudzu, but I don't know if there was a breakdown into more detail; root vs. root extract, etc...  I think it was just "Kudzu root".  Looking at those ingredients from yours leads me to wonder if perhaps the 150 mg of "root extract" might contain a lot more of the active principle(s) that make the kudzu work, so the dosages might actually be closer than they appear.  As I understand it, daidzin is one of the compounds in Kudzu that appear to have medicinal properties - sort of a naturally occurring organic NSAID.

I'll be heading home tomorrow (Saturday), but it looks like as soon as I get home, we'll be preparing to flee our second major hurricane in three years :-P  We got slammed by Rita in '05, and the forcasts have Gustav running right up our a$$ sometime around Tuesday evening.  We've got a lot of preparation to do, and have to evacuate a lot of pets plus a horse.  I dunno if I'll be able to do much online posting until we've gotten this behind us.

Thanks again for joining the discussion!  I'll follow up here ASAP.


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SW Louisiana

If "that which does not kill me, makes me stronger", then how come I always feel like $hit after every near-death experience?
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #28 - Aug 29th, 2008 at 11:00pm

You just stay safe and take care of everything you can and don't worry about posting anything until all is good!
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1952 Jag

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Lake Charles, Louisiana - USA
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #29 - Sep 1st, 2008 at 3:01pm

My Kudzu is "Good'N Natural" brand.
Contents are listed as :
"Kudzu Blend 1000 mg.
Kudzu Extract (Pueraria lobata) (root)
Kudzu (Pueraria lobata) (root)
(Standardized to contain 1% Daidzein)"

So, looks like the same ingredients, but in unknown proportions and with only half the Diadzein content of yours.

Stay in touch!



Thank you very much for the very well explained answer to my curiosity!  I was just curious mainly because the 150 Mg I take twice a day pretty much makes me 99% PF after 2 days on it.  I know our weight is a little different though.  I also know that Kudzu does not work for everyone.

Your explanation to why you have the recipe you have makes very good sense.  I am right on with you about "WTF - I beat the !#@#% HA's, why should I change anything??? "  I was just looking at it from my own personal response to Kudzu.

Could you please post the contents of ingredients from your bottle of Kudzu?  Mine reads as:
Amount per Capsule
Kudzu(Pueraria lobata) (root)  165 mg
Kudzu (Pueraria lobata) (root extract)  150 mg
  (Guranteed 2% [3 mg] daidzin)

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SW Louisiana

If "that which does not kill me, makes me stronger", then how come I always feel like $hit after every near-death experience?
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #30 - Sep 2nd, 2008 at 6:18pm
Thanks man that is pretty interesting on the differences.  Glad you were able to post.

Stay safe,
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #31 - Sep 2nd, 2008 at 9:59pm
The tincture contains skullcap L. and grain alcohol.

Wow.  I guess it makes one sleepy because of the alcohol in it.  Cyndi, you DO realize that alcohol is an almost universal trigger. Right?
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Cyndi Leier
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #32 - Sep 2nd, 2008 at 10:18pm
Yes, is most certainly does contain grain alcohol and yes, we're aware that alcohol is a trigger for most. It's a very small dosage - 30 tiny drops. I didn't have a choice as far as the type of skullcap when I ran out to buy it. Tincture was all they had, so that's what we started him on and he felt almost immediate relief. I did find the capsules the next week but Lorne wasn't as impressed with them and says he'll only use the tincture in the future. Miracle, nothing short of a miracle for us.

Linda_Howell wrote on Sep 2nd, 2008 at 9:59pm:
The tincture contains skullcap L. and grain alcohol.

Wow.  I guess it makes one sleepy because of the alcohol in it.  Cyndi, you DO realize that alcohol is an almost universal trigger. Right?

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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #33 - Sep 3rd, 2008 at 1:28am
This a perfectly good post.  But damn Linda_Howell you are like a bad penny.
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #34 - Sep 3rd, 2008 at 1:43am
This a perfectly good post.  But damn Linda_Howell you are like a bad penny.

    No superirish it's you that keeps coming back like the Troll you are.

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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #35 - Sep 3rd, 2008 at 2:16am

I will keep to my Trollish confines and don't expand them please.


P.S.  Just because Linda wanted to bedazzle this post with her sparkles does not mean we have to have your one sentence flames.  We can work on you and the challenge of paragraphs back in the other posts.
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #36 - Sep 3rd, 2008 at 3:14am
Thank you Cyndi,

Thanks for bringing Kudzu as a topic and for sharing in the relief it has given to your family.


P.S. <kicking> A few Alumni away! </kick ended>
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CH.com Old Timer

1952 Jag

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Lake Charles, Louisiana - USA
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #37 - Sep 3rd, 2008 at 6:04pm

I'm going to stay clear of the flame war, as I really haven't been a party to any of that conversation, but I have to say that so far as this topic is concerned, you really "don't get it".  Even after a few attempts at explanation.

Good luck!

Thank you Cyndi,

Thanks for bringing Kudzu as a topic and for sharing in the relief it has given to your family.


P.S. <kicking> A few Alumni away! </kick ended>

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SW Louisiana

If "that which does not kill me, makes me stronger", then how come I always feel like $hit after every near-death experience?
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #38 - Sep 3rd, 2008 at 6:59pm
It would be real sad if this thread of pain free goodness turned into a flame war.

Watch it, folks......I will be! Angry

Good for you and your husband, Cindy!  Smiley

And big ups to you, Kilo!  Smiley

................................Jonny Cool

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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #39 - Sep 4th, 2008 at 8:46pm
but I have to say that so far as this topic is concerned, you really "don't get it".  Even after a few attempts at explanation.

That you are right I don't get.  I do get that Kudzu has worked for well...atleast 3 of us.  I do believe that you explained your recipe very nicely and I am glad it has worked for not just you but also Cyndi's husband.

My question on the dosage was just out of complete curiosity and nothing else.  I was and still am very curious if you used the different brand and none of the other items if it works just as good.  I also understand that if something is working then why change it.

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Cyndi Leier
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #40 - Sep 5th, 2008 at 12:37am
Kudzu may or may not be the answer. Lorne adamantly feels the skullcap played a huge role, maybe more so than the Kudzu. (Mostly because any remaining shadows over the first few days were killed with the nighttime dose of Skullcap until total remission.) Maybe there is someone brave enough out there to mess with trying one of the herbs per week and keeping a journal. Lorne will not be that person. He is insistent that the recipe stays as is for the next cycle, if there is one. What we really need is some feedback from whoever else tries Kilowatt's regimen.  I can't wait for that to happen. I got a few PMs from people wanting to know the exact brands of what I bought.  I imagine there are a few clusterheads trying Kilowatt's "recipe" now. Here's to hoping that they'll post their experiences with it soon.

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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #41 - Sep 5th, 2008 at 6:14am
Thinking about the skullcap, two pharmacological effects come to attention. Taken from Wikipedia:

Virginian skullcap contains the flavonoid glycosides baicalin, dihydrobaicalin and chrysin glucuronide. Baicalin is known to be anti-inflammatory and analgesic[9][10]. Chrysin is found naturally in various plants including wild carrot, the Pelargonium species, which are germanium-like plants; the Passiflora or passion flower species, which include tropical passion fruit; and the Pinaceae species, including pine trees. Chrysin is sold as a nutritional supplement for male body builders because of its possible action in inhibiting the conversions of androgens to estrogens[11].

Some CH sufferers get help from anti-inflammatory drugs. E.g. steroids have a powerful effect on reducing inflammation and "calming down" the immune system. Probably the analgesic effect doesn't hurt either, since it reduces pain.

Chrysin might have an effect as well. I read somewhere that some CH sufferers have reduced amounts of testosterone. If chrysin inhibits the conversion of androgens to estrogens, that might be something worth considering.

Kudzu didn't work for me when I tried it. Neither did melatonin. I think I'll try and get some skullcap, though Smiley

- Best regards and PFDAN,
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1952 Jag

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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #42 - Sep 8th, 2008 at 9:58pm
Hi Cyndi,

I hope everything continues to go well for Lorne!

I'm been PM'ing with a fellow from Pittsburgh who's in cycle, has bought everything, and is planning to start on the stuff this evening.  I've asked him to post progress reports, so we'll cross fingers and hope for another success!


Cyndi Leier wrote on Sep 5th, 2008 at 12:37am:
What we really need is some feedback from whoever else tries Kilowatt's regimen.  I can't wait for that to happen. I got a few PMs from people wanting to know the exact brands of what I bought.  I imagine there are a few clusterheads trying Kilowatt's "recipe" now. Here's to hoping that they'll post their experiences with it soon.


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SW Louisiana

If "that which does not kill me, makes me stronger", then how come I always feel like $hit after every near-death experience?
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #43 - Sep 9th, 2008 at 7:10am
I started this last night and I can report my FIRST ATTACK FREE NIGHT IN ALMOST 5 WEEKS!!!!   Smiley Smiley Smiley    I am not going to make any other claims about success, but I had a full, beautiful, restful night of sleep for the first time in a long time.  Even if that's all this does for me, I can't thank Kilowatt3 enough for this!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

For the purposes of helping others, let me explain what exactly I took (as I had to modify Kilowatt3's original mixture/amounts due to what was available at the health food store I went to purchase all of the supplements/herbs.  Here's what I took last night:

- Kudzu (900 mg - 2 pills)
- Magnesium (200 mg - 1 pill)
- St John's Wort (300 mg - 1 pill) -- The pharmacist recommended a pill that also contained 80 mg of Rosemary (leaf) and 40 mg of Spirulina (algae).  It's also worth noting that the St John's Wort was standardized to .3% dianthrones measured as hypericin.  This has to do with the accuracy of the potency of the herb in pill.
- Skullcap (.5 ml liquid drop) -- They only had skullcap in liquid form, and this amount equals 500 mg
- Melatonin (5 mg - 2 pills) -- The pharmacist (and others here on this board) recommended going easy on this for my first night to see how it goes.  I'm going to see my Naturopath MD and get her advice about the 10 mg dose.

I have no idea if this will or won't work for anyone else, and I have no idea what the next few days will look like, but I can absolutely attest that I was attack free last night.  I will continue to report back my progress.  I will also report back what my Naturopath MD has to say about all of this.  She has a double medical degree as a Naturopath and a Medical Doctorate, and I trust her opinion on these things a lot.   My biggest concern is just making sure that I am not solving one problem while causing others.

Thank you again, Kilowatt3 and thanks to everyone else who has contributed to this thread and shared their experiences!

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Cyndi Leier
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #44 - Sep 9th, 2008 at 11:53pm
Hooray Josh! Glad you got a good night's sleep. I can't wait to hear how Kilowatt3's recipe goes for you. He sure saved Lorne! It would be so wonderful to hear that you killed the beast too. We're holding our breath and sending our thoughts your way! Please keep updating.

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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #45 - Sep 10th, 2008 at 8:56am
Yet another PF night!!!   I upped the melatonin to 7.5 mg in last night's dose, but I think that may be a bit much for me.  I am still really drowsy this morning.  But hey, a small price to pay for a pain free 36 hours, so far!

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1952 Jag

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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #46 - Sep 11th, 2008 at 11:51pm
Good for you and your husband, Cindy!  Smiley

And big ups to you, Kilo!  Smiley

................................Jonny Cool

Hiya Jonny!

BTW, In case I forgot to tell you, thanks for your help!

About a year ago (last August) you helped me out quite a bit in getting set up with an O2 rig.  Your advice on selecting and hooking up the valves & regulator & stuff was very helpful, and I got my tank, regulator, NRB mask, & all set up.  Turns out I never needed it, though.  By sheer dumb luck, the very day I went and got my O2 tank filled was the same day I first tried my herbal/supplement mix that is the topic of this thread.

After that fateful day, I had about three K2-3's, then my cycle was over.  I had one K4 or so - in April, I think it was, and started on the mix again.  No more HA's at all.  So, with the exception of that April HA, I've been better than a year PF and the O2 tank has just sat in the closet gathering dust!  But I thank you for your help, anyway!  It's comforting to have the O2 in reserve just in case I should need it.  Hope maybe you'll give my recipe a try, and find that you can retire your O2 tank too!

GL & Best regards,
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SW Louisiana

If "that which does not kill me, makes me stronger", then how come I always feel like $hit after every near-death experience?
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #47 - Sep 12th, 2008 at 6:56am
I've found this thread really interesting. I'm all for the herbal supplements (I already take 3 - 6mg melatonin every night) and I've read about magnesium helping too.

My question is about the St John's Wort. What part does that play? The only reason I ask is because I know here in the UK, medical advice suggests the St. John's Wort reduces the effectiveness of the contraceptive pill.

I am considering trying out the herbal concoction providing I can find the right stuff here but just wanted to find out a bit more first.
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #48 - Sep 12th, 2008 at 7:04am
PS - For those already taking it, I seem to remember Giuseppi mentioning that magnesium saps the calcium out of your system, so a supplement should be introduced. It may be worth thinking about.

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Cyndi Leier
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #49 - Sep 12th, 2008 at 9:19am
I've always heard the opposite about magnesium and calcium. Years ago, my doc advised a magnesium supplement  to help with my migraines. Magnesium allows our bodies to metabolize calcium. Without magnesium, our bodies cannot absorb or make use of calcium as well as Vitamin C.  But I think the thing to remember is that you're not on this herbal regimen for more than a week or two anyway. I don't think harm could be done in such a short period of time.
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