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Kilowatt3! (Read 36816 times)
CH.com Hall of Famer

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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #150 - Dec 31st, 2008 at 6:51pm
Got my Kudzu, Mom picked it up for me, last bottle the health food store had too!

Magnesium/Calcium/Zinc supplement didn't change anything. I'll report back on if this helps or not, now that I've got everything together.

I also realized I may not be taking enough Skullcap. I'm taking a Tincture. 40 drops at bedtime. So I'm not really sure if that's near enough...
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As far as I'm concerned, cluster busting has been the best treatment I've tried. No migraines since I started it, and my hits have gotten so much better. Wanna know more?
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #151 - Dec 31st, 2008 at 7:19pm
Ya know, I just can't do those energy drinks...just the SMELL of 'em makes me want to barf.  It actually triggers a migraine for me.  Tongue
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CH.com Hall of Famer

I've tried the rest, and
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #152 - Dec 31st, 2008 at 7:27pm
UnderTheRadar wrote on Dec 31st, 2008 at 7:19pm:
Ya know, I just can't do those energy drinks...just the SMELL of 'em makes me want to barf.  It actually triggers a migraine for me.  Tongue

Well, they do have some that taste good. Jolt has a cola flavor (that actually tastes like cola. No way to tell it's an energy drink) Full throttle Fury is kinda a orangey drink. (It's in the red can.)
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As far as I'm concerned, cluster busting has been the best treatment I've tried. No migraines since I started it, and my hits have gotten so much better. Wanna know more?
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #153 - Dec 31st, 2008 at 8:45pm
Can anyone tell me if this recipe requires magnesium citrate or magnesium oxide?
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CH.com Hall of Famer

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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #154 - Dec 31st, 2008 at 9:06pm
Heather wrote on Dec 31st, 2008 at 8:45pm:
Can anyone tell me if this recipe requires magnesium citrate or magnesium oxide?

I'm betting it's the magnesium that's sold in capsules.

If it was citrate, I'd be SOL. That causes me to break out in hives for some ungodly reason. (They have NO idea why. They don't even bother to try to figure it out. Probably for the same reason that Chihuahua's will cause my throat to close up, whereas other breeds don't irritate my allergies at all.) If it was citrate, it'd also be in ML or OZ I'm guessing.

That and...citrate tends to make you have violent diarreah from my experience with it. (I'm recovering for a migraine and nearly said PROJECTILE diarreah) It's a strong laxative, if we had to take it daily, it'd dehydrate us FAR too much.
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As far as I'm concerned, cluster busting has been the best treatment I've tried. No migraines since I started it, and my hits have gotten so much better. Wanna know more?
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1952 Jag

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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #155 - Jan 1st, 2009 at 11:47am
Heather wrote on Dec 31st, 2008 at 8:45pm:
Can anyone tell me if this recipe requires magnesium citrate or magnesium oxide?

Hi Heather,

The supplements I have used contain magnesium oxide.  The first was magnesium oxide only, then I started using a magnesium/calcium/zinc combination like Mystina mentioned.  It also contained Mg oxide.  Magnesium citrate would probably work, but like Mystina mentioned, it is a very powerful laxative!  It's the stuff they use to clear you out prior to a colonoscopy or intestinal surgery.

To date, I have had 100% success with the 'original' mix, so I haven't been inclined to experiment much!  Wink

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SW Louisiana

If "that which does not kill me, makes me stronger", then how come I always feel like $hit after every near-death experience?
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #156 - Jan 1st, 2009 at 12:28pm
Mystina- I think it's the aspartame or whatever artificial sweetener they have in them- it "burns" my sinuses the same way strong perfumes and chemicals do...and I just read last night that aspartame is a migraine trigger!  Cheesy  But it might be the herbal ingredients doing it... it's something that those drinks all have in common, and I swear that even if my man drinks a red bull and breathes next to me it makes me sick!!  Grin
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CH.com Hall of Famer

I've tried the rest, and
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #157 - Jan 1st, 2009 at 11:53pm
UnderTheRadar wrote on Jan 1st, 2009 at 12:28pm:
Mystina- I think it's the aspartame or whatever artificial sweetener they have in them- it "burns" my sinuses the same way strong perfumes and chemicals do...and I just read last night that aspartame is a migraine trigger!  Cheesy  But it might be the herbal ingredients doing it... it's something that those drinks all have in common, and I swear that even if my man drinks a red bull and breathes next to me it makes me sick!!  Grin

I don't think Jolt HAS aspartme in it... :XD I don't drink anything with it in it, if at all possible. It's only their diet version that has it, I'd imagine.

There's a high chance it is the herbal ingredients. I can't STAND red bull. Monster is just very, very sweet so that might overpower you.

Full throttle fury lists sucrose on the site, dunno about the other ingredients.

Another option though, is get some jolt energy gum. 2 pieces = caffiene of 1 cup of coffee, and it has taurtine in it, too. That might not help with your nausea though... I always find my mouth watering makes it worse!
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As far as I'm concerned, cluster busting has been the best treatment I've tried. No migraines since I started it, and my hits have gotten so much better. Wanna know more?
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #158 - Dec 31st, 2009 at 4:10am
Unfortunately, I'm back.  I just had my second headache in what appears to be a new cluster, after a year and half of being pain free.  The ONLY thing stopping me from panicking is knowing that this thread is here with Kilowatt3's herbal mixture.  I will be starting it immediately this morning and will report back on my results, but it knocked out the cluster last time and I fully expect it to now.

To Kilowatt3 and the owners of this board... I can't tell you how much it means to me that you are here. I haven't been participating much since my last cluster, but if you weren't here I'm not sure what I would do.  Thank you so much!

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CH.com Old Timer

1952 Jag

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Lake Charles, Louisiana - USA
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #159 - Dec 31st, 2009 at 1:22pm
hayduke wrote on Dec 31st, 2009 at 4:10am:
Unfortunately, I'm back.

Hi Josh!

Bummer that the HA's are back, but you know what to do!  Wink

I'm at about 3-1/2 years pf now with the mix, so I'm pretty convinced it works!

Keep us posted!

Best regards,
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SW Louisiana

If "that which does not kill me, makes me stronger", then how come I always feel like $hit after every near-death experience?
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #160 - Jan 1st, 2010 at 1:03am

Thanks, I definitely know what to do.  A bit of a panic today when I went to open my bottle of kudzu that I had from a year and a half ago and found it empty! Not sure how that happened, but I went to Whole Foods and they didn't have any in pill form.  But they did have Kuzu Root Starch, which is used as a food starch.  Kuzu is the Japanese name for Kudzu, it turns out.  I conferred with the Internet and the homeopathy person that happened to be there, and we think it will have the same effect.  There's no way to do an accurate dosage as low as 1000 mg, since a tablespoon of the stuff is 9 grams and it comes in granules!  But everyone seemed to agree that more was not a bad thing.  I'll let you know how it goes, since the other natural foods stores don't open again until Monday.

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CH.com Old Timer

1952 Jag

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Lake Charles, Louisiana - USA
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #161 - Jan 1st, 2010 at 11:35am
hayduke wrote on Jan 1st, 2010 at 1:03am:
...I went to Whole Foods and they didn't have any in pill form.  But they did have Kuzu Root Starch, which is used as a food starch.  Kuzu is the Japanese name for Kudzu...
There's no way to do an accurate dosage as low as 1000 mg, since a tablespoon of the stuff is 9 grams and it comes in granules!

Well, if a tablespoon is 9 grams, then 1/3 teaspoon would be 1000mg.  Heck, just round it up to 1/2 teaspoon and you oughtta be covered!  In traditional Chinese medicine, a typical daily dose is 10-15 grams, so we're still talking a pretty low dose.

Good luck, and stay in touch!

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SW Louisiana

If "that which does not kill me, makes me stronger", then how come I always feel like $hit after every near-death experience?
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #162 - Jan 2nd, 2010 at 10:53am
I just had my third morning dose of this herbal mix and I'm not seeing much of a change. I'm still getting hit twice a day, around 1am and 8am and have taken 6 shots of Imitrex so far.  I don't have Oxygen yet at home and can't get any over the holidays, and luckily I've been stockpiling the Imitrex for a while. 

I will say that the pain level has been going down a bit per episode, which I'm hopeful is a sign that the herbal mix is starting to take effect.  Not to do the whining kid thing, but how long should I expect it to take to knock out this cluster (ie: are we there yet)?

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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #163 - Jan 5th, 2010 at 8:33am
I just woke up from my SECOND pain free night!! Jim, you are a hero in my family!  I have slept more in the past two nights than I have in a long time, which is a wonderful thing.  I don't want to jinx anything, but it appears that this cluster has been busted!  This makes it the second time in a year and a half that this herbal mix has worked for me.

For anyone who may be reading this and wondering if they should try this treatment, I have two things to say: it has worked for me twice and there is absolutely no risk in starting this treatment (as affirmed by my homeopathic MD) which means you have nothing to lose.

I am so appreciative to Jim and the community here.  Thank you, thank you!  Please let me know if there are other ways that I can help spread the word about this miracle treatment.


ps- just so everyone realizes, I've not been taking Kudzu-based pills, but rather Japanese Kuzu Root Starch.  It comes in a bag and is commonly available at natural food stores (none of them had the pills).  I took half to a full teaspoon of it in place of the 1000mg pills in Jim's recipe.
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CH.com Old Timer

1952 Jag

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Lake Charles, Louisiana - USA
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #164 - Jan 5th, 2010 at 8:54am
Hi Josh,

Great news!

Sorry I was slow getting back to you on your Saturday post, but it looks like things are working out OK!  I was a little concerned that there might be issues with your Imitrex interacting with some of the "mix", but it sounds like it's not a problem.

Tell me a little about the Kuzu root starch.  I know this is the Japanese name for Kudzu, but I have never seen the root starch in a store.  What's the price range on that stuff?  I just bought a new bottle of Kudzu caps, and they were PRICEY!  I'm away from home on business, so I was in an unfamiliar store.  Hopefully, the prices have not gone through the roof at my regular stores close to home!

Anyway, congrats on another (apparently) successful treatment!  Stay on it for at least a week or so to be sure you've got it beat.

Thanks for posting!

Best regards,
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SW Louisiana

If "that which does not kill me, makes me stronger", then how come I always feel like $hit after every near-death experience?
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #165 - Jan 5th, 2010 at 10:25pm
Jim-  I don't have my receipt from the store, but I found it online here for $7.31/100grams:  Multimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or Register    If you search around online, you can find Kudzu pills that aren't that pricey.  This is one that I just found by searching for "Kudzu 1000mg" : Multimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or Register

(I don't sell this stuff and these aren't my sites, so please don't think I'm spamming)

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« Last Edit: Jan 5th, 2010 at 10:28pm by hayduke »  
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CH.com Old Timer

1952 Jag

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Lake Charles, Louisiana - USA
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #166 - Jan 6th, 2010 at 4:14pm

Thanks for the info.  But most importantly - are you still PF today???

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SW Louisiana

If "that which does not kill me, makes me stronger", then how come I always feel like $hit after every near-death experience?
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #167 - Jan 15th, 2010 at 11:41pm
Sorry I haven't replied sooner (I seem to not be getting the notifications I signed up for... no big deal).  I have been completely pain free (and no cloudiness/shadow)  for 11 days! I stopped the mix this past Sunday.  Once again, I can not thank you all enough and encourage others to use this magical mix.
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anthony g
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #168 - Jan 16th, 2010 at 6:17am
hey guys!
glad your pain free!!! can u tell me the mix of kudzu u are talking about! thanks alot
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CH.com Hall of Famer

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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #169 - Jan 16th, 2010 at 8:15am
anthony g wrote on Jan 16th, 2010 at 6:17am:
hey guys!
glad your pain free!!! can u tell me the mix of kudzu u are talking about! thanks alot
Anthony if you're still thinking about going the clusterbuster route, read up about Kudzu.  I can't remember if it interferes with the way hallucinogens work or not.  Kudzu works great for some as a natural prevent.  There is nothing better than natural remedies with little to no side affects.
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When the PAIN starts, I FIGHT back!

Rivea Corymbosa seeds were my KO punch, now D3 is the front runner!
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anthony g
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #170 - Jan 16th, 2010 at 9:03am
hey thanks im not takin hallucinates! i am takin verap though! o2 to abort! just wondering how u take kudzu? i have kudzu tabs 100 mg?
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CH.com Hall of Famer

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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #171 - Jan 16th, 2010 at 9:35am
anthony g wrote on Jan 16th, 2010 at 9:03am:
hey thanks im not takin hallucinates! i am takin verap though! o2 to abort! just wondering how u take kudzu? i have kudzu tabs 100 mg?
Kilowatt himself may have an answer to that.  You may want to PM him.  There was a whole thread on here a while back about Kudzu.  I'll search around and if I can find it, i'll post the link. 
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When the PAIN starts, I FIGHT back!

Rivea Corymbosa seeds were my KO punch, now D3 is the front runner!
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CH.com Old Timer

1952 Jag

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Lake Charles, Louisiana - USA
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #172 - Jan 16th, 2010 at 9:52am
hayduke wrote on Jan 15th, 2010 at 11:41pm:
Sorry I haven't replied sooner (I seem to not be getting the notifications I signed up for... no big deal).  I have been completely pain free (and no cloudiness/shadow)  for 11 days! I stopped the mix this past Sunday.  Once again, I can not thank you all enough and encourage others to use this magical mix.

Hi Josh!

Great news!  Glad it worked for you again!  I hope you'll stick around & share your success story.

Anthony - The original recipe is:

Kudzu - 1000 mg, 2x per day (morning & night) 
Magnesium - 250 mg, 2x per day (morning & night) 
St. John's Wort - 300 mg, 2x per day (morning & night) 
Skullcap - 425 mg at bedtime 
Melatonin - 10 mg at bedtime 

I originally used over-the-counter capsules or tablets for all of the ingredients.  A few posts back, Josh reported that he couldn't find kudzu capsules in his local health food store, but he did find the powdered kuzu root starch, so he used it instead.  I think he used about a teaspoon of the starch in place of the capsules.  I'm not sure exactly how he took it, but it's tasteless and water-soluble, so you should be able to just stir some into a beverage, sprinkle it on your gumbo, or whatever.

I hope you'll give this recipe a try - There have been a lot of successful results with it!  Please post to let us know how it works for you.

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SW Louisiana

If "that which does not kill me, makes me stronger", then how come I always feel like $hit after every near-death experience?
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CH.com Hall of Famer

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Emmaus, PA
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #173 - Jan 16th, 2010 at 10:17am
Anthony, I don't use Kudzu because of rc seeds, but I have bottle in my arsenal I bought a year ago.  Here is the brand:

Solaray, 150mg tablets with 2% Daidzin

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When the PAIN starts, I FIGHT back!

Rivea Corymbosa seeds were my KO punch, now D3 is the front runner!
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anthony g
CH.com Old Timer

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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #174 - Jan 16th, 2010 at 10:21am
thanks man i appreciate it!!!
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