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Kilowatt3! (Read 36814 times)
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #100 - Oct 5th, 2008 at 12:51pm
I tool each individual dose with an hour inbetween to see how I felt. The magnesium always caused me to start shadowing. I felt the skullcap was making it harder to wake up with the night hits, in turn making them harder to get rid of.

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"As long as people believe in absurdities,&&they will continue to commit atrocities."&&--Voltaire
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #101 - Oct 7th, 2008 at 10:19pm
I quit my verapamil two days ago and decided to try the mix.  I hate the way the verap makes me feel.   Just took my first tonight. Wish me luck.
Hope it works.

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Cyndi Leier
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #102 - Oct 8th, 2008 at 12:02am
Good luck thoughts are heading your way! We're rooting for you!! Please keep us updated. We can't wait for another success story.
Cyndi and Lorne
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #103 - Oct 8th, 2008 at 9:17am
I wish I could post another succuss story....  but, it was a disaster.  I took everything at around 10:00.  I got hit at 11:30,  2:00, 4:00 and 6:30.  Just hoping that I don't get another.  I'm not sure what caused all the hits.   In the past when I have quit the Verapmil, I usually get only one night sleeping hit.   I very rarely get hits as early as 6:30 in the morning.  I tend to only get hit from 4:00 pm to 10:00 pm, with one that wakes me after sleep.  Also, This is the first time that I have tried melatonin.  I do not like to take any kind of sleep aid, but I thought that since the formula was working for so many folks, I would give it a try. I am also detoxing for a cluster buster treatment(hope it works), but I am now back to square one because of the imitrex last night.  Glad to hear that it has worked for so many folks, just not me.   The vitamins only cost 50 bucks, so it was worth a try considering imitrex is running me 80 bucks a shot. 


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Agostino Leyre
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #104 - Oct 8th, 2008 at 9:31am
hayduke wrote on Sep 26th, 2008 at 5:36am:
One of the widely reported side effects of large doses of melatonin is headaches.  

Yes, this is true.  But they are very mild HA's that can be cured with a large cup of coffee.
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Triptans cause increased number of hits and increased intensity.  Learn it, believe it, live it.  I use triptans as the absolute LAST RESORT when treating my CH.&&
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1952 Jag

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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #105 - Oct 8th, 2008 at 10:38am
MPMIII wrote on Oct 8th, 2008 at 9:17am:
I wish I could post another succuss story....  but, it was a disaster.  I took everything at around 10:00.  I got hit at 11:30,  2:00, 4:00 and 6:30...
...I thought that since the formula was working for so many folks, I would give it a try...
...I am now back to square one because of the imitrex last night.  Glad to hear that it has worked for so many folks, just not me.



You took ONE dose of the mix last night and it didn't work, so you gave up???

Good Lord, man!  A couple of people have had dazzling overnight success with it, but for most (including me), it has taken from 2 or 3 days to a week or more on the regimen to kill a cycle.  Then you need to go a week or two longer to be sure it's gone for good.  Give it a chance to work!

It also seems that, similar to some people's experience with Clusterbusters, the Beast sometimes wants to unload on you real hard a last time or two before he's beaten!  Shocked

Don't give up!

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SW Louisiana

If "that which does not kill me, makes me stronger", then how come I always feel like $hit after every near-death experience?
WWW kilowatt3  
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #106 - Oct 8th, 2008 at 11:23am
Hi all,

I bought all the ingredients and I am going to start today.  I am excited!  I will keep you all posted.  I usually get at least two headaches a day.

~ Michele in Georgia

P.S. who all smokes in the group?
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #107 - Oct 8th, 2008 at 1:19pm

It's not that I am giving up. I believe that, based on my usual hits, the mix had an adverse effect on me.  For the last year and half my hits have been very consistent, almost like clockwork.   The only thing that I changed last night was to try the mix, so I have to attribute the increase in hits to the mix.  Has anyone had an increase in hits after trying the mix?  If it has been common to have an increase followed by a decrease in hits I will try it again for a sustained amount of time.   Any thoughts?



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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #108 - Oct 8th, 2008 at 10:19pm
Hi all.

Glad to hear of painless days.

The herbs mentioned here kilowatt, are not really anything new in clusterheads pursuits of relief.
Possibly the combined herbs as mentioned here have value beyond just Kudzu extracts and melatonin. Much ado has been made of these 2 items over recent years and many have found them to be a wonderfull addition to their tool chest. I dont discount there value to some.

After 107 postings on this thread only 3 say the results are good in removing CH. (wich is better than none)
2 people have said that an initial lessening of symptoms occured only to return. This happens for many C heads any time meds are changed up.

I and I'm sure others would like to see a description of the headaches, frequencies, intensities, how long the cycle etc.. This could help to provide a better understanding as to the benefit of your methods vs. because I stuck a bunch of stuff together and now I dont have a headache

It is not uncommon for a suspected cycle to begin and then vanish for some.
I am not discounting anything though its curious that all of you showed up at the same time. It is cause for thought. (no I'm not running for president)

I would hope that soon a known long timer would be able and willing to test this out. I would be willing were I sufferering.

I truly hope you have found something that will benefit many. If only one is helped though its worth it.

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Cyndi Leier
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #109 - Oct 8th, 2008 at 11:24pm
MJ wrote on Oct 8th, 2008 at 10:19pm:
Hi all.

It is not uncommon for a suspected cycle to begin and then vanish for some.
I am not discounting anything though its curious that all of you showed up at the same time. It is cause for thought. (no I'm not running for president)

Out of almost 36 years of CH, Lorne has never started a cycle that 'vanished' until now. Uncommon or not.....who knows since only one of his doctors has ever had another cluster patient.  He's always been episodic with 9-10 week cycles. The only treatment that ever helped was a prednisone/ergomar/valium combo taken in  high dosages before tapering down. By the 3rd day taper the CHs would be back full force and the doc would start him on another round. After a few long cycles of this, his BP started skyrocketing and the combo had to be discontinued. The doc did keep him on valium, which was of no use whatsoever and I ended up taking it to calm MY nerves during Lorne's cycle. Oxygen did not help much, nor did Verapamil, Stadol, Imitrex or Maxalt. This has been an absolute miracle, coincidence or not, and right now we're counting 5 clusterheads total that have had success. I don't know what the above comment about us 'showing up at the same time' is supposed to mean and I hope I'm not taking it the wrong way. We are so happy to have found Kilowatt's post and hope that others continue to share their stories - with good results and the not so good results. That's why we're here - to find some kind of relief and share our experiences. Right?
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« Last Edit: Oct 8th, 2008 at 11:27pm by Cyndi Leier »  
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #110 - Oct 9th, 2008 at 6:45am
Glad those helped and thank God for the combined knowledge of cluserheads brought to these boards.  Kudzu, Melatonin, Magnesium have been advocated here for years.  The initial excitement of kudzu seems to have died off, a few years back that's all people could talk about.   Now it's seeds.  After trying those, which actually helped in that I could catch almost every hit with O2- but did not kill my cycle, and then a miserable three days of pred-  I combined kudzu, magnesium/calcium and nightly melatonin with B2 and some taurine at bedtime.  Things have gone well.  Cycle seems to be over after 3.5 weeks.  Hopefully there won't be another for a while.
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #111 - Oct 10th, 2008 at 11:31am
Hi all,

I am here to announce another succes story.  I took all the herbs last night and no headaches.  I always have one at night.   I will keep taking them and update again on Monday.  I'm excited.  Wooo Hooo!

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1952 Jag

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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #112 - Oct 15th, 2008 at 10:38am
MJ wrote on Oct 8th, 2008 at 10:19pm:
The herbs mentioned here kilowatt, are not really anything new in clusterheads pursuits of relief.
Possibly the combined herbs as mentioned here have value beyond just Kudzu extracts and melatonin.


Thank you for contributing to the discussion.

I do not claim that the herbs & supplements are anything new.  If you read my posts on the topic, you would see that most of the ingredients are included precisely BECAUSE I read that they have proven helpful to others.  I do believe that the particular combination I'm using, along with the dosing schedule, has been extraordinarily effective.  

Much ado has been made of these 2 items over recent years and many have found them to be a wonderfull addition to their tool chest. I dont discount there [sic] value to some.

I'm glad you don't discount their value to some - I'm quite sure that those who have been helped by them don't discount them, either.

After 107 postings on this thread only 3 say the results are good in removing CH. (wich [sic] is better than none)
2 people have said that an initial lessening of symptoms occured only to return. This happens for many C heads any time meds are changed up.

I don't know what significance the number of postings is supposed to have, since most of them have nothing whatsoever to do with the mix.  There's also some pertinent info in postings on a couple of other threads, as well as my PM and e-mail mailboxes.

I am now aware of nine people who have tried it.  Of these:

5 reported that their cycles were completely broken.  Most within a week; all within 12 days.

2 others reported that the mix helped them significantly.  One saying he had the "lightest and hopefully shortest" cycle ever.  The other said he's staying on it because it "dampens the pain and lessens the amount of CH's."

Of the other two, one tried it once, had a bad night, and quit.
The other reports that after a couple of days, it has cut her number of attacks in half.  It's too early to tell the ultimate outcome for her.

I and I'm sure others would like to see a description of the headaches, frequencies, intensities, how long the cycle etc.. This could help to provide a better understanding as to the benefit of your methods vs. because I stuck a bunch of stuff together and now I dont have a headache

I am trying to post as much of value here as I can, but I don't have a whole lot of free time.  I am also trying to encourage the others to post their stories, but many just don't choose to.  I would like to post a much more exhaustive analysis of data pertaining to the mix, but I'm not able to, yet.  Besides, frankly, "I stuck a bunch of stuff together and now I don't have a headache" works fine for me, actually.  Grin

It is not uncommon for a suspected cycle to begin and then vanish for some.

It's damned uncommon for me, and none of the other eight folks ever said they'd had it happen, either.
I am not discounting anything though its curious that all of you showed up at the same time. It is cause for thought. (no I'm not running for president)

Your innuendo is uncalled for, and it's offensive.  It's also untrue.  While several of the active posters on the thread are brand new, I "showed up" a year ago.  TJ's been a member since early 2006, and Rocky's been around since 2004.
I would hope that soon a known long timer would be able and willing to test this out. I would be willing were I sufferering.

I would hope so, too.  I think that John (thebbz) will give it an objective try if he's heading back into cycle (which it sounds like), and George has said he plans to try it next time around, although he does not anticipate a cycle until springtime.  The majority of the "long timers", though, seem content to take their Verapamil, stick themselves with Imitrex, and suck on oxygen.  Hey, whatever works - but I prefer my way.
I truly hope you have found something that will benefit many. If only one is helped though its worth it.

I have, and it is.


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« Last Edit: Oct 15th, 2008 at 11:52am by Kilowatt3 »  

SW Louisiana

If "that which does not kill me, makes me stronger", then how come I always feel like $hit after every near-death experience?
WWW kilowatt3  
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #113 - Oct 15th, 2008 at 1:43pm
Hey All,

I started my mix last Thursday night.  I wenmt HA free that evening but had one headache each night on Saturday and Sunday.  I didn't have another HA till last night around 2:30 a.m.  I definitely know this mix of herbs has lessened my headaches because I usually always get 2 a day.  I keep hoping they will stop my cycle because this has been a longer than usual cycle.  I am pretty drained from it.  I am glad to report improvement though.

~ Michele
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #114 - Oct 15th, 2008 at 1:49pm
I would hope so, too.  I think that John (thebbz) will give it an objective try if he's heading back into cycle (which it sounds like), and George has said he plans to try it next time around, although he does not anticipate a cycle until springtime.  The majority of the "long timers", though, seem content to take their Verapamil, stick themselves with Imitrex, and suck on oxygen.  Hey, whatever works - but I prefer my way.

  I got the ingredients the other day. Last night and the night before was a biotch. Still nothing above a 5. Caffeine in the day and 02 at night. I took 3 days to detox from the RC seeds.Yesterday was the first dose, exactly as described. Nothing yet. Most responses indicate quick results, so I intend on doing this for a week, unless all hell breaks loose. In which case I will do push-ups Wink
  I really wanted to try this as I am already detoxed and the body metabolizes these things quickly. I think that this will be like all the rest, works for some but not others. We shall see. Another beater in the tool box.
This CH thing really sucks. One step ahead of the demon. Considering all things, the alternatives and perhaps this as well ,will be better than the intense and crippling episodes of the past. The pharmacuticals are as bad as the CH in my opinion. I still have them ready though, any port in a storm. Undecided
I'm still a big alternative believer. There's a reason I'm not having anything above a 5....02,02,02
the bb
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1952 Jag

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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #115 - Oct 15th, 2008 at 4:54pm
Michele wrote on Oct 15th, 2008 at 1:43pm:
I started my mix last Thursday night.  I went HA free that evening but had one headache each night on Saturday and Sunday.  I didn't have another HA till last night around 2:30 a.m.  I definitely know this mix of herbs has lessened my headaches because I usually always get 2 a day.  I keep hoping they will stop my cycle because this has been a longer than usual cycle.  I am pretty drained from it.  I am glad to report improvement though.

Hi Michele!

Great to hear that it's helping!  Hopefully, your cycle will be broken completely within another couple of days.  Please keep posting to let us know how it's going!   Wink

Best regards,
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SW Louisiana

If "that which does not kill me, makes me stronger", then how come I always feel like $hit after every near-death experience?
WWW kilowatt3  
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CH.com Old Timer

1952 Jag

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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #116 - Oct 15th, 2008 at 5:04pm
 I got the ingredients the other day. Last night and the night before was a biotch. Still nothing above a 5... Yesterday was the first dose, exactly as described. Nothing yet. Most responses indicate quick results, so I intend on doing this for a week, unless all hell breaks loose. In which case I will do push-ups Wink
I think that this will be like all the rest, works for some but not others. We shall see. Another beater in the tool box.

Hello John,

It sounded like you were headed back into cycle, but I wasn't really sure if you'd actually been hit yet.  Guess you answered that!  Undecided

Hope you'll have good luck with the combo.  I appreciate you're trying it out with an open mind.  I'm sure you're right about "works for some but not others", but so far we've got a very good "Some" to "Others" ratio!  Best of luck, and please stay in touch!

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SW Louisiana

If "that which does not kill me, makes me stronger", then how come I always feel like $hit after every near-death experience?
WWW kilowatt3  
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #117 - Oct 15th, 2008 at 5:59pm
I have suffered for 5 years starting early October until mid to late December with K9's or 10's nightly (only one a day for 2-3 hours. I have seen the best nuro's and doctors and have been a guinee pig for most of them. I started Kilowatt 3's fantastic herbal mix last Friday and my 9's or 10's  have dropped to 4's or 5's and they last for less than an hour. Last night I had no headache at all (first time I missed a day in a cycle). I will continue to take the mix for the next few weeks and will see what happens. Kilowatt3 God Bless You for posting the information.
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1952 Jag

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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #118 - Oct 16th, 2008 at 12:45am
gsockrider wrote on Oct 15th, 2008 at 5:59pm:
I started Kilowatt 3's fantastic herbal mix last Friday and my 9's or 10's  have dropped to 4's or 5's and they last for less than an hour. Last night I had no headache at all (first time I missed a day in a cycle). I will continue to take the mix for the next few weeks and will see what happens. Kilowatt3 God Bless You for posting the information.

Hello Guy!

Hadn't heard from you in a while, so I wasn't sure if you had tried the mix.  Great to hear that you did, and it's helping!  I bet you'll have the Beast whipped in another few days  Cool.
Please stay in touch and keep posting to let us know how you're doing!

All the best,
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SW Louisiana

If "that which does not kill me, makes me stronger", then how come I always feel like $hit after every near-death experience?
WWW kilowatt3  
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #119 - Oct 16th, 2008 at 11:43am
Two nights in a row!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No CH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What else can I say, it seems to be working
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #120 - Oct 16th, 2008 at 2:08pm
Another headache free night last night, happy to report. Woo hoo.....feel like a new person when I get to sleep all night!

Will keep reporting.

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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #121 - Oct 16th, 2008 at 7:40pm
To what do you attribute your 3 years PF?  Just the RC seeds, the seeds and shrooms, or was there anything additional?  Just curious - I am open to anything that will help us build up our arsenal against the Beast!

Yep, seed and shrooms. Shrooms to break an episode with seeds as a follow up and prevent. I figure I missed out on 5 episodes. What a bummer huh. I havent had a shadow stick around more than a day up until last month. Three years since the start of my last episode in 05. I finally beat it in March 06. Seeds shrooms 02 and caffeine. I just refilled the 02 a few weeks ago.

Started your combo yesterday. Huffed 02 till 3:00am, I think the melatonin is a trigger for me. I know it is alone. If it gets worse I wont take it more than a couple of days. I am one groggy dude. We'll see how tonight works out. Shit my bag just broke on my clustermask..gotta go
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1952 Jag

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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #122 - Oct 17th, 2008 at 8:59am
Started your combo yesterday. Huffed 02 till 3:00am, I think the melatonin is a trigger for me. I know it is alone. If it gets worse I wont take it more than a couple of days. I am one groggy dude. We'll see how tonight works out...



Sounded like the melatonin might have been an issue for Malcom, too.  Maybe you guys should leave the melatonin out, or at least back off of it a little (or a lot!).  Couldn't help but notice, too, that TJ has had limited success, and he's taking a massive 27 mg. daily dose of melatonin.  May be some connection there (?).

I've been questioning whether the 10 mg. might be way more than necessary, particularly after reading one study where they found that the optimal melatonin dosage (for helping with sleep) is 0.3 mg., and that larger doses are actually less effective.  I can't cite the specifics of the survey, 'cause I don't recall exactly where I saw it, but I do remember that it was a reputable source.  Dunno if the mechanism whereby melatonin helps us sleep is the same one that helps with CH, but if so, less may be better (?).

Anyway, hope you'll be able to stay with the program, but couldn't blame you if you didn't.  Thanks for the update.

Good luck, and stay in touch!

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« Last Edit: Oct 20th, 2008 at 8:35am by Kilowatt3 »  

SW Louisiana

If "that which does not kill me, makes me stronger", then how come I always feel like $hit after every near-death experience?
WWW kilowatt3  
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #123 - Oct 17th, 2008 at 2:05pm

   I came to this thread on advice of others. Good advice it was I must say. BTW I do most of me reading at work, so sometimes it's hard for me read too deeply.

 I am trying something else right now but am interested in the remedies mentioned here. In case, this other thing don't work out.

Please forgive my ignorance.... what are RC seeds?

Also tried Shrooms once, but had no effect.... Nothing.... Could this be 'cause I was only 1 week off of Topamax at the time?

It looks like some have had good results with shrooms. Anyone out there have no or bad results?

PFDs to All

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Cage the Beast
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #124 - Oct 17th, 2008 at 4:30pm
shelticon2 wrote on Oct 17th, 2008 at 2:05pm:
Please forgive my ignorance.... what are RC seeds?

Hi Jim,

RC seeds are Rivea Corymbosa - a wild morning glory.  Also known as Ololuiqui (sp?) to the Indians in Central & South America.  They contain Lysergic Acid Amide; a milder relative of LSD.  A lot of folks have reported good success with RC seeds as a preventative, and others have said it works as an abortive, too.  Personally, I've kind of avoided them for a couple of reasons, but mostly legal.  They're legal to possess, but not to swallow!  Huh

RC grows wild all over the place around here in Southwest Louisiana and East Texas.

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SW Louisiana

If "that which does not kill me, makes me stronger", then how come I always feel like $hit after every near-death experience?
WWW kilowatt3  
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