MJ wrote on Oct 8th, 2008 at 10:19pm:The herbs mentioned here kilowatt, are not really anything new in clusterheads pursuits of relief.
Possibly the combined herbs as mentioned here have value beyond just Kudzu extracts and melatonin.
Thank you for contributing to the discussion.
I do not claim that the herbs & supplements are anything new. If you read my posts on the topic, you would see that most of the ingredients are included precisely BECAUSE I read that they have proven helpful to others. I do believe that the particular combination I'm using, along with the dosing schedule, has been extraordinarily effective.
Quote:Much ado has been made of these 2 items over recent years and many have found them to be a wonderfull addition to their tool chest. I dont discount there [sic] value to some.
I'm glad you don't discount their value to some - I'm quite sure that those who have been helped by them don't discount them, either.
Quote:After 107 postings on this thread only 3 say the results are good in removing CH. (wich [sic] is better than none)
2 people have said that an initial lessening of symptoms occured only to return. This happens for many C heads any time meds are changed up.
I don't know what significance the number of postings is supposed to have, since most of them have nothing whatsoever to do with the mix. There's also some pertinent info in postings on a couple of other threads, as well as my PM and e-mail mailboxes.
I am now aware of nine people who have tried it. Of these:
5 reported that their cycles were completely broken. Most within a week; all within 12 days.
2 others reported that the mix helped them significantly. One saying he had the "lightest and hopefully shortest" cycle ever. The other said he's staying on it because it "dampens the pain and lessens the amount of CH's."
Of the other two, one tried it once, had a bad night, and quit.
The other reports that after a couple of days, it has cut her number of attacks in half. It's too early to tell the ultimate outcome for her.
Quote:I and I'm sure others would like to see a description of the headaches, frequencies, intensities, how long the cycle etc.. This could help to provide a better understanding as to the benefit of your methods vs. because I stuck a bunch of stuff together and now I dont have a headache
I am trying to post as much
of value here as I can, but I don't have a whole lot of free time. I am also trying to encourage the others to post their stories, but many just don't choose to. I would like to post a much more exhaustive analysis of data pertaining to the mix, but I'm not able to, yet. Besides, frankly, "I stuck a bunch of stuff together and now I don't have a headache" works fine for me, actually.
Quote:It is not uncommon for a suspected cycle to begin and then vanish for some.
It's damned uncommon for me, and none of the other eight folks ever said they'd had it happen, either.
Quote:I am not discounting anything though its curious that all of you showed up at the same time. It is cause for thought. (no I'm not running for president)
Your innuendo is uncalled for, and it's offensive. It's also untrue. While several of the active posters on the thread are brand new, I "showed up" a year ago. TJ's been a member since early 2006, and Rocky's been around since 2004.
Quote:I would hope that soon a known long timer would be able and willing to test this out. I would be willing were I sufferering.
I would hope so, too. I think that John (thebbz) will give it an objective try if he's heading back into cycle (which it sounds like), and George has said he plans to try it next time around, although he does not anticipate a cycle until springtime. The majority of the "long timers", though, seem content to take their Verapamil, stick themselves with Imitrex, and suck on oxygen. Hey, whatever works - but I prefer my way.
Quote:I truly hope you have found something that will benefit many. If only one is helped though its worth it.
I have, and it is.