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Kilowatt3! (Read 36529 times)
Cyndi Leier
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Aug 12th, 2008 at 11:24pm
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My husband has been an episodic sufferer for over 35 years. Almost every year a black cloud hovered over our house for 9-10 weeks at a time. The cloud would follow us whenever we’d try to venture out so my husband had to up trying to leave. Our house would be filled with prescriptions, ice packs, energy drinks, and once, a giant oxygen tank. Every year would differ in treatment but that stubborn cloud remained. The only meds that worked well a few times were starting to have very bad side effects and had to be given up due to his high blood pressure.

The recent appearance of the black cloud made me come back to this site. After reading your post I raced to the stores. That very 1st day the black cloud started moving away. Instantly he was able to sleep through the night. The next day dropped to a  K4, the next a K2, then came about 7 days of K1. Today there is not even a sign of the cloud. My skeptical husband who didn’t want to waste more money on “herbs” is now shaking his head in disbelief. He’ll stay on them for a while, just to be sure. Hard to believe he was entering a full blown cycle just 11 days ago.

My whole family thanks you kilowatt3!!!!

Here is his recipe. You should look up his post……I’m sure glad I found it.

Kudzu - 1000 mg, 2x per day (morning & night) 
Magnesium - 250 mg, 2x per day (morning & night) 
St. John's Wort - 300 mg, 2x per day (morning & night) 
Skullcap - 425 mg at bedtime 
Melatonin - 10 mg at bedtime 
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #1 - Aug 12th, 2008 at 11:32pm
Looks like your hubby has a lot to be thankful for. What a beautiful family.

Glad to hear he is PF!
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San Diego to Florida 05-16-2011

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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #2 - Aug 13th, 2008 at 12:00am
You guys are danged near a mirror image of my family!!! My girls are 24 and 22, they've endured the beast with me for all their lives. So damned glad you found something that worked. Hoping and praying it holds for you, it's nice not to have your life dictated by the beast!!!

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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #3 - Aug 13th, 2008 at 10:54pm
Hi Cyndi!

Thanks for the update, and what great news!  It's a shame more people won't give it a try.

I think I mentioned to you that I continued on the regimen for a week after it aborted my cycle the first time.  The choice of a week was pretty arbitrary - I just didn't want to stop too soon, but didn't think I'd need to stay on it year-round!

On my next cycle, I started back on the formula after my first real HA, although I'd had shadows for a week or so so I was expecting it.  It was about a K4, but once I started back on the herbs, that was it - No more HA's at all, so I stayed on the program for a week again.

I'm probably due for another cycle about now - I seem to usually have them in September and March.  I'm pretty confident I'll knock 'em down again Wink  I'll let you know how it goes.

Thanks for posting, and please stay in touch to let us know how things work out for your hub.

Best regards,
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SW Louisiana

If "that which does not kill me, makes me stronger", then how come I always feel like $hit after every near-death experience?
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #4 - Aug 13th, 2008 at 11:30pm
Cyndi - Has anyone ever told your husband he looks a little like Graham Nash?
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Cyndi Leier
CH.com Newbie

I can't bear to witness
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #5 - Aug 14th, 2008 at 12:18am
No, lol. No one ever said Lorne looks like Graham Nash! But I can kinda see the resemblance now that you mention it.

I agree, everyone should consider trying it. I feel like shouting it from my rooftop but I've never met a cluster sufferer around here to benefit from it. Today was a great day as he felt confident enough to venture out of the house. We went to dinner with the youngest daughter and it was so nice to see him smiling again. My daughter is so relieved that she doesn't have to "babysit" him for what's left of the summer. I know it's very scary for her to be around him but we did have an emergency when he needed to be hospitalized during a cycle. His heart had gone into atrial fib. The doctors speculated it was due to the extreme stress his body was going through from pain. Anyway, we got the skullcap in capsule form today. He doesn't want it because he likes his skullcap tincture.......has a wee bit of alcohol in it, hee hee. I tasted it.......it tastes a bit like bad tequila. I thought the pill form would be easier since he wouldn't have to count out drops but he can have his small thrills since it's working. Hooray!!!! Life is good again.

We are wondering when everyone usually has their cycle. His is usually in the winter when it's cold. We live in CA but it does get into the 30's at night. This is the only the 2nd time he's gone out of season. Summer always seemed so safe.
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San Diego to Florida 05-16-2011

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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #6 - Aug 14th, 2008 at 1:55am
If there is such a thing as "common" with this thing, it seems common start times are spring and fall around the time changes. That being said it's not unusual to start or end a cycle at any time of the year. I was spring and fall, 8-12 week cycles, like clockwork until my 40's, now it's all over the place. The most important thing to remember is to always be ready for a cycle to start so you're never caught "naked" without any meds. Hoping the remission lasts a life time!!!

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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #7 - Aug 14th, 2008 at 4:55am
I'm glad to hear your success story! I hope that your husband stays PF for a long, long time, Cyndi! Smiley

What comes to cycles; mine used to begin at Fall, now they arrive at Spring. I used to know what time they'll begin, now they arrive anytime. Now I take it day and a cycle at the time.

All the best,
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« Last Edit: Aug 14th, 2008 at 4:57am by sandie99 »  

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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #8 - Aug 14th, 2008 at 8:11am
Well, if I should ever go into cycle again (see? I try to remain optimistic) I'll give it a try.
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #9 - Aug 14th, 2008 at 10:03am
Of all the herbal preparations here, I'm least familiar with skullcap--I suspect that's the case for most of us.

A quick look around shows several different species of of the 300 or so species of Scuttellaria being used in herbal preparations.  I don't know, but I suspect that the constituent components vary quite widely, depending upon the species used.  That may make a difference.

If we're talking about American, or Marsh skullcap, here's a link showing a bit of the pharmacology and action of this plant:

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Wish Flo was around--we could really use his insight on this...

Best wishes,

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« Last Edit: Aug 14th, 2008 at 10:11am by George »  

"Whoever loveth me, loveth my hound."  (Thomas More, author of "Utopia", and Chancellor of England.  1477-1535)
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Cyndi Leier
CH.com Newbie

I can't bear to witness
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #10 - Aug 14th, 2008 at 11:17am
Marsh Skullcap is Scutellaria galericulata
American Skullcap is Scutellaria laterifolia

The capsules and tincture I have are both laterifolia. The capsules have nothing in them other than skullcap L. and gelatin. The bottle says it's used by Indian tribes for its soothing properties. The tincture contains skullcap L. and grain alcohol.

It would be nice to have input from an herbal pharmacologist.
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #11 - Aug 14th, 2008 at 11:28am
Wow!  What a great success story.  Do any of these herbs have side effects?  Where do you buy them?  Are they expensive?

My cycles are usually in the spring from early March to late June.  This year I went till mid July.  Occasionally I'll get a visit from our mutual tormentor in Nov.   

PF wishes and thanks for sharing your story!

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"It's all a grand illusion when you think you're in control." ~ Kenny Chesney
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #12 - Aug 14th, 2008 at 11:41am
cool beans. PF is a wonderful thing.
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Cyndi Leier
CH.com Newbie

I can't bear to witness
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #13 - Aug 14th, 2008 at 11:47am
The only side effect that he is aware of is some fatigue, mostly at night after the PM doses so he takes those just before hitting the sack. The first few mornings of treatment he was very tired but that wore off pretty quickly. Those first few days he could have also been just wiped out due to the K7-8s he had the day before starting.

Kilowatt3 got everything locally very cheap. I bought everything at a natural foods store and it was quite pricey but I was in a panic at the time and didn't want to shop around as we wanted to start this RIGHT AWAY. I see that everything except for kudzu and skullcap is sold at local pharmacies and WalMart and are lots cheaper. I ordered more skullcap and kudzu from Lucky Vitamin.com because the savings was tremendous.  I guess it just depends where you live. If I ventured into Los Angeles I'll bet I'd find lots of herb stores but I don't like to venture into the city alone.
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Agostino Leyre
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #14 - Aug 14th, 2008 at 12:04pm
If there is a vitamin world near you, they have a sleep aid that contains skullcap and melatonin, It's called "Super Snooze".

This natural nighttime sleep aid contains valerian root, hops, scullcap, chamomile, passion flower, calcium carbonate, magnesium oxide, phosphorus, inositol, L-taurine and melatonin, in capsule form.
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« Last Edit: Aug 14th, 2008 at 12:08pm by Agostino Leyre »  

Triptans cause increased number of hits and increased intensity.  Learn it, believe it, live it.  I use triptans as the absolute LAST RESORT when treating my CH.&&
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San Diego to Florida 05-16-2011

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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #15 - Aug 14th, 2008 at 12:05pm
By the way, special thanks to you and your 2 daughters, without my supporters I'd have lost my mind decades ago. You go way above and beyond, we don't always thank our supporters enough! Smiley

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"Somebody had to say it" is usually a piss poor excuse to be mean.
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Cyndi Leier
CH.com Newbie

I can't bear to witness
another CH attack

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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #16 - Aug 26th, 2008 at 10:28am
Hello all who belong to this wonderful site!
An update on Lorne:
Off all the herbs and is still CH free. If it weren't for Kilowatt's regimen he would still have about 4 CH weeks to go. Truly a miracle. I'm still going to hang around these boards. This community is awesome.
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CH.com Old Timer

1952 Jag

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Lake Charles, Louisiana - USA
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #17 - Aug 27th, 2008 at 3:09pm
Hi Cyndi!

I can't tell you how great it is to hear your update!  I was about to PM you to check Lorne's progress.  He's sure lucky to have a tenacious supporter like you.  At least he and you now know that the recipe works! Wink  That makes three of us, and maybe someone else will be emboldened by your success!

I'm due for a cycle to start any day now.  I might have already had a very mild shadow or 2, but I'm not actually sure yet - might've been very minor HA discomfort not related to CH.  I started to reach for the herbs to start back on the regimen, but then I decided to wait and see for sure if I really have a cycle starting up.  I'll probably get hit with a nice K7 one day soon right after work.  At that point, I'll start back on the stuff.  I'm betting I can abort the cycle within 3 days Smiley

Please hang around, and help spread the word!

Very best regards to you & the family,

Cyndi Leier wrote on Aug 26th, 2008 at 10:28am:
Hello all who belong to this wonderful site!
An update on Lorne:
Off all the herbs and is still CH free. If it weren't for Kilowatt's regimen he would still have about 4 CH weeks to go. Truly a miracle. I'm still going to hang around these boards. This community is awesome.

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SW Louisiana

If "that which does not kill me, makes me stronger", then how come I always feel like $hit after every near-death experience?
WWW kilowatt3  
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #18 - Aug 27th, 2008 at 4:48pm
Cyndi and other Kudzu users,

I am just curious on why start at such high doses and also with the additional stuff tacked on?  What if 150 Mg of Kudzu twice a day does the exact same?  I know everyone is different but why not start with as little as possible?  I happen to be lucky with the 150 Mg of Solaray brand Kudzu that contains 2% Daidzin taken twice daily and I am 99% PF.

Just curious and wishing PF days!
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #19 - Aug 27th, 2008 at 4:49pm
What an awesome feeling.  Going out to dinner and leaving the beast at home.  Sounds like a simple pleasure but we know how valuable something like that is.

Jim.....not wishing you pain but interested to see how things go your next go around.  Its nice to have something in my back pocket  when things get rough ....god luck
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #20 - Aug 27th, 2008 at 7:35pm
Just a little background with my Kudzu experience:

My first cycle of using it, I was a week into having 4-5 Kip 5+'s a day most were probably Kip 8's.  I was going to do the cycle with just using cold rags and cold water ritual at the sink.  During this time I was watching this site and looking for a non prescribed successful remedy.  Nanni was talking about the effects of Kudzu and was taking polls on results peeps had.

After a weeks worth of suffering I said "screw it I do not need to go through this anymore!"  I may be mistaken but I think people were saying to get the Nature's way 750 Mg Kudzu.  After a very high Kip at work (well actually in my car because I had to leave my desk) that lasted 30+ minutes, I called my wife and asked her to please get me Kudzu but get the lowest capsules they have.  I hate taking anything and even in my misery I was still apprehensive of loading up on this stuff called Kudzu.

My wife called later that day and said she had just got the Kudzu (it was Solaray 150 Mg caps with 2% Diadzen).  I went home that night and took it around 9 pm that night because it was the hits at 9 in the morning while I was at work that I wanted to avoid or minimize.  I much prefer being woke up at home where I can deal with it than at work any given time.  Within 2 days of taking it, I was amazed to say the least.  It worked and got me out of that cycle with very minimal hits and basically just heavy shadows at times.

This is only my 2nd cycle with Kudzu and it started with having one kip 2 on 08/04.  I did not immediately start the Kudzu because I wanted to be sure this is actually a cycle.  It has been 2 years since last cycle.  Well on 08/14 I was tore up with 3 Kip 8's from sometime after 2 am to 5:30 am.  I frickin started Kudzu in the middle of the Kip 8 at 5:30 that morning.  I didn't have another CH until 8/20 and I must admit that was because of drinking 3 beers as I felt the Kudzu had my back.  I had a Kip 2-3 on 08/21 and a Kip 3 on 08/25.  I really hate counting my chickens before they hatch but damn I think I am going to get through this cycle with no more than 10 CH's and a handfull of them being above Kip 3.

I am a 36 year old male, 5' 10" and weighing 150-155 lbs. and no other medical conditions besides a heart murmur.  I live in Illinois and I am a pack a day smoker and if any of that matters to why Kudzu works, then I will do my damn best to stay in Illinois at the height of 5' 10 and weighing 150-155 pounds and smoking 1 pack of Salem Ultra Lights a day and with a heart murmur for the rest of my life!
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #21 - Aug 28th, 2008 at 8:02am
You see, now THIS is what this site is all about. It makes me happy to see PF results!! Cyndi - glad to hear you're sticking around. Hopefully you can pass what you've learned on to someone who needs it one day.

I'm going to try some of the Super Snooze if I can find an equivalent here.

Any ideas?

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Em emily.wensink 655755088  
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Cyndi Leier
CH.com Newbie

I can't bear to witness
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #22 - Aug 28th, 2008 at 10:31am
Cyndi and other Kudzu users,

I am just curious on why start at such high doses and also with the additional stuff tacked on?  What if 150 Mg of Kudzu twice a day does the exact same?  I know everyone is different but why not start with as little as possible?  I happen to be lucky with the 150 Mg of Solaray brand Kudzu that contains 2% Daidzin taken twice daily and I am 99% PF.

Just curious and wishing PF days!

In the future IF Ch starts again, Lorne may or may not adjust doses. The point is simply that it worked and completely aborted the cycle for at least 2 people these boards know of. Lorne is convinced it was the skullcap is what sealed the whole deal because he felt almost instant relief afterward.
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Agostino Leyre
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"Hit like a phillips head
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #23 - Aug 28th, 2008 at 11:12am
Em wrote on Aug 28th, 2008 at 8:02am:
I'm going to try some of the Super Snooze if I can find an equivalent here.

Any ideas?


Try Multimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or Register; See if they ship to UK.
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Triptans cause increased number of hits and increased intensity.  Learn it, believe it, live it.  I use triptans as the absolute LAST RESORT when treating my CH.&&
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CH.com Old Timer

1952 Jag

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Lake Charles, Louisiana - USA
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Re: Kilowatt3!
Reply #24 - Aug 29th, 2008 at 12:06am
Cyndi and other Kudzu users,

I am just curious on why start at such high doses and also with the additional stuff tacked on?  What if 150 Mg of Kudzu twice a day does the exact same?  I know everyone is different but why not start with as little as possible?  I happen to be lucky with the 150 Mg of Solaray brand Kudzu that contains 2% Daidzin taken twice daily and I am 99% PF.

Just curious and wishing PF days!

Hello, Geewilly, and thanks for joining the discussion.

Well, you ask why I start at such high doses, and with "additional stuff tacked on"...  You obviously assume that the Kudzu is the treatment, with "additional stuff tacked on".  I'm not sure where that idea came from.

I don't claim a rigorous scientific process for deriving the ingredients, or the dosages, of this treatment, but here are a few of the factors that influenced it:

For starters, the "high doses" of Kudzu are down right miniscule - many Chinese routinely consume kudzu root about like we eat potatoes.  A serving of a couple or three ounces (84,000 mg) would not be an unusual side dish to a meal.  I can' get too concerned about 1000 mg vs. 150 mg.  The real reason I chose 1000 mg for my formula is that when I first found kudzu in the store, it was 1000 mg capsules that I found.  I says to myself, "Self, that sounds about right..."

The "additional stuff" was not tacked on, it was part of my holistic (using the term loosely) approach to fighting CH.  I did a pretty good bit of research on anecdotal evidence about sucesses that people had reported.  A couple of the ingredients, I already had some experience with - I have learned that my body, for whatever reason, has some difficulty assimilating calcium properly.  There's considerable evidence that a lack of magnesium will interfere with calcium absorption so, when I saw that some folks had reported that magnesium helped prevent or abort CH, I says to myself, "Self, put some magnesium in the formula..."

You might recall a few years ago melatonin hit the news as a sort of miracle dietary supplement.  All kinds of claims were made for it, including that it would prevent cancer and heart disease, lower blood pressure, reverse aging, etc., etc., etc.  It was also touted as a very effective sleep aid.  I tried it back then and sure enough, it really is a very effective sleep aid!  When I saw that there seemed to be a connection between sleep disturbances and CH, I says to myself, "Self, you oughtta put some melatonin in the formula."  Several people had reported sucess with about 10 mg or so at bedtime, so even though that is many times more than I had ever tried before, I figured it was a good number to go with.  That was reinforced by the fact that I found 5 mg tablets in the store, making a 10 mg dose pretty simple! Wink  Some interesting trivia about melatonin - Believe it or not, a tiny dose (say, 1/2 mg or so) will actually help you sleep better than a large dose, like the 10 mg in my formula.  I dunno why - I just know it's so.

As for the other ingredients, the St. John's Wort and the Skullcap - These are both recognized as anti-anxiety or antidepressent herbs.  It became obvious to me while reading up on CH that stress plays a part in CH.  Some report that stress triggers a cycle.  Others report that the removal, or sudden reduction in stress triggers a cycle.  We all know that a CH, a shadow, an impending cycle, or fear of CH can sure contribute to stress.  These two ingredients (according to the prevailing 'wisdom') seem to "level out" the body/mind stress mechanism, and help people deal better with stress.  So, I says to myself, "Self, you oughtta put some of this stuff in there, too."  The dosages I arrived at were based more on what was commercially available in capsules or tablets than anything else.

After I pulled all this info together, and bought all the stuff at the store(s), I took my first dose one night just before bed, a couple of weeks into a cycle, and continued the morning / night doses as Cyndi described.  I had about three more HA's over the next week, then was pf for six months.  The next time I had a CH, I went back on the regimen for a week, and had NO more headaches.

One detail I probably should reiterate - I am a pretty big guy, at about 215 pounds.  Someone of average or smaller size might do just fine with smaller amounts of the ingredients.  Ask me why I don't try smaller dosages, or see if I can eliminate some of the ingredients from the treatment, and I'm just going to say, "WTF - I beat the !#@#% HA's, why should I change anything??? After 16 years, I'm pf and loving it!!!  Don't just take my word for it - ask Cyndi and Lorne Wink

Just as an aside, the "Super Snooze" has three of my ingredients in it - the melatonin, skullcap, and magnesium, although all of these are in considerably smaller doses that I'm using.  A "Super Snooze" along with a little St. John's Wort and some kudzu just might do the trick for some people - who knows?

Anyway, there's a little insight into my thought processes, and how I came up with the formula - FWIW!!!

Best of luck to all!

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SW Louisiana

If "that which does not kill me, makes me stronger", then how come I always feel like $hit after every near-death experience?
WWW kilowatt3  
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