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Petadolex & Melatonin (Read 3219 times)
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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

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Petadolex & Melatonin
Jun 10th, 2008 at 5:20pm
For those that have not tried Petadolex (butterbur) you may have side stepped a great relief from cluster headaches.  I have had CH for over 4 years now.  I had tried everything to combat the pain and uncontrollable cycles, but nothing has worked as long and as well.  I started with verapamil and a couple of anti seizure medications.  Obviously we all know the fantastic side effects that come along with off label medication.  My cycles got so bad that I resorted to nerve blocks in the back of my head.  This consisted of straight cortisone and long lasting novocaine.  Very painful, but outweighed the daily pain of CH.  I could not continue this way so I did some research and found Petadolex.  All natural and little to know side effects...to my knowledge.  With a combination of melatonin at night to set your internal time clock and Petadolex every morning and night I have been CH free for over a year.  I have even moved away from the melatonin and strictly use one pill at night of Petadolex when things are going good.  I would not waste my time nor anyone's who reads this if I was not truly serious about this stuff.  It has been a world of difference for me.  Not everything works the same for everybody, but I am sure that someone can benefit from this.  Also, it is available at Vitamin shoppe and online.  Pretty reasonable on pricing.  Good Luck.      
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Re: Petadolex & Melatonin
Reply #1 - Jun 10th, 2008 at 7:54pm
Hi Shabada,

I'm glad that you've found relief with petadolex and melatonin!  A few questions for you - are you chronic or episodic?  If episodic, how often did your cycles usually come and how long did they last?  It is not unusual for episodic CH'ers to occasionally go through a long remission, only to have the CH's come back at some point.  But all that being said, I'm NOT trying to rain on your parade about the success of the petadolex and melatonin!  How long after you started taking the petadolex/melatonin combination did you start having relief from CH?  Have you tried coming off the petadolex at all?  That's always a scary decision because you don't want the CH's to come back because you stopped the petadolex, but if it is a remission or the CH's have ended, then coming off the petadolex would be reasonable - but still, it's a very hard decision to make!

I personally tried petadolex and melatonin, but didn't have any success.  That doesn't mean they don't work!!  I know people for whom petadolex has dramatically helped their migraines - not sure how many people in Clusterville have actually tried petadolex in order to know if it has helped people or not.

The most important thing for those  considering to try petadolex or butterbur is that butterbur is patented safely only in the form of petadolex.  Other forms of butterbur can be deadly, so it is important to stick to the petadolex brand only.  This is the last I heard - unless some new development has since come about!

At any rate - congratulations on having your CH's take a hike!  That's wonderful news, and I hope that maybe others will also find success with petadolex and melatonin!

Carrie Smiley
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Re: Petadolex & Melatonin
Reply #2 - Jun 11th, 2008 at 11:23pm
At my last visit to the ha clinic my doc. gave me some samples of the stuff. I have not tried it yet b/c my current treatment method worked great for this cycle. I would love to hear others opinions if they have tried it. It is good to always have new treatment options at hand for when your old ones fail.
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CH.com Alumnus

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Re: Petadolex & Melatonin
Reply #3 - Jun 17th, 2008 at 2:56pm
I'm happy to hear the Petadolex is working for you.  I don't think it has been suggested much for CH compared to migraine.  The little bit of reading I've done about butterbur is that it contains alkaloids which are known to be toxic and even cancerous to the liver.  Petadolex has removed them, but people should be cautious about unstandardized butterbur extracts they may find at health food stores unless they're clearly standardized and purified.  This could be an interesting alternative treatment.  Please keep us up to date on your progress.

Here are a couple of links with a little more info.  From OUCH:
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Pat K
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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

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Re: Petadolex & Melatonin
Reply #4 - Jun 15th, 2011 at 10:49pm
It has been some time since I last posted.  For over three years almost four I was CH free.  Petadolex and melatonin worked very well with little to know headaches.  It is that time of the year when the seasons are changing and we are all very prone to CHs kicking in.  I am finding myself in some of the worst cycles I have had, but that may mean nothing because I almost forgot how bad they can get.  I reduced my dosage prior to my current cycle, but I am now increasing it to the max dosage to try to kick the cycle.  I will keep everyone updated as to my success.  There will be success.  There isn't an alternative.
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San Diego to Florida 05-16-2011

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Re: Petadolex & Melatonin
Reply #5 - Jun 16th, 2011 at 9:32am
Welcome back to the board. I hope the Petadolex does the trick for you. When you get a second, read the oxygen info link:

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There have been some changes in HOW we administer 02 that have dramatically increased its effectiveness. My aborts run 6-8 minutes. Still one of the cheapest, fastest, most consistently effective abortives for me.

Wishing you some peace and pain free time soon.

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« Last Edit: Jun 16th, 2011 at 9:33am by Guiseppi »  

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