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Obama/ Clinton Ticket for the democratic Race? (Read 16090 times)
CH.com Alumnus

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Portland, OR
Re: Obama/ Clinton Ticket for the democratic Race?
Reply #50 - Jun 9th, 2008 at 7:08pm
Guiseppi wrote on Jun 9th, 2008 at 6:55pm:

And before women had the vote, we had no income tax, no national debt....coincidence???? Grin Grin

Now THAT is some funny stuff!!!

.........almost as funny as futures traders being responsible for long term increases in commodity prices.   

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Re: Obama/ Clinton Ticket for the democratic Race?
Reply #51 - Jun 9th, 2008 at 7:15pm
BarbaraD wrote on Jun 9th, 2008 at 4:19pm:
When Dubba took office gas was $1.43 a gallon...


And in the wayning days of Bill Clinton's tenure, he signed into law the mandate for the EPA to require boutique blends of EtOH in gas and it was to take effect after he left office.  This did two things, 1. Refineries had to quickly retool production to be able to handle the EtOH and this also led to distribution problems.  (remember CA and the problems they had?) 2. Prices of gas shot up over night because of #1 above.  Oh yea, Tommy Daschel had a hand in this mandate.

And when the Dems took over congress and vowed to get to the bottom of the big nasty oil companys gas was ~$2.80 a gal....now it's $4.10.  LOL.  yea, they showed the oil companys who's boss!  Makes no difference who's in the WH or controls congress.  They don't set world oil prices.  Supply, demand and speculators control it and right now the speculators are rapeing your wallet.  George Sorros comes to mind....and a host of other big players with deep pockets. 

Three things need to happen.  1.Curb the incentive for speculation and this can be done by 2. flooding the market with oil.  3. Bulid more refineries.  Right now all US refineries are running at between 80%-100% capacity.  Hurricane season is uppon us and what do you think is going to happen at the pumps if a refinery takes a hit...$6 / gal gas.

This wasn't a poke at anybody, just want blame to be correctly directed. Wink

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Re: Obama/ Clinton Ticket for the democratic Race?
Reply #52 - Jun 9th, 2008 at 7:53pm
When George Sorros, the neocon's favorite liberal whipping boy makes a buck, it's borderline treason....When stingy GOP moguls do, it's just one more bright and shiny example of American capitalism.

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Re: Obama/ Clinton Ticket for the democratic Race?
Reply #53 - Jun 9th, 2008 at 9:59pm
And the rich get richer and the poor still just get kids.....

Hugs BD Smiley Kiss
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Re: Obama/ Clinton Ticket for the democratic Race?
Reply #54 - Jun 9th, 2008 at 10:12pm
Long live the representative republic form of government.
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CH.com Junior

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Re: Obama/ Clinton Ticket for the democratic Race?
Reply #55 - Jun 10th, 2008 at 9:03am
I give up on this election crap.  I'm writing in Willie Nelson for President and Ted Nugent for Vice President.  I think if Obama wins, I might want to move to France or something.  He has made more ignorant comments than Clinton ate french fries.
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Re: Obama/ Clinton Ticket for the democratic Race?
Reply #56 - Jun 10th, 2008 at 9:18am
I heard a report that the prices were raising much faster here in the US than in Europe.  If simple supply and demand were the reason for the increases, there would be a fairly even increase across the board, world-wide, but that, apparently, is not the case.   In my opinion, the prices in this country are being artificially inflated by forces outside the simple realm and controls of supply and demand. 

1.  Guilt Merchants - More and more, people are allowing themselves to be made to feel guilty that people in other countries are paying twice or more than we do.  Never mind that the reason in most cases are government imposed taxes and environmental controls.  People are wringing their hands with guilt at the dilemma.  We need to pay closer to what they do, right?  I mean, it's only fair, right? 

2.  Control (hate) - Few to none of the oil producing countries care that much for the US and with the war in the Middle East, even fewer.  High prices are a way to get a little payback without any specific country having to officially speak openly against the US.   The foreign producers know that America runs on oil.  Everything we buy, everything we do has oil in the process in one way or another.  Raise the price, hurt the economy and weaken the country.

3.  Greed - See the guilt - see the hate - see the path to profit.  People "get used to things" fairly quickly, so we'll bump up the prices until people yell and then bring them down some until the new "lower" price is accepted.  Repeat as often as the people will tolerate it.

4.  The Media (more hate in the form of politics) - The media in this country no longer has a slight slant to the left.  It's an outright heavy socialist lean to the point where people question the motives of a lot of what is said in the "news."  The media will blindly and loudly report bad news if it will hurt a conservative political candidate.  If the news isn't bad enough, they will seek out the fringe idiots and alarmists and do interviews with them until people believe the bad news.  "A Lie Told Often Enough Becomes The Truth." - Vladimir Lenin

5.  Speculation - Speculators are causing prices to go through the roof and they know they can get away with it.  They look at the factors beyond supply and demand and see the guilt and the hate and the greed and play it like a violin.  Speculators inform the media that oil prices will likely exceed $XXX.00 by such and such date and low and behold - it happens.   It's a self-fulfilling prophecy and they are laughing all the way to the bank.

What's the answer?  I don't know.  I don't know when or why what goes on in another country is more important than what is happening here at home.  I don't understand the level of greed that would cause a person to sell his soul and sell out his country for a few dollars more.  I don't understand why people would willingly give up their freedom for the illusion of security and the convenience of not having to think for themselves.
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CH.com Alumnus

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Re: Obama/ Clinton Ticket for the democratic Race?
Reply #57 - Jun 10th, 2008 at 9:39am
And if people start to yell - throw a "scare" into the mix.  Post an Orange Warning and scare the sheep... That'll get 'em back in line for a while. Then raise prices again....  But do it while the media is running with the scare....the sheep won't notice it till it's a done deal...

Frankly, I'm a fairly intelligent person (for a woman  Smiley that was for Bob P) and I'm damn tired of being treated like a retarted third grader and told what I'm "supposed" to think or that I just don't "understand" what's going on. The thing is I DO understand what's going on -- I'm being fed a bunch of B$ and I don't like it.

For all the passing of blame - we might as well go back to Harry Truman for dropping the bomb on Japan -- hell we've been paying for that since the 40s. And the money we've put in Europe (France I'm thinking of particularly) would put our country in the black for centuries.  Now we're pouring money into a country, getting our kids killed and ruining our economy for a country that none of us "vintage" folks even heard of when we were in grade school (I don't think it became Iraq until I was in about the forth or fifth grade - it was Persia before then).

The whole prob goes back to MONEY -- which lobbysist has the most money to hand out to the politicians -- get rid of the lobbyists and we MIGHT - just might get something worthwhile done in DC - but that's just a pie in the sky dream -- WE let it happen....

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Bob P
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Re: Obama/ Clinton Ticket for the democratic Race?
Reply #58 - Jun 10th, 2008 at 10:13am
In Southern California people are crossing the border into Mexico for gas because it's still $2.?? a gallon.  Half the price of what it is in San Diego.

It's definitely not supply & demand!
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CH.com Hall of Famer

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The Swamp, Florida
Re: Obama/ Clinton Ticket for the democratic Race?
Reply #59 - Jun 10th, 2008 at 10:46am
BMoneeTheMoneeMan wrote on Jun 9th, 2008 at 7:08pm:
Now THAT is some funny stuff!!!

.........almost as funny as futures traders being responsible for long term increases in commodity prices.   

It's pretty obvious that the price of a house has been pushed way up by rampant speculation. Why would oil or food be any different?  Sure, the situation may correct itself (in a few years when the bubble bursts), but by then, some real damage has been done.
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« Last Edit: Jun 10th, 2008 at 10:55am by monty »  

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CH.com Alumnus

In remembrance of KingCazman.

Posts: 2674
Portland, OR
Re: Obama/ Clinton Ticket for the democratic Race?
Reply #60 - Jun 10th, 2008 at 11:06am
monty wrote on Jun 10th, 2008 at 10:46am:
BMoneeTheMoneeMan wrote on Jun 9th, 2008 at 7:08pm:
Now THAT is some funny stuff!!!

.........almost as funny as futures traders being responsible for long term increases in commodity prices.    

It's pretty obvious that the price of a house has been pushed way up by rampant speculation. Why would oil or food be any different?  Sure, the situation may correct itself (in a few years when the bubble bursts), but by then, some real damage has been done.

Houses dont trade futures. 
Speculators in the futures market have a net effect of 0.  The same number of contracts are purchased and sold. 
You might buy a contract allowing you to sell oil in July for $150.  If oil hits $150+, you sell the contract (or excercise it).  If oil does not hit $150, you sell the contract or it expires worthless.  The net effect is 0.

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"Fool me once, shame on, shame on you.  Fool - can't get fooled again"&&&&&&Think of how stupid the average person is, and then realize half the population is stupider than that.&&&&
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Re: Obama/ Clinton Ticket for the democratic Race?
Reply #61 - Jun 10th, 2008 at 12:02pm
The value of the dollar has a big effect on oil prices as well. More domestic production is the short term answer. Research in to alternate energy sources is the long term answer.

Pistol whipping oil companies and begging OPEC for more output are nothing more than made for TV grand standing.
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Bob P
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Re: Obama/ Clinton Ticket for the democratic Race?
Reply #62 - Jun 10th, 2008 at 12:35pm
Thought I'd share a warning we recieved today:

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Your tax dollars at work!
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Mrs. Barlow, I never, and I repeat never, ever pissed in your steam iron.  "SHUT UP HUB!"
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Re: Obama/ Clinton Ticket for the democratic Race?
Reply #63 - Jun 10th, 2008 at 1:07pm
Bob P wrote on Jun 10th, 2008 at 12:35pm:
Thought I'd share a warning we recieved today:

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Your tax dollars at work!

Apparently in an unspecified century as well. That document doesn't even have a date on it.
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Re: Obama/ Clinton Ticket for the democratic Race?
Reply #64 - Jun 10th, 2008 at 3:26pm
Racer1_NC wrote on Jun 10th, 2008 at 12:02pm:
The value of the dollar has a big effect on oil prices as well. More domestic production is the short term answer. Research in to alternate energy sources is the long term answer.

Pistol whipping oil companies and begging OPEC for more output are nothing more than made for TV grand standing.

Absolutely correct!
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Re: Obama/ Clinton Ticket for the democratic Race?
Reply #65 - Jun 10th, 2008 at 8:34pm
Now, with the refusal to release his birth certificate, Barack Obama seems to have rekindled the flame beneath this rumor. The benefit and drawback of releasing the document, then, fall along the same lines: releasing it could either prove these claims true, or quickly and efficiently prove them false.

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« Last Edit: Jun 10th, 2008 at 9:45pm by N/A »  
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CH.com Alumnus

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Re: Obama/ Clinton Ticket for the democratic Race?
Reply #66 - Jun 10th, 2008 at 11:17pm

The dollar is worth less and less so oil is more and more.

The media is too liberal? Good. Something has to be around here to counter all the fear mongering and manufactured news, for the last 7 years. The media is finally making up for its dropping the ball after 9/11. It's why we are in the mess we are today and not just the war.

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There is nothing more satisfying than being shot at without result---Winston Churchill
135447360 mondocharlie mondocharlie  
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Re: Obama/ Clinton Ticket for the democratic Race?
Reply #67 - Jun 11th, 2008 at 7:59pm
Could it be that Barak is not a natural born US citizen?

What is he hiding?
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Re: Obama/ Clinton Ticket for the democratic Race?
Reply #68 - Jun 11th, 2008 at 8:41pm
It wouldn't matter where he was born. If he has a U.S. parent he is entitled to U.S. citizenship.
Does it matter to you? Forget about the birth certficate, thats not part of the question.
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CH.com Hall of Famer

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The Swamp, Florida
Re: Obama/ Clinton Ticket for the democratic Race?
Reply #69 - Jun 11th, 2008 at 8:44pm
Could it be that Barak is not a natural born US citizen?

What is he hiding?

Mother was an American citizen, he was born in Hawaii in 1961 - pretty convincing evidence that he is a citizen. 

What are you trying to imply?
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CH.com Alumnus

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Re: Obama/ Clinton Ticket for the democratic Race?
Reply #70 - Jun 11th, 2008 at 9:01pm
Yup, John McCain was born in The Canal Zone. He's a pretty good citizen too.

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There is nothing more satisfying than being shot at without result---Winston Churchill
135447360 mondocharlie mondocharlie  
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Re: Obama/ Clinton Ticket for the democratic Race?
Reply #71 - Jun 11th, 2008 at 9:05pm
monty wrote on Jun 11th, 2008 at 8:44pm:
Could it be that Barak is not a natural born US citizen?

What is he hiding?

What are you trying to imply?

Imply?.....why nothing, but why wont he give up his birth certificate?
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Re: Obama/ Clinton Ticket for the democratic Race?
Reply #72 - Jun 11th, 2008 at 9:06pm
Charlie wrote on Jun 11th, 2008 at 9:01pm:
Yup, John McCain was born in The Canal Zone. He's a pretty good citizen too.


On a US military base which is US soil!
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CH.com Hall of Famer

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Re: Obama/ Clinton Ticket for the democratic Race?
Reply #73 - Jun 11th, 2008 at 9:18pm
I don't know about you but after 46 years and his record and now running for president I wouldn't give some lame ass website the time of day.
But does his place of birth bother you?
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Re: Obama/ Clinton Ticket for the democratic Race?
Reply #74 - Jun 11th, 2008 at 9:22pm
karma wrote on Jun 11th, 2008 at 9:18pm:
I don't know about you but after 46 years and his record and now running for president I wouldn't give some lame ass website the time of day.
But does his place of birth bother you?

For one, please point out his record!

And two, yes, if he was not born on American soil.....He can not be president!....Get it?  Wink
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