Man where should I start...
I'm Henry 28 years old I live in Holland(the Netherlands)I was diagnosed CH a month ago(febr 2008 )
My last cluster period was from september 2007 to febr 2008 I'm In"remission"if that's the right word?
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Only last 2 days I've had what I believe are shadows,2 times each day typically at the same times of the day.
It begins with a crackling sound In the back of my head and then I get goosebumps all over my skull
followed by that dry/stuffed nose feeling.
They're KIP lvl 2 and 30 mins to 1 hour long.
I've recently been diagnosed but I've already read a lot on the i-net about cluster headaches,since I know what I've got I'm completely fascinated by it!
My first real CH hit was In 2005 I was diagnosed as a sinisitus but I've red that a lot of CH sufferers where diagnosed that way.
I had it on both sides!!!for 3 months! It was the most terrible thing In my life the pain was excruciating as if my head was gonna explode!Not to speak of the fear of having somekind of out-of-control infection or tumor in your head wich is close to your brain!
This was the first time In my life I actually really thought of yumping out of the window roof...
I better not write what I think about my doc...
I've pushed for an appointment with an neurologist this year by taking my girlfriend into his little office as a withness to see
his complete lack of humanity.
I,ve had a hit 2 years ago and this year,last year no hit I think because I went to holiday to Crête that year.
I'm an episodic left sider btw,autumn/winter(for now)
Nobody can point an excact reason for CH but I have my theories.
I know I've had an heamorage after being hit by a motorcycle when I was taking a turnway on my bike I.ve struck the street hard!
I smoke(also pot),I drink(weekends) and don't excersize a lot.
I drink a awful lot of instant soup(msg!)eat an awful lot of chips,nuts ets(msg!)
Well I eat a lot with msg I've discovered,Ít's almost sick if I see In how much food it is!!!It's not forbidden In my country.+a lot of salt(jodium)wich amplifies the msg effects.
This stuff Is causing terrible hyperventilations to me! Recently I suffer them a lot even when avoiding msg now as much as I can.
I've quit drinking beer,I smoke much less and want to quit that along with the pot smoking as soon as possible too.But first I've got to get my mind together after hearing the news.
Well I also have hobby's:music both passive and active mostly rock/metal,online poker(better get no CH when I go play live poker
),and some computer gaming(civ rules!)
I've got a nice girlfriend who was totally shocked when she realized the nature of the beast.
I've showed her some video's at y-tube and she got mad çause I showed her those horrible video's,but later at night she started crying and told me it was good to have confronted her with the truth and that she never could even imagine the pain I was going through she also nows she's gotta face the facts.
It's good to have someone who understands you especially when you have CH I've noticed.
I know there are a lot of people who are In more pain than I was and for longer periods of time like chronics. Some stories made me cry instantaniosly,and I never cry!
When I hear about children having it and patients who go through living hell without health insurance it really hurts me deep inside!
I hope clusterville will help me deal with the problem.
I'd like to share the misery as well as the fun
with you all.
By the way my other name for
"the Beast"would be
"the finger of God"because the main pain is focussed at a specific location in my nose.