Hello all - my name is Kelley. I am a long time lurker and figured I better sign up one of these days. I live in Round Rock, Texas. Woo hoo! I was diagnosed as having CH back when I was 17 (I'm 32 now). I have two little boys who want to be neuro doctors, so they can help mommy fix her headaches. They are 3 and 5. What ambition! Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks to you all and the many posts out there. I have tried lots of things over the years and unfortunately, nothing really works. Surprise! Verapamil, Lithium, 02, and recently, Imitrex injections. Honestly, those were kind of freaky. I got all hot and weird feeling. I wouldn't have minded if they actually worked. Then, I read on the Imitrex paper that those with Raynaud's should proceed with caution. Hmm. Oh well, easy decision for me - it didn't work.
My clusters are hard to "fix" if you will. The actual cycle lasts about 7 days but returns every 3 weeks. The length of an actual headache lasts only about 20 minutes. They pack a punch, so don't let the time fool you. I resume normal life for about 45 minutes until the next attack hits without fail. I have got by on Advil, Aleve - you know the usuals. They may buy me a few PF hours, but it's back as soon as it has a chance. I hate taking meds of any kind, so I've been researching other ways to help - which brings me to why I am posting today!
A few months ago, I began taking birth control (hubby is fixed, but I wanted to help my darn adult acne). The first month was decent - got the usual hits. The second month was unbearable. I had K8, K9 hits every hour. Now, how in the heck am I supposed to be a mom with this mess going on? I couldn't drive any distance without pulling over, etc. It was horrible. The BC by the way was called YAZ. Long story - and this isn't supposed to be about the birth control, but I am mentioning it, because I had to stop it and find relief somewhere. You aren't supposed to use Aleve, Advil, etc on a long term basis with it. Great.
So, I saw MJs posts about the RC Seeds. I was on the Cbusters website in a heartbeat. Got the seeds and a pepper mill. I dosed that night and still had the hits every stinking hour (ALL through the night). Sleep? What's that? My husband had to sleep upstairs because of my, um, noises.
I Hadn't slept for almost a month, because they attacked every hour, so I thought, what the heck - one more day won't kill me, right? I am gald I did it, because the next day, while a bit sleepy (ha ha) my headaches had slowed down. They came every 90 minutes (hey that's big time for me) and were K5. Still hurt, still had my head tilted, left eye just tearing away, but a nice break from the unimaginable hits I was getting. I am due for my usual cycle (3 weeks later) and dosed again on Wednesday night. So far, I have only felt shadows. Is this stuff really helping? Holy smokes.
Anyway, Had I not seen the posts from MJ (and Chris W) I probably would not have tried it. Sorry Chris, I was hoping it would work for ya! I don't know for sure yet if it is indeed working for me, but hey, one week of postponed monster CH is a party for me!! And so far, the intensity levels have dropped tremendously. That's a victory in itself.
Sorry for the long winded post here, but wanted to explain how I got here. Thanks for all the support you guys offer. I'll put a picture up soon if I can figure out how. That's my husband's department.