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Message started by MadMan61 on Jul 21st, 2016 at 4:58pm

Title: Lidocaine Patch
Post by MadMan61 on Jul 21st, 2016 at 4:58pm
Hi, I haven't been on the Boards for so long I forgot all my log-in info & just gave up & created a new account.

Have had Clusters for over 25 years now.
Tried Topomax (It worked, but my job & life require competent thinking, so stopped.
The Triptans worked-ish, but based on the number of Clusters I have during a cycle, they were not cost effective.

Which brings me to the last 2 days.
My wife had back surgery a month ago. Dr. prescribed Lidocaine  Patches for her. I remarked at the time that I had heard that lidocaine shots worked to relieve Cluster pain.

Two nights ago a Cluster started. It was not a KIP 11 (or a screamer as I call them) but it was intense. I had her cut up one of the patches to about the size of a quarter and placed it on the side of my nose. Right where the spike that is my Cluster enters my skull. Within a few minutes my Cluster was gone. Not only that but usually after a Cluster I feel like somebody has beaten me with a stick. No such feeling.
Last night same thing. (Cluster not as strong) Same result.

Now, My Clusters come & go without warning most times. I do get shadows or sometimes kind of a mild nose burn first but not always. But usually just on or off like somebody has thrown a switch.

After only 2 occasions I can not say for sure that the Lidocaine patches worked. It might have just been the Clusters time to go. But... at this point it sure looks promising.

The patches (with our Ins.) were cheap. I think we got 2 boxes for $10.oo Several in a box. The patches are 8 x 6 inches maybe??? & I cut it down to Quarter size to use. So many Cluster patches can be made from a standard sized patch.

What I'm saying is, if we can get several people trying this & reporting back, with a large enough sample size we might get some valid results.

They are by Prescription.

Title: Re: Lidocaine Patch
Post by Hoppy on Jul 21st, 2016 at 6:31pm
I've not heard of a CH starting in the nose before! Mine always started with twinges in my right temple and would rise to a kip10 within 10-15mins and last for an hour if I didn't catch it in time with ergots/suma to constrict blood vessel.

Cheers Hoppy

Title: Re: Lidocaine Patch
Post by jon019 on Jul 21st, 2016 at 8:07pm
Hello Mad,

There is a history of lidocaine use for ch abort...a long time ago....but with very few successful
cases. About 10 yrs ago...having heard the same as you...I asked and was given by my neuro a script for...I think.... a 4% lidocaine solution. It's not a standard item and must be "mixed" by a pharmacist.

Theory is...when getting hit... you dropper... several mls of lido on a particular spot inside your nasal passage...I forget the name of the spot. Sounds great and logical...until you factor in a hit that is ramping up at warp speed.... making the required steady hand and body contortions (head tilt and angle) damn near impossible...and in my case...TOTALLY impossible.

It was a sad day in jonboy world when I realized the 2 huge bottles of lido mix were now just paperweights...I STILL have them...I can't bear to part with for some reason.

That it works for you is great...and a patch sure beats trying to find 'the spot"....but for most folks... as reported aint the answer......



Title: Re: Lidocaine Patch
Post by MadMan61 on Jul 22nd, 2016 at 8:45am
1st: The patches I'm using are 5%.

2nd: Last night felt a Cluster coming on. Put patch on immediately. Took longer to go away, but never ramped-up much past annoying pain. (note: I made the patch smaller last night than the past two nights. I'll be going back to a slightly larger patch, next Cluster.)

Like I've said this is only the 3rd night I've tried this. At this point, results are inconclusive. Can't prove it's the Patch that is doing the work & not just pain going away on it's own. By continued use I hope to one day have a definitive answer. There are 30 Patches per box & I'm cutting them up, so they will last forever.

At this point I'm working on the theory, "What have I got to lose?"

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