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Message started by JC11 on Jul 9th, 2016 at 6:34pm

Title: did topamax change its formula recently?
Post by JC11 on Jul 9th, 2016 at 6:34pm
my new topomax doesnt seem to work at all, i had stockpiled 100mg topomax and was usually taking 50mg a day but have ran out.  My new prescription for Topamax, the pills look different and doesnt seem to work at all. my old ones were smaller and white my new ones are pinkish, i even went up to 100mg on the new ones with no luck. luckily i found old 25mg(white) topomax and seem to have it back under control

Title: Re: did topamax change its formula recently?
Post by Hoppy on Jul 9th, 2016 at 8:00pm
Hi JC and welcome,
I can't answer your  :question, but, Topamax more comely known here as dopeymax is avoided like the plague by members on here lol. Have you looked into the vitamin D regimen as a preventative? You can find all the info on here.

Cheers Hoppy

Title: Re: did topamax change its formula recently?
Post by JC11 on Jul 11th, 2016 at 12:33am
i started taking d3 yesterday after your post and reading more but i hate to get off topic on this post ill probably ask more on vitamin d on another post. i might try paying out of pocket for a non generic topomax or maybe a new drug. im really scared of running out of the little bit of topomax i have left without having something else that works. maxalt and deikote didnt, eliville did but my tolerance went up to 50mg a day and that made my weight jump 20 pounds and i couldnt sleep enough

Title: Re: did topamax change its formula recently?
Post by thierry on Jul 11th, 2016 at 2:32am
Hey JC11,
good on you for starting the D3 regimen, it's probably the best thing you could do to help yourself towards being pain free -PF-.
Hopefully in a month's time, you won't have to think about topamax.
Are you doing the loading schedule as per Batch?
ie: take 50000iu D3/day for a week to elevate your levels rapidly as well as all the co-factors.
All the best

Title: Re: did topamax change its formula recently?
Post by Derek P on Jul 31st, 2016 at 10:01pm
I've been on Dopamax for about 8 years and it seems that something has changed. I hadn't had a attack in a few years and am in the middle of one now. Maybe my body has changed and I need a new med. I'd be okay with that b/c I kind of hate Topamax side effects but loved the history of no/little headaches. I'm meeting with a new Dr on Friday and will push for more 02 and guidance on D3 as listed above.

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