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Message started by Cons Law on May 1st, 2016 at 7:07am

Title: Back with a bang
Post by Cons Law on May 1st, 2016 at 7:07am
Greetings all,

So there I was looking forward to our bank holiday weekend and an opportunity to tell everyone about how well I had been doing with the D3 regime and being back to work and life returning to normal after my winter from hell.  Unfortunately, the Beast does not do holidays.

Form nowhere last Thursday evening I was hit by a wave of exhaustion. Early to bed before a 3.00am wakeup call from the Beast. Right side sweats were quickly followed by the dreaded headache. My Zomig stopped the headache in its tracks (I did not have my O2 as I was travelling) however the after effects live. Now 3 days later, I am still exhausted with an achy body and on/off headaches.

So so disappointing after 8 weeks of almost continuous improvement. My energy levels were nearly back to normal, I was getting through a week’s work without having to spend the weekend on the coach recovering, my headaches were getting further apart and less intense (for the most part), I was sticking to the D3 regime (with 1 small change, my doctor added CoenzymeQ10 to help with my energy levels) and I was so looking to getting back on my bike after a 7-month hiatus.

Damn you Beast

Happy May Day

Stay Positive

Title: Re: Back with a bang
Post by Callico on May 1st, 2016 at 11:06pm
PM Batch with your circumstances and see if he has any advice. A number of us have had to tweak our D3 up or tweak our B vitamins a bit to get better results. Also, look into 5 MeO DALT. I'm a refractory chronic who got about 80% relief (and was extremely grateful for it) from Vit D3. When I added the 5 MeO DALT regimen to the mix I achieved 41 weeks (today) of 99+% PF, and I'm loving life! This is after 40+ yrs with the beast, 12+ refractory chronic.


Title: Re: Back with a bang
Post by thierry on May 2nd, 2016 at 4:48pm
Hey Con, sorry to hear that the beast is at you again, though it is good to know that the D3 regimen was working, it is likely that it will work again with some tweeking or by adding a thing or 2 to the regimen for a while.
Batch has found out through his research that allergens can gobble up D3 and leave us an amount that is too low to be therapeutic for our CH.
Seeing that spring is pushing out new flowers and with that, pollens make an appearance, there is a possibility that you are having an allergic reaction.
Batch recommends that when this happens we take a first generation anti-hystamine such as benadryl or other, one that contains Diphenhydramine.
If you' d like more info on that you could contact Batch himself.
Should you want some of that anti-hystamine, I have way over the amount i need and would be happy to pass some on to you if you wish, postage from Galway wouldn't be a problem. below is a link to the product

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You could also ask Batch about taking a good probiotic for a while to help your gut assimilate the D3.
For a while, i was getting shadows, they went away after i took a good probiotic for a while. one like this:

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This is a high quality probiotic available in Irleand on that site or in most health food shops. It may help you too.

I wish you a prompt recovery from the beast and hope your energy levels will climb back up rapidly.

All the best

Title: Re: Back with a bang
Post by Peter510 on May 3rd, 2016 at 9:12am
Hey Con,

Sorry to hear of your setback. Thierry's advice is good.

Give me a call anytime.


Title: Re: Back with a bang
Post by Cons Law on May 7th, 2016 at 3:35am

Thanks for the encouragement and advice. This latest episode of the has been hanging round  in shadows for over a week now. I will contact Batch for further advice.

Stay Positive


Title: Re: Back with a bang
Post by thierry on May 7th, 2016 at 4:01am
Hey Con,
In the meantime you could drop 50000iu D3/day for a few days.
Hope you get relief.
All th best

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