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Message started by Blue Meanie on Mar 19th, 2016 at 4:27am

Title: Guess what ? Me and the devil are back !!!
Post by Blue Meanie on Mar 19th, 2016 at 4:27am
Sorry it's been so long but you know how it goes. SEVEN, yes, you read that right, SEVEN years pain free until now. Wow, I thought the devil was gone for good, Haven't even had second thoughts about the f'er until now. Anyway, it's good to see the same folks have stayed so long and are still supporting those in need. Anything new out there in the last 7 years I may want to ask the doc about ?

Title: Re: Guess what ? Me and the devil are back !!!
Post by Peter510 on Mar 19th, 2016 at 5:34am
Blue Meanie,

Welcome back. 7 years is about the longest break I've ever heard of. You must be in despair.

New????  D3. Read all about it in the Meds & Treatments section, under the thread "123 days pain free.....".

Ask questions. Then start doing it.

As a wise women said recently...." You've nothing to lose but your headache".

Keep us updated,


Title: Re: Guess what ? Me and the devil are back !!!
Post by Blue Meanie on Mar 19th, 2016 at 6:56am
Hi Peter. Yes, it is strange, I never heard of anyone going that long either. Had them for 28 years then poof, gone. I will give the D3 vitamins a try, thanks for the info. That "Batch" is a smart guy, can't never hurt to listen to him.

Title: Re: Guess what ? Me and the devil are back !!!
Post by Brew on Mar 19th, 2016 at 10:40am
Bob - Sorry you're back, but so glad to learn of the fantastic break you caught for the last 7 years.

Give me a call on my cell. PM me if you don't still have my number. We should plan to get together. So much has occurred since the last time we talked.

Title: Re: Guess what ? Me and the devil are back !!!
Post by Blue Meanie on Mar 19th, 2016 at 5:51pm
I'll give you a call Bill. Been going down memory lane looking at pics of Clusterheads. Some of you still around may remember this cake my wife Cindy made for us.  :D
DC05-16.jpg (497 KB | 0 )

Title: Re: Guess what ? Me and the devil are back !!!
Post by BarbaraD on Mar 20th, 2016 at 2:18pm
Sorry you're back (but you should have stayed around in the first place), but we're still here..

The D3 is working so good for me - 2 years and counting. It's wonderful.. Talk to Batch if you have any questions..

And I think the 02 demand valve has come into being in the last 7 years - it's works really good too to stop these things in their tracks. Before the D3 it was my lifeline..

Oh gosh, you've got lots of reading to do.. The last 7 years have been busy.. Sorry to hear the beast found you, but good to see you..  :-* :-*

Title: Re: Guess what ? Me and the devil are back !!!
Post by Callico on Mar 21st, 2016 at 1:17am
Hi Bob. Wish I didn't have to see you around here again. Thought we were rid of you.  :D

The Vit D regimen gave me 80% relief after about 12 yrs refractory chronic, and then when I added 5 MeO DALT, I have gone 36 weeks nearly pain free, even this weekend, with the equinox!

Hope one or both of these can get you out of here again! (Please say hello to Cindy for me. i certainly remember that cake.)


Title: Re: Guess what ? Me and the devil are back !!!
Post by Blue Meanie on Mar 24th, 2016 at 6:11am
Hopefully it's just too soon, but the D3 isn't doing nothing for me. Thank you CH angel for helping me until I see the Neuro. There is no way I would have survived without your help. I almost forgot just how bad these thing are. Wow....

Title: Re: Guess what ? Me and the devil are back !!!
Post by Melissa on Mar 26th, 2016 at 10:33am
Hi Blue,

I'm very sorry they have returned for you. :( I hope you can get some relief soon!


Title: Re: Guess what ? Me and the devil are back !!!
Post by thierry on Mar 28th, 2016 at 4:15am
Hi Blue meanie,
Are you taking the D3 loading doses, ie: 50000iu D3 once a week or more on top of the daily 10000 iu, as per Batch?
All the best

Title: Re: Guess what ? Me and the devil are back !!!
Post by Blue Meanie on Mar 29th, 2016 at 12:33am
I'll have to go back and look at the amount suggested on the D3. I've been just taking 3 a day. GOOD NEWS is the  downing of a full "Red Bull" with a prescribed aspirin with codeine works pretty good. I've been getting these f'ers left and right & have aborted the last 9 of 14 attacks with it. The rest needed trex shots.

Hi Mellissa  :o

Title: Re: Guess what ? Me and the devil are back !!!
Post by Mike NZ on Mar 29th, 2016 at 12:58am

Blue Meanie wrote on Mar 29th, 2016 at 12:33am:
...with a prescribed aspirin with codeine works pretty good.

Have you tried skipping the codeine part?

Narcotics don't really have a good, positive story with CH. Searching the forums you'll find plenty of reports of them causing a lot more trouble than they help with. I for one was given codeine to deal with my "headaches" before they were diagnosed and the result was lots of rebound headaches plus going through "fun" withdrawal symptoms when I came off them and that was after following the doctor's instructions to the letter.

Title: Re: Guess what ? Me and the devil are back !!!
Post by Blue Meanie on Mar 29th, 2016 at 5:16am
The codeine is not stopping the clusters but it is definitely  helping the after-effects of all the soreness and swollen head when the attack is over. I'm not using it as a preventative. The first 10 years "before" imitrex all I did was narcotics so I know what you're saying. Looks like I need to double the amount of the D3, I'll give that a try.

Title: Re: Guess what ? Me and the devil are back !!!
Post by Peter510 on Mar 29th, 2016 at 7:30am
Have you had your blood tested for serum D3 levels
(25OH D) ?

It's important to know your current level and have it checked about 4 weeks later. You need to get get it to 80ng/L or 200nmol/L before you can hope to get the full benefits.


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