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Message started by BRODE on Oct 26th, 2014 at 7:09pm

Title: Vitamin a in the d3 regime
Post by BRODE on Oct 26th, 2014 at 7:09pm
I have a question for Batch. My multi vitamin has Vitamin A (beta carotin) is that the same as retinal. I have everything else but b- 50 and if the A is not the correct one than I am missin that. I cannot find a vitamin A specifically labeled retinal.
Thank you for all that you have done.
P.S.  I am waiting to get my blood work done so I am doing the 10,000 iu of D3 until I can get the blood work done.

Title: Re: Vitamin a in the d3 regime
Post by blacklab on Oct 27th, 2014 at 12:58am
Hi brode,
             just from my perspective and batch will come in with the correct technical stuff.
the amount of vit A in the Kirkland multi that we take should do the job, mine is vit A acetate 25oo iu which is then converted to a retinol value. I am currently also taking an extra vit A supplement, which is vit A 5000 iu palmitate which equates to 1500ug retinol equivalent.
it is these values that convert back to retinol.
I know that Vit A is extremely important, even at a gene level as far as vit D goes with our regime so just like the 3 month course of Vit B that batch recommends, im just giving my self a boost of vit A to see what difference it makes.  I forget off hand what the maximum intake of beta carotin  vit A is, but batch confirmed what I was taking was fine,    im sure he will post up the correct info for you.
hope I haven't confused the matter....

Title: Re: Vitamin a in the d3 regime
Post by Batch on Oct 27th, 2014 at 8:41am
Hey Brode,

Welcome to and to the anti-inflammatory regimen.  Good question and Colin was spot on with the answer.

Regarding the tolerable upper intake levels (UL) for beta carotene... the jury is still out.

The Food and Nutrition Board at the Institute of Medicine claims there's not enough data to set the UL while experts in the UK and Germany say the UL for beta carotene is 7 to 10 mg/day.

High doses of beta-carotene (up to 180 mg/day) have been used to treat erythropoietic protoporphyria, a photosensitivity disorder, without toxic side effects.  See the following link for additional information:

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Nearly all agree your skin may start turning a yellowish orange if you take too much beta carotene...  like a bucket of carrots a day...

Bottom line...  The amount of beta carotene and vitamin A (retinol) in the Mature Multi is very safe...

Take care and please keep us posted.

V/R, Batch

Title: Re: Vitamin a in the d3 regime
Post by BRODE on Oct 27th, 2014 at 11:36am
Thank you for the info.
Here is what I am taking as of two days ago.
Sat I took
22000 iu of D3
multi vitamin
   V-A Beta Carotin 5000 iu
   V-3 225 mg
   V-D3 400 iu
   V-E 75 iu
   V-K 50 mcg
   V-B6 75 mg
   V-B12 100 mcg
   Calcium 270mg
   Magnesium 200mg
Omega 3 2400
and a protien shake my wife made which included
   Spinich, Almond milk, honey, bannanas, blue berries, orange juice, coconut oil,and protien powder
I had a ch that nigh but not as bad and a mild ch when I woke up in the morning.
10000 iu of D3
multi vitamin
   V-A Beta Carotin 5000 iu
   V-3 225 mg
   V-D3 400 iu
   V-E 75 iu
   V-K 50 mcg
   V-B6 75 mg
   V-B12 100 mcg
   Calcium 270mg
   Magnesium 200mg
Omega 3 2400
V-A 8000 iu (made  from fish)
and a protien shake my wife made which included
   Spinich, Almond milk, honey, bannanas, blue berries, orange juice, coconut oil,and protien powder
No CH last night.
I hope that this is the end of my CH.

Title: Re: Vitamin a in the d3 regime
Post by Batch on Oct 27th, 2014 at 3:02pm
Hey Brode,

Thanks for the update.  It appears you're starting to respond...  That looks like a nutrient rich mix of the right supplements and food types...

You're not out of the woods yet as you're going to need a regimen like this for weeks to get your 25(OH)D up around 80 ng/mL. You'll also need a continual intake like this year-round to keep your 25(OH)D at this serum concentration.  That's the only way I know this regimen is capable of preventing CH effectively and continue to do so. 

25(OH)D has a half-life of two weeks without further vitamin D3 supplements. The few chronic CH'ers, myself included, who stopped taking this regimen fell out of remission in 7 to 10 days.  It's no different for episodic CH'ers if they're still in cycle.

Take care and please keep us posted.

V/R, Batch

Title: Re: Vitamin a in the d3 regime
Post by Don B on Oct 27th, 2014 at 4:51pm
Hi Batch, I am on the accelerated loading schedule for one more week, with the super dose being Tuesday. I will then back it down to 15,000 for two weeks and then the maintenance dose. I know it will vary from person to person, but in your experience, is there a typical response to this regimen given my level of 25 ? concern for toxicity ? I'm not too concerned about that; just want to get a feel for perhaps a typical response to the regimen with a baseline of 25, I expect to have more labs done in two weeks do you typically see an increase in 3 weeks that will bring the level from 25 into at least the 80's ? also, a history of kidney stones, any adverse reactions that you know of on the regimen ? By the way thanks so much for everything minimal CH's in the past week aborted with oxygen   

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