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Message started by Bryan n Ann on Aug 23rd, 2014 at 12:57pm

Title: Using a TENS unit to abort CHs
Post by Bryan n Ann on Aug 23rd, 2014 at 12:57pm
I read Adrianne's post from last year and we want to try this. My husband has clusters at least 4 times a day preceded by intense pain for hours for each one. This has continued daily for years, but has been debilitating since July of 2011.

There are so many varieties of TENS units! I'd like to know which is the most effective. When I called a medal supply store, I was told their models are not for use on the head.

Title: Re: Using a TENS unit to abort CHs
Post by AussieBrian on Aug 24th, 2014 at 8:21pm
I tried it once and it was a disaster but I know of another bloke who had quite some success with it. I recall he put one end on his cheek and the other variously on his temple or the cluster-bump on the back of his neck.

Title: Re: Using a TENS unit to abort CHs
Post by feisty on Aug 25th, 2014 at 2:48pm
Hi Ann,

Sorry I don't know anything about TENS but...

Definitely check out the link in my sig line - my H is painfree now and we think it's because of that.

Also, O2 has been a lifesaver for my H. Look at the yellow link "oxygen info" on the left and carefully follow instructions.

Best of wishes to both of you.

Title: Re: Using a TENS unit to abort CHs
Post by didgens on Aug 26th, 2014 at 10:59am
Whats a Cluster Bump ???

Title: Re: Using a TENS unit to abort CHs
Post by AussieBrian on Aug 28th, 2014 at 3:42am
Oops. Sorry a bit slow there, Didgens. Many of us when in cycle get a lump on the back of the neck, usually on the side we're getting hit. For a long time I thought this was actually the cause of the problem, not simply a result.

I commonly use hot or cold packs on mine and while I don't know if it really helps, it at least gives me the feeling of having tried.

There's even some who get one in the mouth and say an ice cube is terrific.

We truly are a weird mob.

Title: Re: Using a TENS unit to abort CHs
Post by didgens on Aug 28th, 2014 at 11:59am
I know my son always wants me to massage his neck on that side ,, but I have never felt the bump ,, just tension.

Title: Re: Using a TENS unit to abort CHs
Post by Esheel31 on Aug 31st, 2014 at 10:08pm
Never had a bump before.
Interesting thought about the neck tension.

Once went to get a massage my wife had bought me for my birthday.
Just coming out of a cycle and the masseuse was saying that the muscles in my neck and shoulder on my right side were as tight as she's seen in a long time.
That's my cluster side.

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