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Message started by Chuh on Mar 11th, 2013 at 5:38am

Title: Personal Question/Request for Information
Post by Chuh on Mar 11th, 2013 at 5:38am

I have a specific question to ask anyone who is willing to respond:

The purpose is to collect first hand (no pun intended) information from others like myself in order to help determine possible relationships between hemicranial anomaly's/pathologies, the autonomic nervous system,  And a motor control mechanism known as forward modeling.

Your response is sincerely appreciated and may serve as useful information in determining some underlying factors which predispose us to CH.

Do your CH's present on the same side as your dominant hand?

You can respond with same, different, alternating.

Also, please feel free to elaborate, especially if you are ambidextrious, ambilevous, or Ambisinistrous.

P.S. Same side for me. However, my first episodes were concomitant with migraines and occurred on the opposite side. after a period of remission (~2 yrs) they returned with even greater intensity on the same side as my dominant hand.

EDIT 3/12/13: I need to thank the first two responders for indicating that this question has been posited many times.

I checked out the previous posts related to this handedness and believe I have a valid reason to raise this issue yet again. (really, I'm not trying beat a dead horse).

Please understand that I do not believe that because you are dominant on one side you will present your CH on a particular side.

MY request from you all, like the others, was too quick and dirty, and seemingly presumptuous. I apologize.

Again, what I should have included above was the purpose of the request:

The purpose is to collect first hand (no pun intended) information from others like myself in order to help determine possible relationships between hemicranial anomaly's/pathologies, the autonomic nervous system, and a motor control mechanism known as forward modeling.

Peace of Mind

Title: Re: Personal Question/Request for Information
Post by Bob P on Mar 11th, 2013 at 7:33am
Different and this survey has been done a number of times in the past with no correlation noted.

Title: Re: Personal Question/Request for Information
Post by Balanchine on Mar 11th, 2013 at 10:18pm
Same, and I also seem to remember a similar survey years ago. You might do a search.

Title: Re: Personal Question/Request for Information
Post by Guiseppi on Mar 12th, 2013 at 10:02am
I'm right handed and right sided!

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The first link is a previous survey someone took, the second is an extensive surver Rosen took of over 1100 CH patients, that addresses the handedness and numerous other factors about CH you might find interesting.


Title: Re: Personal Question/Request for Information
Post by LasVegas on Mar 12th, 2013 at 1:15pm
Same...Left.  I personally believe in the correlation, although many don't.

Might want to use the "Poll" feature for best results of future surveys.  But 1st check the "search" button and the "archives" section to determine if it has been surveyed previously; which most likely it has.

-Gregg in Las Vegas

Title: Re: Personal Question/Request for Information
Post by shooky on Mar 12th, 2013 at 8:57pm
Same. A correlation does make sense.

Title: Re: Personal Question/Request for Information
Post by Wayne on Mar 12th, 2013 at 10:58pm

Title: Re: Personal Question/Request for Information
Post by jess-MTL on Mar 13th, 2013 at 1:14pm
I'm right handed and right sided as well.

Title: Re: Personal Question/Request for Information
Post by Vinnie on Mar 13th, 2013 at 6:11pm
Left handed and left side (predominantly).

Title: Re: Personal Question/Request for Information
Post by Grandma_Sweet_Boy on Mar 16th, 2013 at 10:35pm
Left handed and right sided

Title: Re: Personal Question/Request for Information
Post by Mike NZ on Mar 16th, 2013 at 10:39pm
Right handed as that was how I was made to write at primary school, but am probably either really left handed or ambidextrous, with right sided CHs (and migraines).

That'll make me hard to classify.

Title: Re: Personal Question/Request for Information
Post by lwatson8 on Mar 21st, 2013 at 9:25pm
Left sided Ch and left handed

Title: Re: Personal Question/Request for Information
Post by chrisw on Mar 21st, 2013 at 9:51pm
left handed,  right sided

Title: Re: Personal Question/Request for Information
Post by Tabitha on Mar 22nd, 2013 at 6:38pm

Mike NZ wrote on Mar 16th, 2013 at 10:39pm:
Right handed as that was how I was made to write at primary school, but am probably either really left handed or ambidextrous, with right sided CHs (and migraines).

That'll make me hard to classify.

Same as this, except my CHs are on the left.

Title: Re: Personal Question/Request for Information
Post by Samiam on Mar 23rd, 2013 at 12:52pm
Left side CH  Right handed. Never changed sides in over 30 yrs.

Title: Re: Personal Question/Request for Information
Post by CH Brain on Mar 23rd, 2013 at 8:16pm
Right sided CH, right handed.
Shadowing and inter-ictal (between attacks) pain is strictly right sided.

My migraines are across my whole forehead, with no side predominance, of course.

However, I do have a cluster-tic syndrome.
Just before and during intense right-sided CH attacks, my left arm, left leg, muscles around left side of stomach, left side of chest go into very strong, almost epilepsy-like involuntary contractions/spasm. The right side muscles remain still throughout. An elicited action potential is occurring somewhere in the motor cortexes of my brain.

This happens only when I am about to have, or in the middle of a severe CH attack (over 7/10). Topiramate stopped this tic syndrome...and I don't have Epilepsy.

No-one would want to be within 6 feet of my left side of body during attacks. I have involuntarily launched a coffee cup across the room through a glass window because of this left-side tic. My CH head pain remains right sided, for 34 years so far.

I have on about 4 occasions, experienced bi-lateral cluster headache. This was "unpleasant" at least, if not quite alarming. NOT a migraine, but 2, yes 2 simultaneous CH attacks - L + R, with a distinct line of separation between them - but throughout, the predominant side R was always active CH and in severe pain.
I have never experienced unilateral Left-sided CH. This "stereo CH" was not a migraine, after about 30,000 CH attacks, I know the difference.

This demonstrates in me at least - side shift risk - one of the reasons for me not undergoing ONS surgery. (even though the standard ONS implant now allows for side-shift - the particular ONS implant selected for me is stereo-static one, it stimulates BOTH sides, irrespective of the side for which you are being treated for CH.)

I do not believe I am/was a lefty or ambidextrous.

This has also made me difficult to classify into any particular pigeonhole. As my specialists says "Our bodies cannot read the textbooks".
Go figure... :-/

Cheers, Ben.

Title: Re: Personal Question/Request for Information
Post by LasVegas on Mar 23rd, 2013 at 8:35pm

wrote on Mar 23rd, 2013 at 8:16pm:
I have involuntarily launched a coffee cup across the room through a glass window

Ben, although I have no tic symptoms, I can relate to impulsively and irrationally throwing things on a nightly basis just out of sheer anger when i'm attacked. mugs, plates, glassware, bowls, glass tables, windows, etc.  Everybody has their vice, right? 

What's strange though is I never inflicted self harm of head banging that others claim helps with abort.

-Gregg in Las Vegas

PS Sure miss my coffee mug as seen in my profile avatar

Title: Re: Personal Question/Request for Information
Post by horsegirl on Mar 23rd, 2013 at 10:41pm
right handed with left side except one cycle that came upon waking from surgery. and actualy one ha this cycle

Title: Re: Personal Question/Request for Information
Post by Chuh on Mar 27th, 2013 at 4:01am
Hello All,

My sincerest appreciation goes out to all who have viewed this post thus far, especially to those who have responded.

It would be wonderful to have enough information to make a meaningful evaluation, no matter the outcome.

Thank you for your consideration.

Peace Of Mind

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