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Message started by CZ Cluster on Oct 25th, 2012 at 4:57pm

Title: 3rd Time Around
Post by CZ Cluster on Oct 25th, 2012 at 4:57pm
So i am new to this board.  I started having CH problems back in 2004.  They just came back a month ago after about 3 years with no issues.  I refuse to take Immitrex as i exercise pretty hard every day and it makes me itch like CRAZY when i start to sweat.  Is the whole "break the cycle" thing a myth?  Or does the Cluster just have to run it's course?  Last cycle was for 8 weeks.  Any help or advice would be appreciated.

Title: Re: 3rd Time Around
Post by ttnolan on Oct 26th, 2012 at 1:40am
I would say the "break the cycle thing" is, if not a myth, very rare in conventional medicine. Most conventional meds only abort attacks (abortives), or suppress them to reduce frequency and severity (preventatives)... and that is not breaking a cycle. If you want to break cycles, or even prevent them, check out the sister site for "alternative" treatment.

Title: Re: 3rd Time Around
Post by Bob Johnson on Oct 26th, 2012 at 7:44am
To be able to help you, we need some basic information.

Please tell us where you live. Follow the next line to a message which explains why knowing your location and your medical history will help us to help you.


Title: Re: 3rd Time Around
Post by CZ Cluster on Oct 26th, 2012 at 11:14am
Thanks for the replies.  I need to update the Immitrex statement.  It does not make me itchy.  I have been off of it for a week.  When i go to the gym to exercise i still get that crazy itchy/tingly feeling.  It's an itch that cannot be scratched either.  It eventually goes away but is extremely uncomfortable.  It only happens when i exert myself in anyway.  Does anyone experience this during a CH cycle?  I am only using oxygen to abort the CH attacks.

Title: Re: 3rd Time Around
Post by Bob Johnson on Oct 26th, 2012 at 12:54pm
Given the short life of Imitrex, suspect the itchy thing is not related to the cluster or med.

If you find O2 effective, then you may not need the Imitrex, unless your attacks tend to be long lived.
Both Imitrex and O2 have short effective lives so if you have a second attack develop in part or in whole, after using them, you may need to consider a change in you treatgment.

Have you considered a preventive med? Will reduce the frequency/ even totally block, attacks.

Print out the PDF file and discuss with your doc.;file=THERAPIES-_Headache_2011.pdf (96 KB | 16 )

Title: Re: 3rd Time Around
Post by CZ Cluster on Nov 5th, 2012 at 2:15pm
Thanks for the article Bob.  I will definitely talk to my doctor about this the next time around.  I just got done with a Depacon IV treatment that lasted 3 days.  1 hr each day.  It stopped the Cluster and i am now on Topiramax for a month as prescribed by my doctor.  1/2 pill for week 1. 1 pill for week 2.  1 1/2 pill for week 3. 2 pills for week 4.  Then i go off of the medication.  So for now, no CH for about 5 days ...knock on wood and whatever else you can find!!   My concern is at the gym i am still getting extremely itchy under my skin.  It's not just the gym, it's anytime I exert myself or get flushed, embarassed, angry, etc.  The only thing i can tie it too is when i started taking the Immitrex injections.  I am not saying that is the cause but that is the only thing that changed.  So anyway now i am researching like crazy why I am feeling the crazy itch thing!!  I guess if it's not one thing it's the next right?

Title: Re: 3rd Time Around
Post by wimsey1 on Nov 6th, 2012 at 8:03am
Hmmm...I itch all the time. It's one of the great reasons to have a good marriage...back scratching. Seriously though, in answer to your first question, I am not so certain "breaking the cycle" is a myth. Testimony on this site leans toward the belief that aborted hits are more effective in reducing the intensity and frequency of attacks than if we try to "ride them out." I am in agreement. CHs seem to feed on one another. The sooner and more effectively we abort, the better. Of course, that's just good sense because it reduces the pain quotient as well. God bless. lance

Title: Re: 3rd Time Around
Post by Kevin_M on Nov 6th, 2012 at 8:40am

i still get that crazy itchy/tingly feeling.

The only time I get that is as a mild allergic reaction real soon after eating sesame seeds.

As a child, my ears would itch for a short time after a couple sesame bread sticks.  Later in life a little more after a sesame seed bagel.  I confirmed some type of allergy when I first ate chicken cooked in sesame oil, the itching got more intense in many places, but only for about a half hour, this sounds like yours. 

Mine has been lifelong, I take it this is a fairly recent reaction for you.  All I can identify it with is an allergy to something you've taken in fairly large quantity, or you are more sensitive to something.  A few breadsticks or a bagel won't give me an intense reaction.

Anything you're eating or drinking, cologne you're using, or maybe even an underarm deodorant, which might react when you sweat.

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