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Message started by JoeKen on Sep 22nd, 2012 at 5:35pm

Title: Any advice or experience?
Post by JoeKen on Sep 22nd, 2012 at 5:35pm
Hi y'all  :) .
Long time since I've been here 'cos I'd given up hope of stopping my relatively low level but long lasting and persistent CH attacks. However I had to see my doctor a few days ago on another matter and he suggested an additional preventative medication that surprised me. At the moment I have 240mg Verapamil twice a day as a preventative (but it's not very effective), codeine and paracetamol to remove the pain, then oxygen, and then Sumatriptan 50mg as very much a last resort as I had a mini stroke a few years ago.
The new medication is 300mg Gabapentin three times a day. The use of this as a CH/migraine preventative is new to me and there's not much about it on the net that I can find. So, anyone on here got any knowledge or experience of Gabapentin?

Title: Re: Any advice or experience?
Post by Mike NZ on Sep 22nd, 2012 at 5:58pm
I've no experience of the Gabapentin, but your other medication could probably do with some changes which should make a lot of difference.

The 240mg of verapamil is very much at the low end of what most people find effective, with most getting relief around 360-480mg and some needing to go as high as 1000mg. But only change this with your doctor.

Taking codeine and paracetamol for CH pain is pretty ineffective, especially the paracetamol and using codeine on a regular basis is likely to have other issues like dependency. It is pretty rare for pain killers to have much use in CH management.

Oxygen should be used as soon as a CH starts, not if pain killers don't work as you imply from your post. Using oxygen at a high flow rate via a non-rebreather mask can result in rapid aborts. I can kill mine off in about 5 minutes.

Sumatriptan 50mg sounds like you're taking the tablet form. Again this is not great for a CH as it can take about 20 minutes to become effective. It also sounds like you use this when all else has failed when triptans should be taken at the start of a CH to be most effective, with the injectable form being much quicker acting (about 6 minutes).

I'd discuss the above with your doctor to see if a few changes can make more difference.

Title: Re: Any advice or experience?
Post by idorko on Sep 22nd, 2012 at 6:44pm
Stronger narcotics than codeine are ineffective in treating cluster. Get oxygen. I'd go off Gabapentin and give Verapamil another shot. It's the best drug for most of us.

I know, it seems unrealistic, but you can get portable tanks to keep in your car that will last you three hits, assuming it aborts it in five-ten minutes and you stay on for fifteen total.
O2 aborts almost all of my attacks in sevenish minutes. It lessens the pain in about three or four.

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