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Message started by ch6.5 on Sep 17th, 2012 at 6:16am

Title: Red Bull
Post by ch6.5 on Sep 17th, 2012 at 6:16am
Hi -  New to site. THANK YOU !  seen alot of posts referring to red bull . At what point do people drink it ?  At first sign of attack ? Thanks

Title: Re: Red Bull
Post by AussieBrian on Sep 17th, 2012 at 7:08am
That's right, mate, at the absolute first hint of a hit ya guzzles him straight down. Doesn't have to be Red Bull as there's plenty of other brands, all of which taste awful, but the important bit is the caffiene-taurine mix.

Personally I'd be happier scholling used dish-water but a lot of people are getting fantastic relief from it. Give it a go, old fruit, cos it sure as hell can't hurt.

Title: Re: Red Bull
Post by ch6.5 on Sep 17th, 2012 at 7:12am
Thank you ! will try anything new to me . anything. Have a great day !

Title: Re: Red Bull
Post by niavas on Sep 17th, 2012 at 8:17am
Starbucks Double Shots is my saving grace. Can't drink Redbull, the smell even makes me feel ill. But if it came down to a CH or a Redbull guess which one would win!  :)

Title: Re: Red Bull
Post by ch6.5 on Sep 17th, 2012 at 8:51am
Got It. Thanks !

Title: Re: Red Bull
Post by japanzaman on Sep 17th, 2012 at 8:55am
I got some nasty rebound headaches using the taurine tryptan combo. If you find that you get nasty rebound headaches that last hours and hours, I would drop the caffeine and explore some other options. If the RB is doing the job, then keep chuggin. 8-)

Title: Re: Red Bull
Post by ch6.5 on Sep 17th, 2012 at 9:13am
Thank you Japanzaman !

Title: Re: Red Bull
Post by vietvet2tours on Sep 17th, 2012 at 9:43am
You haven't told us a darned thing about your ch.  Have you a proper diagnosis?


Title: Re: Red Bull
Post by ch6.5 on Sep 17th, 2012 at 11:25am
thanks for asking- yes - went 5 years without diagnosis. Mainly 3 months late winter when it was the worst. they thought it was nasal related so got roto-rooted only to have ch within days of that surgery. finally was properly diagnosed about 18 months ago. been on verapimil and recently was introduced to immitrex shots. they work tremendously but cant get enough since the last couple of months have been getting at least 2 attacks per day. I am just so happy to find you people. There were many a nights when i was glad we dont have a gun in the house.going to try everybody's suggestions !

Title: Re: Red Bull
Post by Brew on Sep 18th, 2012 at 8:05am
Instead of the endless merry-go-round of pills and shots, why not give this a whirl (in combination with your Red Bull)?

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Title: Re: Red Bull
Post by Kevin_M on Sep 18th, 2012 at 8:44am

Instead of the endless merry-go-round ...

First off, I'd wholeheartedly agree with Brew.  I've seen merry-go-rounds that comparatively make me look like I'm on a tame pony ride.

But, to mention...

been on verapimil ... the last couple of months have been getting at least 2 attacks per day.

Episodics and chronics have ups and downs with the frequency and intensity of hits at times.  Sometimes for a spell, preventatives can be lowered as the times seem less active.  With more activity, they may need to be increased.  Having a preventive med move lockstep with the CH activity is something to discuss with your doctor.  Letting him know, Maybe a tad more at this time is needed, I'm suffering.  And when things are good, Do you think I can lower my meds?  I'd like to give it a try. 

Over the many years, I just call my doc and tell him what I'm doing.  He okays it if I think it's ok and writes it down, we trust each other.

Another note.  I'd go with the Starbucks Double Shot, I know they've saved me at times.  The reason for the preference also is that the taurine in energy drinks doesn't go with verapamil, or shouldn't. 

Title: Re: Red Bull
Post by ch6.5 on Sep 18th, 2012 at 2:05pm
Thanks everyone. Seeing nuero on Thursday. Will discuss all. Got a bit of homework/research prior. Thanks again.

Title: Re: Red Bull
Post by Tussilago on Sep 20th, 2012 at 12:51am
I'm on the prowl for a taurine/caffeine SUGAR FREE combo.

Title: Re: Red Bull
Post by Cupper on Sep 20th, 2012 at 10:21am
Don't know why but it helps me for sure. i'd eat the can to if i thought it'd help more! Personally I take a chug then next hold a mouthful against my bad left side for about 30 secs letting it rest against my jaw. Taken a the first hint of an approaching Beast.

Title: Re: Red Bull
Post by LasVegas on Sep 20th, 2012 at 1:07pm

ch6.5 wrote on Sep 18th, 2012 at 2:05pm:
Thanks everyone. Seeing nuero on Thursday. Will discuss all. Got a bit of homework/research prior. Thanks again.

Most neurologists are not as educated as we CH'ers are about CH's.  Keep that in mind and prepare yourself with knowledge to speak intelligently.  Many of us have to educate our neurologists. 

Do not overwhelm them with a stack of paperwork as they will not read it.  On the contrary, you should have something printed off that is credible. 

There is nothing to educate your neuro on the Redbull subject beside letting him/her know you found something tht temporarily relieves pain a bit.  Certainly not a regular abortive, nor is this something that your neuro can prescribe.

fyi....There is no substitute for this Taurine/Caffeine combo.  In other words, no need to get a caffeine pill or Taurine pill and think you can pop a couple of these and it will provide the same relief; it will not!

One must slam/chug/drink an energy drink as fast as possible at onset of an attack.  Consuming ASAP to get this Taurine/Caffeine combo into your bloodstream ASAP.  Pills would take to long, kindof like Imitrex pills are ineffective for CH's as they take too long.  Super fast ingestion will act as a vasoconstrictor to your trigeminal nerve providing pain relief to many who drink it fast enough, at onset of attack.

Redbull, Rockstar, Monster, pick your drink as long as it has a healthy combo of Caffeine/Taurine.  The 5 hour energy drinks do not disclose the mg content of ingredients and would steer away from any deceptive claims of this product, despite some have reported abortive success.

Try using your search field above at the top of this screen and type in "Red Bull" or "Taurine" or "Energy Drink" and you will find recent (within the past 12 months) and archives of thread after thread after thread discussing this subject in much greater detail.

A cold RedBull can pressed against the eye/temple feels awesome ;)

How fast can you slam an 8 oz can?  Wanna race? ;D

Nationally, Target has a sale thru the end of September on 4-packs matching the per can prices of Costco who only sells by the case. 

Title: Re: Red Bull
Post by Ken_DFA on Sep 20th, 2012 at 3:44pm

Tussilago wrote on Sep 20th, 2012 at 12:51am:
I'm on the prowl for a taurine/caffeine SUGAR FREE combo.

Go for Monster in the blue-and-black can.  It's sugar-free and I swear by it.    I have one in the office fridge, one in my car's glovebox, and a half-case in my fridge at home. 


Title: Re: Red Bull
Post by Callico on Sep 22nd, 2012 at 2:10am

Tussilago wrote on Sep 20th, 2012 at 12:51am:
I'm on the prowl for a taurine/caffeine SUGAR FREE combo.

I use 5 hr Energy.  It is sugar free, and it is small enough that you can pour it into the back of your throat and don't have to taste it much.  If I remember rightly it contains a higher dosage of B vitamins that help me handle the stress that goes along with CH.  Seems also to help with controlling the hits, but that may be wishful thinking.  Seems to me they work better than does Monster or any of the other low-carb energy drinks.


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