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Message started by Tussilago on Sep 15th, 2012 at 4:37am

Title: Triptans
Post by Tussilago on Sep 15th, 2012 at 4:37am
I was previously on Immigran, no effect.

Then I got to try zomig once (1) before they took that out after they suspected I had a stroke.

Now I'm not on any of this type of medicine.

Is there any other you can try? They seem to be chilling on the stroke side after going through my scans again.

Loss of one sided movement of entire body, loss of speech and consciousness etc... I don't blame them for being a bit jumpy there.

Title: Re: Triptans
Post by Bob Johnson on Sep 15th, 2012 at 8:55am
Good docs!

Number of us have used this as an abortive, getting results almost as quickly as with Imitrex injection and 100% effective. It has been my only abortive since my first use.
Headache 2001 Sep;41(8):813-6 

Olanzapine as an Abortive Agent for Cluster Headache.

Rozen TD.
Department of Neurology, Jefferson Headache Center/Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate olanzapine as a cluster headache abortive agent in an open-label trial. BACKGROUND: Cluster headache is the most painful headache syndrome known. There are very few recognized abortive therapies for cluster headache and fewer for patients who have contraindications to vasoconstrictive drugs. METHODS: Olanzapine was given as an abortive agent to five patients with cluster headache in an open-label trial. THE INITIAL OLANZAPINE DOSE WAS 5 MG, AND THE DOSE WAS INCREASED TO 10 MG IF THERE WAS NO PAIN RELIEF. THE DOSAGE WAS DECREASED TO 2.5 MG IF THE 5-MG DOSE WAS EFFECTIVE BUT CAUSED ADVERSE EFFECTS. To be included in the study, each patient had to treat at least two attacks with either an effective dose or the highest tolerated dose. RESULTS: Five patients completed the investigation (four men, one woman; four with chronic cluster, one with episodic cluster). Olanzapine reduced cluster pain by at least 80% in four of five patients, and TWO PATIENTS BECAME HEADACHE-FREE AFTER TAKING THE DRUG. Olanzapine typically alleviated pain within 20 minutes after oral dosing and treatment response was consistent across multiple treated attacks. The only adverse event was sleepiness. CONCLUSIONS: Olanzapine appears to be a good abortive agent for cluster headache. IT ALLEVIATES PAIN QUICKLY AND HAS A CONSISTENT RESPONSE ACROSS MULTIPLE TREATED ATTACKS. IT APPEARS TO WORK IN BOTH EPISODIC AND CHRONIC CLUSTER HEADACHE.

PMID 11576207 PubMed


Olanzapine has a brand name of "Zyprexa" and is a antipsychotic. Don't be put off by this primary usage. Several of the drugs used to treat CH are cross over applications, that is, drugs approved by the FDA for one purpose which are found to be effective with unrelated conditions--BJ.
Since this abstract was first posted Zyprexa has appeared in some lists of recommended meds for CH. [BJ]

Title: Re: Triptans
Post by Tussilago on Sep 15th, 2012 at 12:47pm
I have previously been on this medication but discontinued treatment due to brutal side effects that made me unable to work.

At this stage am considering maybe the side effects are worth it....

As atm I'm left with oxygen as the only abortive, and my fingers won't always do as I tell them when I'm disoriented (and I live alone) so on a full scale attack that I wake up from I don't always manage to turn the tube on.

Title: Re: Triptans
Post by Brew on Sep 15th, 2012 at 1:01pm
Sure sounds to me like you would be a prime candidate for Batch's D3 regimen:

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Read. It's a LONG thread. Take notes. Don't go out and buy anything until you're done reading the entire thing, because the recommendations change over the course of the thread.

Title: Re: Triptans
Post by Tussilago on Sep 15th, 2012 at 1:04pm
I've made several attempts reading this thread and what I've been mailed over the past few months and interpreting it on what's available on our market.

And honestly I just get confused. D3 sure, great. But how much, what type etc... also to weigh in gender, i'm quite small etc. I can't figure out the type and dosage to go ahead with.

I bought something but got scared it's not the right stuff.

That said English is my third language....

Title: Re: Triptans
Post by Bob Johnson on Sep 15th, 2012 at 2:49pm
The document in the PDF file, below, is the latest evaluation of medications used for Cluster. I suspect your doctors know of this report. However, you can print it and then use it to discuss treatment options with the doctor.;file=THERAPIES-_Headache_2011.pdf (96 KB | 16 )

Title: Re: Triptans
Post by Chad on Sep 20th, 2012 at 11:52am

Tussilago wrote on Sep 15th, 2012 at 1:04pm:
I've made several attempts reading this thread and what I've been mailed over the past few months and interpreting it on what's available on our market.

And honestly I just get confused. D3 sure, great. But how much, what type etc... also to weigh in gender, i'm quite small etc. I can't figure out the type and dosage to go ahead with.

I bought something but got scared it's not the right stuff.

That said English is my third language....
As Batch's thread says, get your D3 levels checked and then you can adjust.  Doesn't matter how much you weigh or what brand you use, you need to know what your body contains first, then take it from there.

The blood test is the measuring stick.

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