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Message started by Clusterman59 on Sep 14th, 2012 at 12:52pm

Title: Cluster Sleep
Post by Clusterman59 on Sep 14th, 2012 at 12:52pm
Hey Cluster heads!
I have had a serious problem with my Clusters waking me within 10 to 15 minutes of hitting the pillow and falling asleep for many many years and it's just to the point were I don't want to sleep any more , my clusters are 5 times worse now than they use to be and I am scared to even sleep cause of that but the fact that I know is when I lay down to sleep and as soon as I fall asleep I will be up in 10 or 15 minutes with a Cluster and only god knows how severe it will be but now I know that it will be very severe so I just sit at my computer and read on this new site or on facebook or whatever and do it till I pass out from exhaustion then I get woken up by another cluster...... last night I had 6 and 3 were off the ricter scale and the other 3 were around a 7 to 9. Does anybody else out there have this problem with
getting them so quickly after laying down and falling asleep??

Title: Re: Cluster Sleep
Post by Bob Johnson on Sep 14th, 2012 at 1:04pm
Ask the druggist is he can get: ergotamine SL, 2mg.
(held under your tongue until it dissolves.)

One tab, one hour before bedtime, will often prevent a night time attack

Title: Re: Cluster Sleep
Post by Clusterman59 on Sep 14th, 2012 at 1:18pm
Hey Bob!!
Thank you for that info!!
God if that works for me!! I don't have the words!
Thank you Bob!! God Bless........Johnny

Title: Re: Cluster Sleep
Post by LasVegas on Sep 14th, 2012 at 3:22pm
The most important thing is just to get yourself on a preventative treatment plan, which I understand from your previous posts you are not doing.

Until then and/or in addition to a preventative treatment, consider taking Melatonin before bed which has also helped many with night time attacks!

Hope this advice helps you ;)

-Gregg in Las Vegas

Title: Re: Cluster Sleep
Post by Clusterman59 on Sep 14th, 2012 at 3:54pm
Hey Gregg!!
Yes Today I am getting my new referral for my CH specialist!
I am very excited to finally have something to look forward to as far as my treatment goes. The controlled stability and regular meds and new oxygen plan along with new treatment for sleeping properly are coming very soon I anticipate by Wednesday next week or sooner. So Gregg thank you very much for you help and concern it is very much appreciated
and welcomed. We will see how this goes but I expect much better than I have been treated in the 37 years I have suffered these dam things. Will keep you posted.....Johnny :)

Title: Re: Cluster Sleep
Post by LasVegas on Sep 14th, 2012 at 4:04pm
That's great news Johnny ;)

Remember YOU will most likely NEED to be better educated than your specialist.  Yes, you read that correctly!  Read, read, read as much as you are able to understand about Transitional, Preventive and Abortive treatments.

We ALL here understand your pain...physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and financially.

You are not alone!  Keep us posted, vent as desired 24/7 and of course ask questions as needed.

-Gregg in Las Vegas

Title: Re: Cluster Sleep
Post by ttnolan on Sep 14th, 2012 at 11:30pm
Hi Johnny,
It is so very common for us to get night hits, and for many, like you and I, we can not even get horizontal without getting hit. I get anywhere from 20 min. to maybe an hour max from the time my head hits the pillow. Being an insomniac this means I don't even have time to get to sleep. If I take any meds for that, I will fall asleep... but then don't get woken up till the HA is higher KIP... ouch!
The ergotamine tab is an idea, I also have used oral triptans (Relpax) with good success... in the sleep department anyway. I must warn anyone contemplating this path, and as always everyone reacts different... but the ergotamine had bad side effects for me thus no sleep, and the oral triptan caused some rather severe rebound headaches after using this method for a while. Everyone is different. If I ever do decide to go back to the oral triptan for sleep, I will only use it sparingly... say every third night.
Right now I spend a lot of nights passing out in my recliner in a mostly vertical position. Doesn't help much, but at least I get a few winks in here and there.
Good luck, and if you find a magic bullet for sleep, many here will be interested.

Title: Re: Cluster Sleep
Post by Clusterman59 on Sep 14th, 2012 at 11:48pm
Hey Gregg!!
My meeting with my GP went fantastic! lol! as you just said
I had learned so much here on this site that I blew him away! I had it all written down
and he got the neurologist on the phone right then and there!
and we had a conference that got the ball rolling I will get a new non rebreather mask with no holes and am going on a combination thearapy
of verapamil and topimax I couldn't get Imitrex injections as I have to many Clusters daily but they are working vigorously on a treatment plan for me. This is just so wonderful! I am so happy! My GP told me as I left that the neurologist was going to put my treatment plan together for me "STAT" and that I could get meds and new mask and what ever else he orders for me tomorrow Saturday at UCSD Thornton hospital
and he will be there to greet me so this is extraordinary!!
One of the treatments they are giving me actually calls for me to be in the hospital for 2 days for an I/V saturation of vitamin D. All I can say is it's about friggin time!!! This is just great it's finally happening!!.......Johnny ;)

Title: Re: Cluster Sleep
Post by LasVegas on Sep 14th, 2012 at 11:53pm

Title: Re: Cluster Sleep
Post by ttnolan on Sep 15th, 2012 at 12:42am
A good day in Clusterville.  :)
Keep us posted on your treatment plan and it's effectiveness.

Title: Re: Cluster Sleep
Post by Clusterman59 on Sep 15th, 2012 at 1:05am
Hey Friend!!
Yes it's exciting and it was great to see that I knew more than my GP! I told him about Red Bull and he said oh yeah it's the "Caffeine" and I said no it's the Taurine! and he didn't believe me! but we were talking to the specialist and he confirmed for me that it was the Taurine! My GP was floored! He said REALLY!! so my learning from this site was incredibly valuable as I was able to  by pass my GP and talk directly to the specialist and know what he was talking about! It was Great! I will keep you posted on the General post page here.
Thanks for your concern and interest!  Blessings....Johnny :)

Title: Re: Cluster Sleep
Post by Mike NZ on Sep 15th, 2012 at 1:43am
Great news!

For the Red Bull, it's the combination of caffeine and taurine that really makes the difference with better results than just taurine or just caffeine by themselves.

You've also now got an educated GP who not only can help treat you better, but anyone else who he sees who has CH. They will benefit from what you've told them.

Title: Re: Cluster Sleep
Post by Clusterman59 on Sep 15th, 2012 at 10:19am
Hey Mike!
Yes I was so pleased about the way things went!
and my GP is Actually going to use this site for some research!
So it went very well and I start my treatment plan today! exciting stuff thanks to you guy's!........Johnny

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