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Message started by Mike Bernardo on Aug 31st, 2012 at 1:26pm

Title: Lithium Sucks
Post by Mike Bernardo on Aug 31st, 2012 at 1:26pm
Day 3 of Lithium (600mg of Lithium, still on 300mg of Topo), and I suppose it's starting to 'build up' so the dopey side effect is hitting me now. I thought Topo was bad, but the 2 together is awful. Especially in a job where I need to think for 10-12 hours a day. Nothing like 2-3 Red Bulls to counteract. HAs still there, but I expect 2-3 weeks before I start to see anything, at a minimum. Also, if I'm chronic, as we suspect, not sure what the long-range plan is for treatment, and whether I can stayon this cocktail. If Lithium is like Topo, maybe the side effects will wear off (Topo side effects at 50mg the first few months were awful, now at 300mg, I feel hardly any side effects, 2 years later).

Anyway, I hope it works. though in my weakened state from the dopiness, it's making my grouchy, irritable, and snapping at everyone in my family. Maybe I should my wife on this site to talk to people in the supporters corner, because I think she's losing her perspective on what I'm actually going through. She understands the pain (as best she can), but I think she doesn't get what we all go through with the cocktails we must take, the shots, the trex side effects, the Topo and lithium and the uncertainty of the drugs, including the long term side effects, if any.

PF days to you all.

Title: Re: Lithium Sucks
Post by lydia nichole on Aug 31st, 2012 at 2:43pm
im sorry mike the say lithium is a mood stabilizer, but only for those who need there mood stabilizer. It made me feel irritable too. Hopefully the side effects subside and the good outweighs the bad and you get lots of PF days =)

Title: Re: Lithium Sucks
Post by Brew on Aug 31st, 2012 at 3:46pm
Funny, I only got those kinds of side effects on the front end of a prednisone taper.

Lithium mostly just made me tired. Little bit of hand tremor - mostly tired.

Title: Re: Lithium Sucks
Post by Mike Bernardo on Aug 31st, 2012 at 5:27pm
Yes, a little hand tremor, on the left side, which is the side I had issues from way back when they thought I had MS. Also, possible side effects list weight gain, though this is enhancing my lack of desire to eat, as the Topo kills my appetite. I mean, the Topo side effect has worn off a lot as an appetite suppressant, but the lithium seems to be bringing it back on, could be a little bit of nauseau, a little bit of making my head just feel awful.

Title: Re: Lithium Sucks
Post by AubanBird on Sep 1st, 2012 at 5:09am
i started out as 900mg of lithium a day.  most noted side affects were nausea when i would excersise or breath in deeply, and difficulty concentrating.  kinda like i was in a bit of a fog.  it also made me very thirsty.

the side affects cleared up within a few weeks though.

i wouldnt mind too much if i still had the side affects.  when i got done with the three week prednisone taper, the headaches didnt come back.  i really hope it works for you.

Title: Re: Lithium Sucks
Post by neuropath on Sep 3rd, 2012 at 10:57pm
Could be that the Topamax is more at fault than Lithium? Were you requested to take both? Topamax was horrible for and I stopped it after a few weeks, for it didnt even dent my CH and because the side effects were intolerable.

600 mg Lithium may be on the low side. It only started working for me at 900 mg and the majority of side effects disappeared after a few weeks. Some level of tiredness stays but its nothing that cant be dealt with with a few coffees.

Regular blood tests for thyroid, kidney and liver functions are critical, particularly in the first few months. Additionally, lithium levels need to be checked at the same time.

Closest thing I have had to a silver bullet thus far.

Good luck.

Title: Re: Lithium Sucks
Post by Guiseppi on Sep 4th, 2012 at 5:04pm
I'm with neuro. I use 1200 Mg a day on cycle and experience almost zero side effects. I pee a lot the first few weeks and get minimal lethargy nothing a cup of coffee doesn't eliminate. Its been my silver bullet for well over 25 years. Hope it provides the same level of relief for you.


Title: Re: Lithium Sucks
Post by Mike Bernardo on Sep 4th, 2012 at 6:11pm
My headaches seem to poke through everything. I've been tolerating Topo pretty well, and most of the Topo side effects are gone. I've been on it for 2 years, on and off, and have been on it this round since December. I think the 2 together is what's doing it, but you're both right, it will probably wear off. Plus, the pain I'm in is wearing me down. I know last night I woke up screaming at 12:45 again. The interrupted sleep and being in pain, as you all know, wears you down, and the meds don't help with that when they make you even a little tired. It will pass, I'm sure, and then if I go up to 900 or 1200 of lithium, it will be ok too after a time. My brother is my regular doctor and monitors all my blood, particularly since I have celiac as well, and have to check my iron, hemoglobin, B12 and gliadins regularly.

Title: Re: Lithium Sucks
Post by Guiseppi on Sep 4th, 2012 at 6:17pm
Crossing my fingers you can catch a break soon Mike.


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